Abbreviations: (A) Article; ABC, American Baptist Convention; (B) Book Review; (CRT) Current Religious Thought; EUB, Evangelical United Brethren; ICCC, International Council of Christian Churches; (L) Letter to the Editor; (LF) A Layman and His Faith; (MW) The Minister’s Workshop; (N) News; NAE, National Association of Evangelicals; NCC, National Council of Churches; NOG, No Other Gospel; NYC, New York City; OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity; (P) Poem; POAU, Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State; (PR) Preacher in the Red; (Q) Quotation; RC, Roman Catholicism; RCDA, Religion in Communist Dominated Areas; SBC, Southern Baptist Convention; US, United States; USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development; USIA, U.S. Information Agency; USSR, Soviet Union; WCC, World Council of Churches.
Book reviews are indexed under author and title of book. Reviewer’s name appears in parentheses. Denominations and related items are listed in broad groupings such as Baptists; Lutherans.
This volume and all preceding volumes are available on microfilm through University Microfilms, Inc., 313 North First Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107.
The content of CHRISTIANITY TODAY is surveyed and indexed for various interests by the following reference lists:
1. Christian Periodical Index, Christian Librarians’ Fellowship;
2. Index to Religious Periodical Literature, American Theological Library Association;
3. International Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft and Grenzgebiete (International Periodical for Bible Knowledge and Related Subjects), Tübingen, Germany;
4. New Testament Abstracts, Theological Faculty of Weston College, Massachusetts;
5. Religious and Theological Abstracts, Theological Publications, Myerstown, Pennsylvania.
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 835
Colorado liberalizes laws on (N), 837
debate on easing of laws (N), 779
Patricia Maginnis, teacher of (N), 1252
Washington conference (N), 1252
Achieving Great Things for God, by W. Maxey Jarman (A), 294
Acts, Book of
analyzing apostles’ sermons (A), 152
Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis and (B), 714
new commentaries on (B), 1150
new publication of the charismatic movement (N), 1214
Adams, James L.: Did Churches Win War on Shriver? (N), 670
How the Churches Lobby (A), 849
More Sisters Secularize (N), 1161
Race and Riots Engage United Church (N), 1054
Top Clergy Clash on Viet Nam (N), 829
Adams, Lane
teams with George Beverly Shea for Ontario crusade (N), 285
last missionaries to leave by September 9 (N), 1218
God-sent discipline (LF), 94
Christianity Today policy (E), 509
Affirmations of the Atonement in Current Theology, Part I, by William Childs Robinson (A), 545; Part II (A), 594
North African church vanished (A), 195
African Diary, by Wayne Dehoney (George A. Dunger) (B), 113
After Berlin, What? (E), 162
After Hash, a Barbecue, by Arthur H. Matthews (N), 572
Agency for International Development
gives $1 million worth of surplus property to Church World Service (N), 236
Aid for Distressed Brethren (E), 308
Air Force Academy
Terry, Roy M., Protestant chaplain (N), 1164
Aland, Kurt, et al. (ed.): The Greek New Testament (Everett F. Harrison) (B), 357
closes last Roman Catholic churches (N), 1110
Albert, Stewart
Jew turns Marxist (N), 579
Albertz, Heinrich
former Protestant pastor, in line to succeed Willy Brandt (N), 372
affects 18 million family members (N), 1165
excessive drinking a factor in half of highway deaths (N), 1165
ministering to alcoholics (B), 318
National Center to be established (E), 162
statistics on its results (N), 1165
All Scripture Is Profitable, by Leroy Nixon (MW), 1000
Alliance Witness
Enlow, David R., new associate editor (N), 1164
Aim, Helge
president of Swedish Missions Council (N), 533
Alternatives to Christian Belief, by Leslie Paul (Howard A. Redmond) (B), 771
Althaus, Paul: The Theology of Martin Luther (Ralph A. Bohlmann) (B), 874
Altizer, Thomas J. J.
‘soon-to-be-extinct representative’ (N), 623
Altizer, Thomas J. J., and Montgomery, John Warwick: The Waning Death-of-God Tumult (A), 856
America and the Future of Theology, ed. by William A. Beardsley (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 872
America Faces Critical Decisions (E), 400
American Bible Society
50% increase in distribution (N), 924
American Board of Missions to the Jews
seeks to enlist and train evangelists (N), 533
American Church Union
against COCU merger (N), 568
American Council of Christian Churches
Charleston, S.C., meeting (N), 179
American culture
Christian critique of (B), 1151
American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry
opens counseling center in Harlem (N), 124
American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry to emphasize counseling training in new Chicago office (N), 932
American Friends Service Committee
observes fiftieth anniversary (N), 885
opens children’s day care center in Viet Nam (N), 285
American Jewish Congress
reports thirty-two religious liberty lawsuits pending at beginning of 1967 (N), 475
American Sunday-School Union
150th anniversary (N), 830
movement against (A), 1067
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
oppose religious symbols on stamps (N), 975
and the public schools (N), 530
church schools may be exempt from regulation in Iowa (N), 1118
migration of (N), 530
reflections on (A), 607
Amos Goes to Washington, by Lon Woodrum (A), 607
Anabaptist Baptism, by Rollin Stely Armour (William Nigel Kerr) (B), 874
stamped out by persecution (A), 1123
Analysis of the New Left: A Gospel of Nihilism, An, by J. Edgar Hoover (A), 1067
Anatomy of the Ministry, The, by Gene E. Moffatt (Richard P. Buchman) (B), 817
Anchor Bible, The, Volume 12: I Chronicles and Volume 13: II Chronicles, ed. by Jacob M. Myers (Carl E. DeVries) (B), 168
Anchor Bible, Volume 31: The Acts of the Apostles, ed. by Johannes Munck (David W. Mcllvaine) (B), 1150
Ancient Orient and Old Testament, by K. A. Kitchen (Marvin R. Wilson) (B), 665
Anderson, Gerald H. (ed.): Christian Mission in Theological Perspective: An Inquiry by Methodists (Horace L. Fenton, Jr.) (B), 614
Anderson, Herbert S.
general director, Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (N), 1015
Andrae, Tor
quoted on vanishing vitality of church (A), 196
Anglican Church of Australia
proposed name for the Church of England in Australia (N), 236
Anglican evangelicals abortion and (N), 835
automation and (N), 834
divorce and (N), 835
merger with Methodists stalls (N), 1113
race and (N), 835
separation and (N), 834
sex and (N), 835
situation ethics and (N), 835
social action and (N), 834
war and (N), 834
Anglican Evangelicals Issue Dramatic Credo, by J. D. Douglas (N), 833
and RC talks on mixed marriages (N), 465
biennial synod meets in Canada (N), 1211
Canadians protest Ramsey’s statement (N), 121
Church of England
to reconsider Thirty-Nine Articles (N), 780
continue to lose members in Canada (N), 1211
Evangelical Congress credo (N), 833
Irish bishops charge that Catholic changes in mixed-marriage rules are superficial (N), 372
merger with Methodists stalls (N), 1113
prayers for the dead in liturgy (N), 122
Protestant Episcopal Church
too much ‘lowerarchy’ (N), 879
union with the United Church of Canada discussed (N), 1211
Anti-Mind Mood of Our Era, The (E), 1144
in the New Testament? (A), 548
is the New Testament against the Jews? (L), 701
RC and (B), 1046
Vatican II and (B), 224
evaluation of the Oxford Annotated Bible (B), 317
Apostles of Infinite Love
charged with neglect of communally raised children (N), 533
Arabic Baptists in America, by O. Wilson Okite (N), 280
church planned for mission among (N), 280
dictionary of, evaluated (B), 268
Solomon’s gate discovered at Gezer (N), 927
underestimation of ancient man (B), 517
Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries, by James L. Kelso (Earl S. Kalland) (B), 517
Are Catholic and Protestant Clergy Moving Toward Intercommunion? by M. Eugene Osterhaven (A), 1232
Character (LF), 1244
The Hermeneutical Problem (CRT), 1264
Are Churchmen Failing Servicemen in Viet Nam? (E), 1094
Are We Burying the Gospel at the Grave?, by Duane H. Thebeau (A), 591
evangelical centenary (N), 1011
Argentine Centenary, by Alec Clifford (N), 1011
condemnation and restoration (A), 945
Armbruster, Carl J., S.J.: The Vision of Paul Tillich (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
Armenian Church of North America
Tookman, Lillian, new public-relations director (N), 1219
Armenti, Carmen
gets approval for RC-Orthodox wedding ceremonies (N), 126
Armour, Rollin Stely: Anabaptist Baptism (William Nigel Kerr) (B), 874
Arnott, Robert J.
resigns as president at Berkeley Baptist Divinity School (N), 467
and the future (forum), 381
taste and distaste in religious (L), 20
‘worst period of’ (N), 1216
Artistry of Walt Disney, The (E), 355
Asbury, Beverly A.
chaplain of Vanderbilt University (N), 126
Asbury, Francis
needed biography of (B), 406
Southeast Asian Scholarship Fund
Lutheran cooperation dependent upon creed (N), 879
Asian Evangelists Commission
holds crusade in Colombo, Ceylon (N), 236
Assault on Belief, by Reginald Stackhouse (CRT), 734
Assessing Jehovah’s Witnesses, by Anthony A. Hoekema (A), 1030
Associated Church Press
considers joint convention with EPA in 1971 (N), 1218
Fields, W. C., new president (N), 836
At Ease in Zion: Social History of Southern Baptists, 1865–1900, by Rufus B. Spain (Samuel Southard) (B), 1049
banishment of (A), 945
Vatican II and (B), 1105
denies existence of intercommunion between Orthodox and other churches (N), 836
receives Pope Paul (N), 1114
Turks trying to force him out (N), 120
affirmations of the (A), 545
cross and the (A), 594
in current theology (A), 594
no remission of sins without the (LF), 660
view of, important in evangelism (CRT), 190
Audu, Ishaya: The Urgency and Relevancy of Evangelism (A), 137
Augsburg Publishing House
makes voluntary municipal tax payment (N), 780
Austin, Jean, et al.: What’s the Sense of Work? (panel), 1125
Anglicans request admission to Methodist-Presbyterian-Congregationalist merger talks (N), 372
Congregationalism ‘a dying church’ (N), 1013
low standard in theological education (N), 624
Methodists to treat drug addicts (N), 124
missionary force grows (N), 837
RC population soon to be largest (N), 125
Philip N. W. Strong elected primate of Church of England in Australia (N), 60
Sydney’s Life Line Center damaged by fire (N), 1255
Victorian Congress on Evangelism (N), 1247
Australian Council of Churches
Cook, A. Bramwell, new president (N), 836
Authority for Evangelism, The, by Johannes Schneider (A), 68
Authority of the Old Testament, The, by John Bright (Robert B. Laurin) (B), 1003
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 834
Ave Atque Vale, by Eutychus II (L), 173
Averill, Lloyd J.
named president of the Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities (N), 732
Avison, Margaret: The Dumbfounding (David D. Stewart) (B), 665
Ayore Indians
missionary work among the (B), 274
Babbie, Earl R., et. al.: To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church (Edwin M. Yamuchi) (B), 1206
Back to Bethlehem, by Dwight L. Baker (N), 325
Bagger, Henry H., death of (N), 733
Bakal, Carl: The Right to Bear Arms (David O. Moberg) (B), 110
Baker Book House
warehouse damaged in windstorm (N), 885
Baker, Dwight L., and Genet, Harry W.: Mideast: Weighing the Effects (N), 1007
Baker, Dwight L.: Back to Bethlehem (N), 325
A Christian to Lead Nazareth (N), 577
Digging Solomon’s Wall (N), 927
How A Whole Church Vanished (A), 195
Jerusalem: A Third Temple? (N), 1050
Tensions in Jewry (N), 883
Ball, Charles Ferguson: The Joy of Preaching (MW), 612
Balthasar, Hans Urs von: The God Question and Modern Man (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 872
Bandy, Leland A., et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Banowsky, William S.: Tolerance and Truth (A), 1132
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Art Wilson re-elected president (N), 126
Baptist Indignation Mounts (E), 355
believers’ (A), 688
Bible and (L), 806
Campbellite Controversy (A), 689
conflict over (A), 688
infant, case for (A), 688
key to anabaptism (B), 874
Landmark Movement and (A), 689
American Baptist Association
platform planks proposed (N), 1056
American Baptist Convention
declines joining in crusade (N), 229; (E), 355
decrease in baptisms (E), 355
evangelism program to be studied (N), 923
finds areas of agreement with Roman Catholics (N), 780
guidelines for new outreach (B), 920
members attack evangelism secretary (N), 776
need to reverse direction of its National Evangelistic Team (E), 710
Riseling, Richard L., director of international affairs, Division of Christian Social Concern (N), 933
strategy meeting (N), 571
Baptist Church in Canada
looser divorce laws wanted (N), 1009
Baptist Federation of Canada
favoring a Baptist union of Canada (N), 1112
Baptist General Conference
against federal aid (N), 1056
Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland
Payne, Ernest A., retires as general secretary (N), 1118
Russell, David S., new general secretary (N), 1118
Baptist Unity Movement and ecumenism (N), 1157
Berkeley Baptist Divinity School
President R. J. Arnott resigns (N), 467
British Baptist Union Council rejects current merger plans (N), 780
conference canceled (N), 1012
Conservative Baptist Association
reaffirms fundamentalist stand (N), 1056
distinctive tenets of (A), 691
ecumenism and (B), 967
English-language churches in France closed (N), 124
Evangelical Baptist Missions, Inc., plans building (N), 280
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
protests use of tax money for religious interests (N), 1056
group jailed as Communists in Mexico (N), 975
Hungarian Baptist Seminary has fourteen students (N), 187
in Congo, seek independence of U.S. missions (N), 932
master file on wayward preachers proposed (N), 124
McDormand, Thomas B., general secretary, Atlantic United Baptist Convention of Canada (N), 1063
missionary buys plane with trading stamps (N), 533
open new churches in Vall de Uxo and Madrid, Spain (N), 285
print tracts in Poland (N), 723
Southern Baptist Convention
appoints Negro career missionary (N), 885
cancels South African preaching tour (E), 814
federal school aid debated (N), 279
Florida Baptist Convention to start new college (N), 776
Home Mission Board permitting more than 6% interest on church construction loans (N), 327
Kentucky Southern College freed from church control (N), 671
leaders favor evangelical cooperation (N), 970
membership reaches record high (N), 629
1967 annual meeting of messengers (N), 969
1969 crusade discussed (N), 571
plans revival crusade in South Africa September 1967 (N), 327
problem of federal aid (N), 1053
slow penetration of Northeast (N), 122
social history of Southern Baptists (B), 1049
society and (N), 726
sponsors crusade in Dayton, Ohio, area (N), 1165
thirty pastors to participate in South African crusade (N), 1218
Southern church leaving Negro neighborhood (N), 122
Soviet Russia Baptists urge peace (N), 729
Soviet Union
100th anniversary (N), 1110
reject modernism (N), 116
Swedish weekly raps Judson College (N), 975
Viet Nam church baptizes converts in military life raft (N), 474
Baptists and Christian Unity, by William R. Estep (Thomas B. McDormand) (B), 967
Baptists Scan U. S. Aid, by Edward H. Pitts (N), 279
Barbour, Ian G.: Issues in Science and Religion (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 108
Barnette, Henlee H.: The New Theology and Morality (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 1098
Barr, James: Old and New in Interpretation: A Study of the Two Testaments (David P. Scaer) (B), 358
Barragy, William J., death of (N), 1012
Barth, Karl
How I Changed My Mind (Geoffrey W. Bromiley) (B), 517
summary of his Church Dogmatics reviewed (B), 1203
Bartsch, H. Elmer
appointed deputy interim chief of Expo ’67 Christian Pavilion (N), 420
Basic Theology of Evangelism, The, by Harold John Ockenga (A), 73
Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling: New Resources for Ministering to the Troubled, by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr. (Charles M. Bryan) (B), 407
Battles, Ford Lewis
to teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (N), 1255
Bauer, Paul
Changing the Rules (LF), 1090
Example (LF), 994
Unfolding Destiny (LF), 1044
Wizzards That Peep and Mutter (Andre Bustanaby) (B), 1099
Baum, William W.
to become chancellor of Kansas City Catholic diocese (N), 885
Bavinck, J. H.: The Church Between Temple and Mosque (Anthony A. Hoekema) (B), 872
Bayly, Joseph T.: Congo Crisis (C. Darby Fulton) (B), 221
Be Occupied With Preaching!, by Paul Eppinger (A), 901
Bea, Augustin Cardinal: The Church and the Jewish People (Belden Menkus) (B), 224
Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume V: The Minor Prophets, by Oscar F. Reed, et al. (Bruce K. Waltke) (B). 222
Beardsley, William A. (ed.): America and the Future of Theology (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 872
Behind the Dim Unknown, ed. by John Clover Monsma (Albert L. Hedrich) (B), 169
Beidler, Barbara
poem on Viet Nam war (N), 576
Believing and Knowing, by Emerson Shideler (Charles C. Ryrie) (B), 520
Bell L. Nelson:
Blood-Bought (LF), 660
Changing the Rules (LF), 1090
Christmas Implications (LF), 260
Controversy (LF), 1138
Danger Ahead (F), 810
Distinctives of the Christian Life (LF), 605
Example (LF), 994
Have You? (LF), 30
Honest with God (LF), 506
How Big Is God? (LF), 212
library at Montreot-Anderson College named in his honor (N), 373; (E), 454
Pitfalls (LF), 1194
Recharging the Batteries (LF), 396
Regeneration and Sanctification (LF), 455
Revelation and Reason (LF), 163
Roger, Over (LF), 764
Steadfast or Wavering (LF), 94
Supernaturalized Citizens (LF), 706
Then and Now (LF), 868
Two Kingdoms (LF), 350
Unfolding Destiny (LF), 1044
Very Personal (LF), 910
A Willful Blackout (LF), 310
Wisdom from Above (LF), 960
Benoit, Jean-Paul
leads meeting of French-speaking evangelicals (N), 932
Benson, Dennis C.
dismissed as Religious Life Director of Waynesburg College (N), 932
Berger, Rabbi Elmer
involvement in social action (E), 161
Bergmann, Gerhard
leader of the NOG movement (N), 675
Reformation 1517 and 1966 (A), 144
Berkhof, Hendrikus: Christ the Meaning of History (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
Berkhouwer, G. C.
Calling the Church to the Gospel (CRT), 976
1517–1967 (CRT), 678
Hearing and Doing the Word (CRT), 128
Reviewing Revelation (CRT), 374
Albrecht Schonherr heads ecclesiastical affairs in East Zone for Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg (N), 474
Berlin Prepares for World Congress (N), 50
Bersell, Petrus Olof, death of (N), 885
Bethel Circle
beginning of the NOG movement (N), 675
cooperation between Israel and Jordan at Christmas celebration (N), 325
Bethlehem’s Stall, by Jill Morgan (P), 254
Between Faith and Thought: Reflections and Suggestions, by Richard Kroner (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
Beyond the Night and the Slough, by Henry Hutto (P), 593
Bible, The
a newsman’s view of the (B), 873
American Orthodox version planned (N), 836
authority of, discussed (L), 304
Beacon commentary evaluated (B), 222
British and Foreign Bible Society shipping Bibles to Eastern Europe (N), 419
changed attitude among Catholics (CRT), 128
Christians must listen to (CRT), 128
common Bible for all Christians? (N), 228
discussion of (CRT), 584
distribution of, restricted in Pennsylvania schools (N), 932
Dutch aid in Bible study to be published (N), 364
effective for conversion (A), 1019
evaluation of the Oxford Annotated Bible (B), 317
Greek and Hebrew culture in the (B), 358
hand-written, produced by Ottawa church (N), 1063
hatred for an infallible (E), 559
honored by Educational Communication Association (N), 236
inerrancy and arrogance (L), 698
inerrancy not agreed on (E), 1043
may be taught as literature in Harlan, Kentucky, high school (N), 285
modified RSV for Catholics (B), 44
new morality and the (panel), 1021
New Testament published in Koho (Viet Nam) dialect (N), 1014
problems of a common (E), 608
quest for a common (E), 452
Unger’s Handbook reviewed (B), 407
Washington Wax Museum on the, to open (N), 578
Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship
Mariano Di Gangi new Canadian Director (N), 677
Bible and the New Morality, The, by Carl F. H. Henry, James Daane, John Warwick Montgomery, and Leon Morris (panel), 1021
Bible in Wax, by William D. Freeland (N), 578
Bible Literature International
new name of Bible Meditation League (N), 1218
Bible Meditation League
changes name to Bible Literature International (N), 1218
Bible, The: Selections from the King James Version, ed. by Roland Mushat Frye (Calvin D. Linton) (B), 168
Bible study
weekly classes (A), 206
‘Bible Study Hour, The’
Benjamin Haden to succeed D. Reginald Thomas (N), 533
Bibletown, U.S.A.
faced with big debts (N), 578
Biblical criticism
C. S. Lewis on (A), 895
Biblical Ethics: A Survey, by T. B. Maston (Reginald Stackhouse) (B), 1006
Biblical World, The: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, ed. by Charles F. Pfeiffer (Francis I. Andersen) (B), 268
Montgomery answers Arnold (L), 173
Billy Graham Faces Berkeley Rebels, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 526
Binns, Walter Pope, death of (N), 326
contemporary thought and (A), 843
Bird, George L.: Does the Press Fail in Religious News Reporting? (A), 11
Bird, George L., and Dean, Lillian Harris: Christians Can Learn from Communications Theorists (A), 384
Bird, George L.; Mason, David; Henry, Carl F. H.; and Cassels, Louis: Crisis in Communication (panel), 4
Birth control
a new encyclical on? (N), 1157
animal tests ordered on all contraceptive pills (N), 1165
British Family Planning Association gives advice to all applicants over 16 (N), 1118
condemned by Greek Orthodox Church (N), 836
discussion of methods (N), 523
Pope Paul silent (E), 219
‘scoop’ by Catholic paper (N), 829
survey reveals that 53% of American Catholic wives use contraceptives (N), 327
Birth Control: Which Methods Are Moral? (N), 523
Black, Hubert: Good God! Cry or Credo? (Robert Boyd Munger) (B), 458
Black, Matthew, et al. (ed.): The Greek New Testament (Everett F. Harrison (B), 357
‘Black Power’
Negro Baptists see no value in (N), 52
Wright and (N), 1108
‘Black Power’ in Church, by O. Wilson Okite (N), 180
Blackham, H. J.: Religion in a Modern Society (Howard A. Redmond) (B), 771
Blackmore, James H.: A Preacher’s Temptations (Richard P. Buchman) (B). 817
Blackwood, Andrew W., Jr.: The Other Son of Man: Ezekiel/Jesus (Larry L. Walker) (B), 968
Blaiklock, E. M.: Resurrection in New Zealand (N), 674
Blake, Eugene Carson
calls Viet Nam policy ‘danger to human survival’ (N), 837
emphasizes evangelism (E), 265
named Churchman of the Year (N), 780
Blakney, Charles
fined in Southern Rhodesia for ‘anti-police’ sermon (N), 326
Blanshard, Paul: Paul Blanshard on Vatican II (James Leo Garrett) (B), 1102
Blessing of Evangelical Reading, The (E), 97
Bloesch, Donald G.: The Christian Life and Salvation (Walter Mueller) (B), 1149
Blood-Bought, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 660
Blount, F. Nelson, death of (N), 1254
B’nai B’rith
community award to catholic priest (N), 1164
Board, Stephen: Fact and Faith in Modern Theology (A), 847
Böckle, Franz (ed.): Concilium, Volume 15: War, Poverty, Freedom (Edmund A. Opitz) (B), 109
Boettcher, Henry J.: Three Philosophies of Education (John W. Snyder) (B), 1103
Boice, James Montgomery: ‘I Believe in COCU’? (A), 739
Presbyterian Assembly Ratifies Confessional Shift (N), 922
missionary work among the Ayores (B), 274
Bolten, John, Sr.: Listen, Clergymenl (A), 291
Bolton, Charles A.: The Fate of Reformers in the Roman Fold (A), 979
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
‘creative misuse’ of his theology (N), 415
Bonnell, John S.
quoted on ‘action theologies’ (E), 161
Book, The: A Transforming Power (E), 452
Choice Evangelical (A), 437
forthcoming religious (A), 438
new fall entries (A), 1185
publishers’ selections (A), 439
reading for theological literacy (A), 1200
Boutillier, Eugene
ordained by church-labor lobby (N), 671
Bowman, Locke W., Jr.: Straight Talk About Teaching in Today’s Church (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Box, Marquita: Texas Tilt: Nuns in School (N), 116
Boyd, Ann S.: The Devil with James Bond (Clyde S. Kilby) (B), 564
Boyd, Malcolm
on the ‘underground church’ (N), 572
Braaten, Carl E.: New Directions in Theology Today, Volume II: History and Hermeneutics (Edward John Cornell) (B), 220
Bratcher, Robert G. (ed.): Today’s English Version of the New Testament (J. Harold Greenlee) (B), 317
Pentecostals gain In Brazil (N), 1113
Presbyterian layman arrested for ecumenical activities (N), 780
Brethren in Christ
Arthur M. Climenhaga appointed to administrative bishopric (N), 473
Bricker, Neal
Should one patient die for another? (N), 322
Bright, John: The Authority of the Old Testament (Robert B. Laurin) (B), 1003
Brimigion, Stephen
treasurer of Methodist home missions (N), 126
Bristol Sessions Advance Presbyterian-Reformed Tie, by Robert L. Cleath (N), 1008
British and Foreign Bible Society
sending Bibles to Eastern Europe (N), 419
Brobeck, John R.
on medical science and human life (forum), 379
Bromiley, Geoffrey W.:
Orthodoxy’s Task in an Age of Theological Confusion (A), 748
Who Says the New Testament Is Anti-Semitic? (A), 548
A Year of Mixed Blessings in Church History and Theology (A), 427
Brother Lawrence
interpretation of (B), 1049
Brow, Robert: Religion: Origins and Ideas (James I. Packer) (B), 1005
Brown, Bob W., and Buchanan, Henry A.: Will Protestant Church Schools Become a Third Force? (A), 787
Brown, Colin: Karl Barth and the Christian Message (Fred H. Klooster) (B), 1203
Brown, John Pairman
dismissed from faculty of Church Divinity School of the Pacific (N), 779
Brown, Lillian Brooks, et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Brown, M. Judy
resigns as headmistress of Stony Brook Girls’ School (N), 975
Brown, Robert McAfee: The Ecumenical Revolution (Bruce Shelley) (B), 1259
Brown, Sam W.
loses race for presidency of N.S.A. (N), 1218
Browne, Michael: Red Guards: China’s Mini-Mao Revivalists (N), 472
Bruce, F. F.: Noteworthy Advances in the New Testament Field (A), 433
Buchanan, Henry A., and Brown, Bob W.: Will Protestant Church Schools Become a Third Force? (A), 787
in minority in Vietnamese constitutional assembly (N), 60
Building on the Bible, by Vernon C. Grounds (A), 201
Bullitt, William C.
on Woodrow Wilson (N), 320
Bultmann, Rudolf
his theology discussed (E), 306
Christian (A), 591
Burnett, B. B.
new secretary of the Christian Council of South Africa (N), 284
Burton, Frances H.
marries former Catholic chancellor (N), 419
Bustanoby, Andre: An Open Letter to Jane Ordinary (A), 598
By My Spirit, by Kyung Chik Han (A), 155
execution of Aaron Mitchell (N), 825
liberalizes abortion law (N), 1058
not to toughen anti-obscenity laws (N), 233
rescue mission boycotted (N), 774
warring labor unions (N), 1108
Call for Evangelical Unity, A (N), 177
Callahan, Daniel (ed.): The Secular City Debate (Don DeYoung) (B), 405
Calling the Church to the Gospel, by G. C. Berkouwer (CRT), 976
Calvin, John
misunderstanding about, cleared away (B), 314
quoted on civil magistrates (A), 1027
research on, undertaken by T. Christie Innes (N), 473
ICCC clergymen expelled (N), 582; 629
schismatic Presbyterian group in (L), 757
Campbellite Controversy
baptism and (A), 689
problems of (CRT), 1064
aerialists married at London, Ontario, fair (N), 125
atheism in (B), 664
Baptist union in, wants divorce laws relaxed (N), 1009
Baptists favor a union of Canada (N), 1112
CEA considers character in education (N), 421
centennial crisis (A), 644
centennial issue—see March 31, 1967
Christian Homes, Inc.
not a charitable enterprise (N), 278
Christian pavilion at Expo ’67 (N), 369
church colleges In (B), 667
Church during a century (E), 656
church growth (B), 666
church merger a rocky voyage (N), 880
churches—changing (A), 640
churches during four centuries (B), 666
churches—strengths and weaknesses (A), 637
churchmen plan two new colleges (N), 676
divorce reform in (N), 728
ecumenism in (A), 643
Evangelical Fellowship meets (N), 721
evangelical renaissance in? (E), 865
evangelistic frontiers (A), 651
Expo ’67
and ecumenism (E), 267
description of (N), 773
first nun in civil service post (N), 125
Ford crusade in (N), 51
‘idea of God no longer acceptable’ (CRT), 734
Kulbeck elected president of Canadian Church Press (N), 533
Logan-Vencta, John, new moderator of Presbyterian Church (N), 975
Margaret Avison’s poetry (A), 653
Mennonites leave Peace River for Bolivia to escape modern pressures (N), 1218
missionary outreach of churches (A), 648
Montreal court invalidates disinheritance clause in Jewish will (N), 236
national medal inscribed with Hebrews 11:16 (N), 975
Opperman plans Christian center for Toronto (N), 882
Ottawa church produces hand-written Bible (N), 1063
Paisley urges boycott of WCC (N), 882
population by ethnic groups (A), 635
Presbyterian Church, annual meeting (N), 1009
protest against Ramsey (N), 121
Queen Elizabeth attends celebration (N), 1052
radio station represses clergy comment on liquor laws (N), 837
Richmond College
evangelicals in a dilemma (N), 1162
Roman Catholic Church
bishops not to oppose new laws on divorce (N), 777
releases new Christmas stamp (N), 60
religions in (A), 636
secularism in (CRT), 1016
Templeton withdraws from political race in Ontario (N), 284
theological climate in (A), 646
United Church of Canada
advocates divorce (E), 560
plans five ecumenical training centers (N), 975
reports first membership drop (N), 975
to appoint 40 new missionaries (N), 777
to publish ecumenical magazine (N), 124
unity in (N), 1211
Canada Celebrates Its Centennial (E), 635
Canada: Evangelical Pallor, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 721
Canada Maps Divorce Reform, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 728
Canada: Missions Upsurge, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 777
Canada’s Religions (chart), 636
Canadian Church on Divorce (E), 560
Canadian Churches, The, by James R. Mutchmof (A), 637
Canadian Churchmen Plan Two New Colleges (N), 676
Canadian Council of Churches
organizational changes (N), 321
Canadian Council Revamps, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 321
Canadian Merger: Rocky Voyage, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 880
Canadian Unity—In and Out of Church, by William Fitch (N), 1211
Seventh-day Adventists and (N), 180
Capelleveen, Jan J. van: Catholic Catechism Cataclysm (N), 184
Costly Apartheid (N), 1012
Europe in a Changing Mood (A), 383
Germany: The New Resistance (N), 675
Kirchentag: Left to the Left (N), 1056
Learning in Splitting (N), 1161
Soup with a Fork? (N), 364
The Old Country Has Changed (N), 1158
Capon, Robert Farrar: An Offering of Uncles: The Priesthood of Adam and the Shape of the World (James W. Sire) (B), 769
Captive, by Gloria Maxson (P), 342
Carroll, Edward
chosen as USIA religion advisor (N), 671
Cornell, Edward John, death of (E), 814; (N), 836
Carter, Pat H.: Missionary, Come Home? (A), 985
Cassels, Louis
wins Religious Newswriters Association’s Supple Award (N), 1118
Your Bible (John H. Kromminga) (B), 873
Cassels, Louis; Bird, George L.; Mason, David; and Henry, Carl F. H.: Crisis in Communication (panel), 4
Cassels, Louis, et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Casting Lots for Jerusalem (E), 1093
Castonguay, Sister Therese
first nun in Canadian civil service (N), 125
Catholic Catechism Cataclysm, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (N), 184
Catholic Dilemma: Control Versus Conscience, by William D. Freeland (N), 826
Catholic Press Association
honors John Reedy of Ave Maria (N), 933
Catholics Battle GOP on School Aid, by William D. Freeland (N), 884
Caton, B. J.: Spare a Hallowed Landmark? (N), 414
Caudill, Herbert
eye operation in Cuba (N), 721
released from Cuban prison (N), 284; 363
policy reaffirmed by Pope Paul (N), 1052
no religious preference question to be asked in 1970 (N), 327
Centennial Crisis, The, by Leighton Ford (A), 644
Central Evangelical Concerns (E), 266
Central Intelligence Agency
controversy over secret funds (N), 623
educational integrity and the (E), 560
Century Bible, The: The Gospel of Luke, ed. by E. Earle Ellis (Stanley D. Toussaint) (B), 1104
largest crusade in Colombo history held by Asian Evangelists Commission (N), 236
Methodists veto merger attempt (N), 124
Chaffee, Roger, death of (N), 525
Chafin, Kenneth
Help! I’m a Layman (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
Let’s Escape ‘The Religious Ghetto’ (Q), 36
Challenge and Response: A Protestant Perspective of the Vatican Council, ed. by Warren A. Quanbeck (Charles A. Bolton) (B), 716
Challenge to Ecumenical Politicians, A, By Carl F. H. Henry (A), 1171
Chalmers, William G.
new president of University of Dubuque (N), 1015
Chandler, Ralph C.
secretary for international affairs, U.P. Office of Church and Society (N), 885
Chandler, Russell
Demonstrating Against Death (N), 825
New Look at Abortion (N), 1247
Sour Grapes in California (N), 1108
Change and Habit: The Challenge of Our Time, by Arnold J. Toynbee (Clifford M. Drury) (B), 356
Changes in the Scofield Reference Bible, by Harold Lindsell (B), 711
Changing Church, The, by Ian S. Rennie (A), 640
Changing the Pace (E), 999
Changing the Rules, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 1090
Connett named Chaplain of the Year (N), 582
Roman Catholic new chief of Army chaplains (N), 1164
increased call for Methodist chaplains (N), 124
Viet Nam casualties (N), 1012
determines behavior (LF), 1244
Character, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 1244
Character in the Classroom, by Reginald Stackhouse (CRT), 421
admission price to fund-raising events not tax-deductible (N), 1218
Chase, Waldo Farrington, death of (N), 126
Chavez, Jose
crippled by gunshot from youth gang battle (N), 326
‘reconciliation’ center run by Protestant and Catholic monks (N), 124
Roman Catholics launch voluntary campaign for non-discrimination (N), 419
Child Development Group
promised more money from OEO (N), 419
Child Development Group of Mississippi
receives federal aid (N), 530
Protestants in Santiago demonstrate for church-state separation (N), 371
Anglican and Methodist leaders imprisoned (N), 582
Far East Broadcasting Co. plans research center (L), 1135
Indonesian Muslim charges Red Guards with murder of Chinese Muslims (N), 420
Choice Evangelical Books of the Year (list), 437
Chol language
NT in—story of (A), 1020
Christ and His Church, by Marcus Loane (booklet), at 957
Christ the Meaning of History, by Hendrikus Berkhof (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
Christ-Janer, Arland
new president of Boston University (N), 420
Christi Matri Rosarii
Pope Paul’s fourth encyclical (N), 49
Christian and Missionary Alliance higher education in the (N), 924
Christian ‘Bonanza’ in Bucharest?, by David E. Kucharsky (N), 178
Christian burial (A), 591
Christian Campus Report: 1967, by William Fitch (N), 1162
Christian Church and the Old Testament, The, by Arnold A. van Ruler (Ronald Youngblood) (B), 272
Christian Churches
Restoration Movement and (L), 758
Christian Critique of American Culture, A: An Essay in Practical Theology, by Julian H. Hartt (Melvin G. Williams) (B), 1151
Christian Crusade
denied tax-exempt status (N), 186
Christian Economics: Studies in the Christian Message to the Market Place, by John R. Richardson (Irving Howard) (B), 458
Christian education
‘Faith and Life’ curriculum, shortcomings of (E), 999
federal aid to, harms integration (N), 626
reviews of books by Ferré, Glen, Russell, and Bowman (B), 1002
and Sunday schools (N), 572
Christian Education in Mission, by Letty M. Russell (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Christian Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy, ed. by Ian T. Ramsey (William W. Bass) (B), 360
Christian Homes, Inc.
not a charitable enterprise (N), 278
Christian life
cannot be separated from salvation (B), 1149
daily devotions a necessity (LF), 396
distinctives of (LF), 605
Christian Life and Salvation, The, by Donald G. Bloesch (Walter Mueller) (B), 1149
Christian living
importance of (LF), 1194
Christian Medical Society
plans health-insurance for missionaries (N), 1014
provides two weeks of free medical care in Mexico (N), 1165
Christian Mission in Theological Perspective: An Inquiry by Methodists, ed. by Gerald H. Anderson (Horace L. Fenton, Jr.) (B), 614
Christian Peace Conference
Hromodka active in (N), 187
leaders meet to plan for third world meeting in Prague in 1968 (N), 285
seeks conference with WCC on settlement in Viet Nam (N), 475
Christian Persuader, The, by Leighton Ford (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
Christian Reflections, by C. S. Lewis (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 815
Christian Reformed Church
declines to join WCC (N), 1055
universal salvation debated (N), 1055
Christian Reformed Church, by James Daane (N), 1055
Christian Scholar
NCC quarterly, to stop publication (N), 1165
Christian Scientists
believer held responsible for daughter’s death (N), 836
Christian Times
Don Crawford named first editor (N), 285
Christian to Lead Nazareth, A, by Dwight L. Baker (N), 577
Christian Universe, The, by Eric Mascall (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 270
Christian university
letters on (L), 600, 662
Christian View on Sex and Marriage, A, by Andrew R. Eickhoff (E. Mansell Pattison) (B), 358
basic beliefs of (A), 340
in Red China (N), 472
Christianity Today
T. Christie Innes appointed research associate (N), 473
momentous news stories during 10 years (N), 58
tenth anniversary comments from religion editors (L), 25
Christianity Today on Political Ecumenism (Q), 1197
citizenship of (LF), 706
destiny of believers (booklet), 309
Christians and Communists: The Vague Encounter (N), 881
Christians at Mass Media Frontiers, by Carl F. H. Henry, Leland A. Bandy, Lillian Brooks Brown Louis Cassels, Ella F. Harllee, David E. Kucharsky, Edmund B. Lambeth, Al Manola, Caspar Nannes, William Willoughby (panel), 1176
Christians Can Learn from Communications Theorists, by George L. Bird and Lillian Harris Dean (A), 384
Christie, Joseph
accuses archbishop of heresy (N), 675
contemporary myths of (E), 264
implications of (LF), 260
Jews at (N), 324
Magi beside the crib (P), 301
National Cathedral publishes cards for (N), 321
remembering our service men at (E), 308
theological grinches steal (E), 306
Christmas Implications, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 260
Christmas Message and Contemporary Myths, The (E), 264
Christopher II, death of (N), 1119
Chukovsky, Kornei
author of Russian book of Bible stories (N), 780
call to repentance of the (A), 747
Christ and His Church (booklet), at 957
contributions to (N), 229
creative use of mass media (Q), 36
early Christians on fire (Trueblood) (B), 518
ecumenical politicians and the (A), 1171
in Communist China (B), 1046
Küng’s new study of the (CRT), 976
must recover lost assurances of faith (A), 693
nation and, in the future (forum), 379
nature of (A), 982
Old Testament and the (B), 272
population outpaces growth of (N), 416
politics and the (A), 743
press and the (A), 8
relief efforts dwindle (N), 418
secularization of, during the past decade (N), 59
social concern and (panel), 683
‘underground church’ exists (N), 572
unity of (A), 983
urban problems (B), 457
when does it fail? (E), 307
whither the? (LF), 555
who speaks for the? (E), 914
Church and Its Ecumenical Calling, The (E), 453
Church and Social Concern, The, by Carl F. H. Henry, Clarence Cranford. George Davis, and Edward L. R. Elson (panel), 683
Church and Society
defense of WCC on (A), 853
Church and state
American Jewish Congress reports 32 religious liberty lawsuits pending at beginning of 1967 (N), 475
Amesbury, Massachusetts, clergy ask school board to keep Wednesday night free for church activities (N), 419
Anabaptist view (A), 990
Augsburg Publishing House makes voluntary tax payment (N), 780
Bavarian voters to decide fate of state-supported religious schools (N), 1165
church groups testify on behalf of federal fair-housing law (N), 1218
church used for sectarian ends (A), 944
critique of the ‘Political Gospel’ (A), 743
during and after the settling of America (A), 1229
during the past decade (N), 58
Hawaii votes transportation subsidies for parochial school pupils (N), 1165
Kentucky attorney general approves Bible as literature course in Harlan high school (N), 285
Kingdom of God and (A), 743
Lowell’s Embattled Wall reviewed (B), 272
Lutheran Church of Hungary announces new code for co-existence with government (N), 372
Montreal court bars disinheritance on religious grounds (N), 236
passing out Scripture portions termed ‘littering’ (N), 188
Polish government threatens to close six Catholic seminaries (N), 372
priest to direct anti-poverty agency in New Mexico (N), 975
Protestant reformers and the civil magistrate (A), 1026
Protestants in Chile protest Roman Catholic teachings in public schools (N), 371
reinforcing the wall (A), 988
restrictions on school aid (N), 278
Texas dispute over teaching nuns resolved (N), 733
U.S. government restricts Southern Baptists in South Africa (N), 780
U.S. Treasury blocks Quaker aid to North Vietnam (N), 533
Wisconsin approves public busing for parochial schools (N), 780
Church and the Jewish People, The, by Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J. (Belden Menkus) (B), 224
Church Between the Centuries, A (E), 656
Church Between Temple and Mosque, The, by J. H. Bavinck (Anthony A. Hoekema) (B), 872
Church construction
new construction drops 4% from 1966 level (N), 1218
‘tight money’ hampers (N), 368
Church Grows in Canada, The, by Douglas J. Wilson (Donald C. Masters) (B), 666
Church growth
high cost of (table), 544
Church history
books of 1966 (A, 427
Church Leaders Put the Squeeze on Kodak (E), 763
Church lobbying (A), 849
Church of the Brethren
laments Viet Nam war (N), 1055
Church of the Nazarene
Earl Huston, Jr., excommunicated for speaking in tongues (N), 371
Church of England
in Australia
may be renamed Anglican Church of Australia (N), 236
Philip N. W. Strong elected primate (N), 60
Church of God
Homer A. Tomlinson crowned ‘King of All the Nations of Men’ (N), 126
Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)
merges with the Nat. Assoc. of the Church of God (N), 1057
Church Must First Repent, The, by Vance Havner (A), 747
Church Plan Commission
Joseph C. Grandlienard, new director (N), 1164
Church, Politics, and the NCC, The (E), 35
Church schools
Protestant (L), 903
third force in Protestantism? (A), 787
Church taxes
Supreme Court refuses to hear case (N), 123
Church Without God, A, by Ernest Harrison (J. Berkley Reynolds) (B), 664
Church World Service
gets $1 million worth of surplus property from AID (N), 236
providing funds for India and Viet Nam (N), 122
Churches Active in ’66 Ballot Battles (N), 232
Churches of Christ
exodus of members (N), 628
only major religious group without organization (N), 628
prepares New Testament commentary (N), 733
Churches Open Drive to Share U.S. Wealth (N), 370
Churchmen Bid for Public Funds (N), 625
Churchmen Look at Communism, by Carl F. H. Henry, Charles W. Lowry, Daniel Poling, D. Elton Trueblood (A), 948
Church’s Missionary Outreach, The, by Leslie Hunt (A), 648
Church’s Worldwide Mission, The, ed. by Harold Lindsell (James D. Belote) (B), 405
CIA—See Central Intelligence Agency
Circulation policy
letters on new (L), 757
new policy (E), 610
Civil magistrate
Protestant reformers and the (A), 1026
Civil rights
Disciples of Christ and (N), 52
Groppi joins without leaders (E), 1257
Kentucky presbytery urges open housing legislation (N), 932
King on (B), 1262
Martin Luther King, Jr., to write book on strategy (N), 373
Moynihan Report (B), 1260
Nashville riots (N), 825
Negro Baptists and (N), 52
New York congregation backs pastor’s activities (N), 933
riots in Milwaukee (N), 1250
‘we are sick’ of present situation (E), 1258
Clark, Gordon H.
on the church and the nation (forum), 379
The Trouble with Humanism (A), 794
Clark, Howard H.
moves official residence to Toronto (N), 1118
Clarkson, E. Margaret: First Frost (P), 197
New Voice in Christian Verse (A), 653
Clarkson, Helen S.: Meteor (P), 1035
Cleath, Robert L.
Bristol Sessions Advance Presbyterian-Reformed Tie (N), 1008
Communication and Christian Witness: Ten Top Books of the Decade (B), 40
Converse Ideas on Conversion (N), 831
Intriguing New Titles in the Field of Religion (A), 1815
More Fuel for Flaming Issues in Forthcoming Religious Books (A), 438
Read Your Way to Theological Literacy (A), 1200
Three Hours with the Bible (N), 55
D. P. McGeachy recommends that pastors own their own homes (N), 474
picket NYC Protestant Council dinner honoring President Johnson (N), 186
Clifford, Alec: Argentine Centenary (N), 1011
Climenhaga, Arthur M.
resigns as president of NAE to take post with Brethren in Christ Church (N), 473
Clinebell, Howard J., Jr.: Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling: New Resources for Ministering to the Troubled (Charles M. Bryan) (B), 407
Clowney, Edmund P.: A Critique of the ‘Political Gospel’ (A), 743
arguments for and against (L), 805
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church joins (N), 568
demonstrations at Cambridge sessions (E), 867
do we need consultation against? (A), 694
merger discussion (N), 568
new probable member church (N), 879
‘Plan of Union’ to be written (N), 878
‘Principles of Church Union’ analyzed (A), 739
questions on the advisability of (A), 694
Code Name Sebastian, by James L. Johnson (Clifford Edwards) (B), 919
Codex Bezae
and the Acts (B), 714
Cody, John
new cardinal (N), 975
Coffin, William Sloane
organizes Committee for Draft Resistance (N), 1118
Cogley, John
to resign as religion editor of New York Times (N), 326
Cold War, The
during the past decade (N), 58
Cole, William Graham: The Restless Quest of Modern Man (David A. Redding) (B), 619
Colleges and universities
Abilene Christian College
administered by committee during president’s illness (N), 326
Anderson College
denied federal aid (N), 416
Anglican and Catholic colleges in Ireland merge (N), 837
students organize computerized “Date-Mate” service (N), 476
Benedict College
Payton, Benjamin F., new president (N), 885
Blue Mountain College
complies with Civil Rights Act (N), 780
Bob Jones University
loses federal aid (N), 1116
Paisley visits (N), 825
Boston University
Arland Christ-Janer new president (N), 420
Catholic University
dispute at (N), 826
Christian beliefs on secular campuses (E), 998
Christian college on a university campus (A), 494
Christian university
letters pro and con (L), 662
construction of private colleges on the rise (N), 1218
drama in (CRT), 477
Drew University
President Oxnam’s ouster demanded (N), 780
Duke University
receives most federal aid among Protestant organizations (A), 1077
Eastern Baptist College
President Thomas B. McDormand to retire (N), 188
Eisenhower College
postpones opening until 1968 (N), 1163
Erskine College
Wightman, Joseph, installed as president (N), 933
existential absurdity on campus (A), 797
Florida Baptists to start new college (N), 776
Fordham University
names Marshall McLuhan to a chair in humanities (N), 413
Gordon College
Richard Gross named dean (N), 780
Kentucky Southern College
freed from church control (N), 671
Loyola University
most federal aid for Catholics (A), 1077
Luther Rice College
no recognition yet from any Baptist Convention (N), 1163
Lutherans withdraw support of chairs of religion (N), 732
Malone College
Reapsome, James W., chaplain and religion professor (N), 1219
Maryland Baptist College
names C. Eugene Kratz as first president (N), 60
Marymount Manhattan College
Gilbert, Rabbi Arthur, to teach religion and sociology (N), 1255
Maryville College
Stine, Donald M., to head Bible and Christian education department (N), 975
Massey University, New Zealand
E. P. Y. Simpson to teach history (N), 373
Mercer University
Thomas J. Holmes to head public relations (N), 188
Meredith College
hires Catholic priest as social-service advisor (N), 326
Mississippi College
rejects all federal aid (N), 416
Montreat-Anderson College
names new library for L. Nelson Bell (N), 373
Moody Bible Institute
plans new dormitory (N), 125
need for a Christian university (A), 485
New College
Hamilton, William, to teach Bible (N), 975
Notre Dame University
glossolalia at (N), 880
Nyack Missionary College
teachers’ defense of (L), 23
Oral Roberts University dedicated (N), 778
Oxford University
Van Buren, Paul M., to lecture there (N), 1118
Pentecostals plan Latin American university (N), 974
Philadelphia College of Bible
wins regional accreditation (N), 974
religion on the campus (A), 483
RC college control by laity (N), 467
Richmond College
evangelicals in a dilemma (N), 1162
Rochester University
Colgate-Rochester Divinity School linked with (N), 1116
St. Louis University
dean bars Pike and Carmichael from lecture series (N), 975
St. John’s University
faces loss of accreditation (N), 327
Seattle Pacific College
student publication not a ‘tool of public relations’ (E), 35
Stetson University
Geren, Paul F., new president (N), 1255
students protest dehumanization (A), 490
study of suicides in (N), 125
Taylor University
Pascoe, Peter, new pastor (N), 1164
two new church colleges planned for Canada (N), 676
University of Alberta
Charles Davis, to teach religion (N), 1117
University of Basel, Switzerland
Cullmann, Oscar, new rector (N), 1164
University of Colorado
erroneous statement by CHRISTIANITY TODAY (L), 176
University of Dubuque
President Gaylord M. Couchman resigns (N), 188
William G. Chalmers, new president (N), 1015
University of Mississippi
Herron, Orley S., to teach education (N), 933
University of Pittsburgh
to offer cooperative graduate religion program with Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (N), 236
University of Rochester
students petition for more religion courses (N), 476
University of Wisconsin
results of religious poll (N), 236
Upland College
auctions property (N), 186
Valparaiso University
to open a nursing school in 1968 (N), 236
Beverly A. Asbury new chaplain (N), 126
Stanley W. Olson becomes medical professor (N), 420
Wake Forest College
gets $1 million library endowment (N), 836
Scales, James Ralph, new president (N), 885
Waterloo (Ontario) Lutheran University
President William J. Villaume resigns (N), 1015
Waynesburg College
Benson, Dennis C., dismissed (N), 932
Western Kentucky University
Robert Mounce, first professor of religious studies (N), 1063
Wheaton College
former president Edman suffers heart attack (N), 326
Hook, Phillip, named dean of students (N), 780
Robert deVette appointed admissions director (N), 237
William Carey College
signs civil-rights pledge (N), 416
Yale University
Woodstock College to affiliate with (N), 1116
Yeshiva University
gets most federal support (A), 1077
College, Hospital Cut Church Ties, by Douglas N. Kane (N), 671
Collins, Henry
reports flop of trading stamp inducement to church attendance (N), 236
projected quarterly of the Society for Religion in Higher Education (N), 1165
Colonialism and Christian Missions, by Stephen Neill (Harold Lindsell) (B), 315
first state to liberalize abortion laws (N), 837
Coltrane, John, death of (N), 1119
Colwell, David G.
advocates drafting of clergy (N), 470
new pastorate in Seattle (N), 1218
Come, Arnold B.
new president of San Francisco Theological Seminary (N), 533
Old Testament
books of 1966 (A), 429
Committee of Concern
rebuilds burned Negro church in Mississippi (N), 583
Committee of Conscience Against Apartheid
cites protest against bank loans to South Africa (N), 327
Committee for Draft Resistance
organized by William Sloane Coffin (N), 1118
Common people
importance of (A), 598
Communication—See October 14 issue
changes in theories of (A), 384
crisis in (panel), 3 new era for Christian (A), 3
ten top books of the decade (B), 40
Communication and Christian Witness: Ten Top Books of the Decade, by Robert L. Cleath (B), 40
and Vatican Council II (A), 1232
chalice and health (N), 1013
Protestant-Catholic intercommunion? (A), 1232
recommendations by Episcopal Church and Carl Tiller (N), 677
toward unity in (N), 972
and NCC (E), 35
Red Guards in (N), 472
church in Iron Curtain countries (B), 1046
churchmen look at (A), 948
danger of a new movement (A), 1067
in Cuba (CRT), 534
membership not unconstitutional (E), 510
new theology welcomed (E), 354
phase of the world revolution (forum), 381
religion under (E), 760
lose control of municipal council in Nazareth, Israel (N), 327
meetings with Chrisians in Europe (N), 881
riots in Honk Kong (N), 974
Comprehensive Handbook of Christian Doctrine, by John Lawson (Gordon R. Lewis) (B), 770
Compassion Gap in Viet Nam (N), 720
Concilium, Volume 15: War, Poverty, Freedom, ed. by Franz Böckle (Edmund A. Opitz) (B), 109
Concilium, Volume 23: The Pastoral Approach to Atheism, ed. by Karl Rahner, S.J. (Frank Sargent) (B), 1105
Conference on Church and Society, analysis of (A), 499
necessary for power in prayer (LF), 506
eight confessions discussed (A), 244
Conflict Over Baptism, The, by David P. Scaer and Wayne E. Ward (A), 688
Confronting the Impasse in Evangelism, by David E. Kucharsky (A), 542
Baptists ask recognition as independent body (N), 932
Ephraim Kayumba elected Pentecostal bishop (N), 126
Emile Makesi dies (N), 1113
experiences of Davis family (B), 221
Kinshasa crusade (N), 723
united seminary planned (N), 476
Congo Crisis, by Joseph T. Bayly (C. Darby Fulton) (B), 221
Connett, James A.
named Chaplain of the Year (N), 582
Conscientious objection
NCC statement on (N), 629
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society
Anderson, Herbert S., general director (N), 1015
church conflicts under (A), 944
Donatists under (A), 944
will of emperor became the law (A), 945
Containment and Change, by Carl Oglesby and Richard Schaull (Edward A. Opitz) (B), 917
Controversy, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 1138
Converse Ideas on Conversion, by Robert L. Cleath (N), 831
new dimension of living (A), 1019
‘not work of missions’ (E), 1198
supernatural change (A), 1020
WCC (U.S.) response ‘paralysis’ (N), 831
Converted Church, The: From Escape to Engagement, by Paul L. Stagg (Harold Lindsell) (B), 920
Cook, A. Bramwell
new president of Australian Council of Churches (N), 836
Cook, Enid
leaves Congregationalism (N), 1013
Cooke, Leslie E., death of (N), 629
Coomes, David: From Oberammergau to Britain (N), 883
Cornell, George W.: Religion’s New Entree to the City Room (A), 8
Corvin, R. O.
counsels Chilean Pentecostals on university-building (N), 974
Costello, John M.
to teach at Concordia Theological Seminary (N), 836
Costly Apartheid, by Jan J. Van Capelleveen (N), 1012
Couchman, Gaylor M.
resigns as president of the University of Dubuque (N), 188
Counseling (B), 819
experiences of ten ministers (A), 891
revised model of (B), 407
Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities
Lloyd J. Averill named president (N), 732
Courtier to the Crowd: The Story of Ivy Lee and the Development of Public Relations, by Ray Eldon Hiebert (David E. Kucharsky) (B), 112
Cranford, Clarence, et al.: The Church and Social Concern (panel), 683
Crawford, Don
named first editor of new magazine, Christian Times (N), 285
contemporary thought and (A), 843
divisive and anti-ecumenical (N), 879
climate of fear because of (E), 709
President’s crime commission report (E), 867
Criminal code
reform or retreat? (E), 867
Criminal Code, The: Reform or Retreat? (E), 867
Crisis in Communication, by Carl F. H. Henry, Louis Cassels, George L. Bird, and David Mason (panel), 4
Criswell, W. A.: Preaching Through the Bible (MW), 262
Critique of the ‘Political Gospel’, A, by Edmund P. Clowney (A), 743
and the atonement (A), 594
consuming passion with Paul (A), 592
Cross in Canada, The: Vignettes of the Churches Across Four Centuries, ed. by John S. Moir (Clarence M. Nicholson) (B), 666
Crowther, Clarence E.
deported from South Africa (N), 1063
Church in (N), 362
Council of Evangelical Churches meets (N), 363
eye operation on Herbert Caudill (N), 721
hope for imprisoned missionaries (N), 882
Marxism accentuates the gulf between Christianity and atheism (CRT), 534
Presbyterian denomination created in (N), 533
Southern Baptist missionary Herbert Caudill released from prison (N), 284
Cuba Revisited, by J. D. Douglas (CRT), 534
Cullmann, Oscar
new rector, University of Basel, Switzerland (N), 1164
Culver, Elsie Thomas: Women in the World of Religion (Margaret Johnston Hess) (B), 715
Culver, Maurice E.
to resume missionary work in Southern Rhodesia (N), 1015
Curran, Charles E.
fired and promoted (N), 826
Cushing, Richard Cardinal
recalls political activity in West Virginia (N), 1218
Cycle of Prayer, The, by Ralph A. Herring (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 770
religious groups seek understanding through informal talks (N), 372
Christian leaders in new positions (N), 187
Daane, James: Christian Reformed Church (N), 1055
Making Non-Pacifism Official (N), 1214
Daane, James, et al.: The Bible and the New Morality (panel), 1021
Dahunsi, E. A.
predicts permanent split in Nigeria (N), 975
Dag Hammarskjöld: The Statesman and His Faith, by Henry P. Van Dusen (Sherwood E. Wirt) (B), 664
Dohlan, K. H.
Indonesian Muslim charges Chinese Red Guards with murder of Muslims (N), 420
Dallas, Texas
Catholic priest preaches at Northlake Baptist Church (N), 326
Danger Ahead, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 810
Dangerous Christ, The, by M. Jackson White (A), 243
Dangers of a Giant Church, by Carl E. Glasow (A), 694
Danker, Frederick W.: Laughing with God (A), 344
answers to article on (L), 954
contemporary thought and (A), 843
letters on (L), 993
Darwinism and Contemporary Thought, by A. E. Wilder Smith (A), 843
Davidson, Neville
to retire next spring as minister of Glasgow Cathedral (N), 284
Davies, Winifred, death of (N), 1012
Davis, Charles
Congo experiences (B), 221
Jesuit theologian leaves RC Church (E), 401; (N), 415
to teach at University of Alberta (N), 1117
Davis, Clair: Using the State for Sectarian Ends (A), 944
Davis, George: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Person Facing Serious Surgery (A), 891
Davis, George, et al.: The Church and Social Concern (panel), 683
Davis, J. Paschall
admits use of anti-poverty funds for ‘liberation school’ in Nashville (N), 1164
Day, Duane L., and Moore, Richard E.: Urban Church Breakthrough (William Edmund Bouslough) (B), 457
Deacon Has a Wife, The, by Elva McAllaster (P), 434
Dead and the Undying, The, by Lon Woodrum (A), 597
Dean, Lillian Harris, and Bird, George L.: Christians Can Learn from Communications Theorists (A), 384
Dear Bargain-hunters, by Eutychus III (L), 860
Dear Christmas Shoppers, by Eutychus III (L), 256
Dear Citizens of Secular City, by Eutychus III (L), 1190
Dear Coffee-sippers, by Eutychus III (L), 347
Dear Demonstrative and Non-demonstrative Peace-lovers, by Eutychus III (L), 804
Dear Foes of Tars and Nicotine, by Eutychus III (L), 991
Dear Forensic Friends, by Eutychus III (L), 600
Dear Jazz Buffs, by Eutychus III (L), 390
Dear Job-Seekers, by Eutychus III (L), 696
Dear Keepers of the Flame, by Eutychus III (L), 1134 903
Dear Members of the Old Breed, by Eutychus III (L),
Dear Saints and Sinners, by Eutychus III (L), 511
Dear Seers-through-a-glass-darkly, by Eutychus III (L), 551
Dear Slogan-Lovers, by Eutychus III (L), 1036
Dear Sons of the Rising Superchurch, by Eutychus III (L), 1085
Dear Subjects of the Kingdom, by Eutychus III (L), 662
Dear Televiewers, by Eutychus III (L), 447
Dear Verbal Militiamen, by Eutychus III (L), 303
Deardon, Archbishop John
to attend Synod of Bishops in Rome (N), 932
when is a patient dead? (N), 1161
waning tumult (A), 856
‘Death of God’ Becomes More Deadly, by John Warwick Montgomery (CRT), 286
Debate on God, A, by Richard Philbrick (N), 623
Debilitating Revolt, The (E), 1040
Deckers, Jeanine
former “Singing Nun” returns to lay life (N), 187
Decline of Public Morality (E), 711
Dedicating a $16 Million Campus, by Bill Rose (N), 778
Defense of WCC on Church and Society, by Eugene L. Smith (A), 853
Degree Mill to Orphan Mill, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 278
Dehoney, Wayne: African Diary (George A. Dunger) (B), 113
to pastor Louisville’s Walnut Street Church (N), 473
De Jong, Spencer
to direct World Vision’s Indonesian orphanages (N), 1219
Delmarva Dialog
disputes over editorial policy (N), 1063
Delta Ministry
cross burned at headquarters (N), 780
Reformation major source of (A), 1124
growing phenomenon (E), 510
Satanic wedding (N), 529
Demonism on the March (E), 510
Demonstrating Against Death, by Russell Chandler (N), 825
Dennard, Frederick E.
heads Harlem counseling center (N), 124
DePauw, Gommar
protests subordination to Cardinal Shehan (N), 371
Des Moines, Iowa
Council of Churches plans urban-renewal project (N), 476
deVette, Robert
appointed admissions director at Wheaton (N), 237
de Vries, Egbert (ed.): Man in Community (C. Gregg Singer) (B), 816
Devil with James Bond, The, by Ann S. Boyd (Clyde S. Kilby) (B), 564
Dewart, Leslie: The Future of Belief: Theism in a World Come of Age (David A. Redding) (B), 562
De Young, Don: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Prospective Bride and Groom (A), 893
Dibelius, K. F. Otto death of (N), 528
Dickson, James Ira, death of (N), 1012
Did Churches Win War on Shriver?, by James L. Adams (N), 670
Did Success Spoil American Protestantism? by George M. Marsden (A), 1228
Didier. James W.: Secular Man? (A), 1075
Diel Carl Gustav
named bishop of the Tamil Church of India (N), 237, 533
Di Gangi, Mariano
new Canadian Director of Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (N), 677
Digging Solomon’s Wall, by Dwight L. Baker (N), 927
Dirksen, Senator Everett M.
prayer amendment discussed (E), 959
proposes new prayer bill (N), 471
Disciples in Dallas, The, (N), 52
Disciples of Christ
Dallas annual meeting (N), 52
open letter requests greater stewardship of members (N), 581
opposition to restructure proposals (N), 885
and Viet Nam (N), 49
Disinherited, The (E), 1146
Disney, Walt
death of (E), 355
Dissenter in a Great Society: A Christian View of America in Crisis, by William Stringfellow (Charles E. Hummel) (B), 221
Distinctives of the Christian Life, by L. Nelson Bell (LF). 605
Distortion of New Testament Concepts in Modern Theology, The, by Johannes Schneider (A), 1236
Ditzen, Lowell
marries Eleanor Davies Tydings (N), 373
Divided Mind of Modern Theology, The, by James D. Smart (Carl F. H. Henry) (B), 768
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 835
reform in Canada (N), 723
United Church of Canada advocates (E), 560
Dodd and Powell in Perspective (E), 1041
Dodd, Senator Thomas
in perspective (E), 1041
Does the Press Fail in Religious News Reporting?, by George L. Bird (A), 11
history of Christian (B), 717
Dogmatic When It Matters, by Eugene F. Klug (A), 592
‘Reformed Dogmatics’ reviewed (B), 964
Dolbey, Mrs. James
new president of Church Women United (N), 1119
protests to Constantine (A), 944
Dorairaj, U. M.
missing from Alwar, India, and feared kidnapped (N), 326
Dore, Arthur
named director of interchurch relations and communications for Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America (N), 236
Douglas, J. D.
Anglican Evangelicals Issue Dramatic Credo (N), 833
Cuba Revisited (CRT), 534
Exposing the Tricks of the Trade (CRT), 1120
Free for All (CRT), 238
Graham TV Saturates Britain (N), 1059
Graham’s Rousing Red Welcome (N), 1109
Hereafter Known as Keele 1967 (CRT), 838
Interchurch Stir in Edinburgh (N), 970
Orthodoxy’s Shaky Citadel (N), 120
Scots on Sex (N), 971
Subtle Pressures Mounting on Cuban Churches (N), 362
These Modern Neros (N), 675
W.C.C.: Dull in the Sunlight (N), 1209
Which Way for Greece? (N), 1208
Down, Jesus, Down (E), 867
Dr. Blake’s Mistaken Emphasis (E), 265
Draft the Clergy? (N), 470
in colleges and universities (CRT), 477
‘Judas Tree’ (N), 732
Dramatic Development for Evangelical Scholarship (E). 1042
Drane, James F.
loses post for favoring birth control (N), 1117
wins research fellowship at Yale (N), 1255
Drescher, John M.
moderator-elect of Mennonite Church (N), 1255
Drew, Joseph W.
receives award from Southwest Region B’nai B’rith (N), 1164
Dry Socks and Letters from Home (E), 308
duBois, Albert J.
opposes COCU (N), 568
Duffield, G. E. (ed.): John Calvin (’Courtenay Studies in Reformation Theology,’ Vol. I) (Donald J. Bruggink) (B), 314
Duffy, Martin
retained by church despite civil rights activities (N), 933
Dumbfounding, The, by Margaret Avison (David S. Stewart) (B), 665
Dunn, Reginald
new president, Canadian Council of Churches (N), 321
Dürer, Albrecht
‘praying hands’ appear on Canadian Christmas stamp (N), 60
Dynamics of a Decade (N), 58
East Germany
denies visas to West German Lutherans (N), 780
fixing date of (N), 674
Easter Dirge, by McGregor Smith, Jr. (P), 589
Eastman Kodak Company
pressured by Protestant denominations (E), 763
Eberhard, Paul
honored by Educational Communication Association (N), 236
Eckler, A. Ross
removes religious preference question from 1967 cen-
Pope Paul on (N), 725
sus (N), 327
Ecumenical Bombshell, An (E), 1196
Ecumenical Revolution, The, by Robert McAfee Brown (Bruce Shelley) (B), 1259
ambiguous terminology in (E), 867
Americans ‘quite far behind’ in church mergers (N), 885
among Presbyterians (N), 180
and the Baptist Unity Movement (N), 1157
and the ‘underground church’ (N), 572
answers to Lemmon’s article (L), 1240
Anglican Church of Canada
obstacles to merger with United Church of Canada (N), 230
Anglicans in Ghana approve intercommunion with other segments of proposed national church (N), 372
anti-merger clergymen expelled from Cameroun (N), 582
Athenagoras denies existence of intercommunion with non-Orthodox churches (N), 836
Australian Anglicans request admission to merger talks among Presbyterians, Methodists, and Congregationalists (N), 372
Baptists and (B), 967
biblical unity basis of (A), 1131
British Presbyterians and Congregationalists to merge (N), 975
Canadian merger a rocky voyage (N), 880
Catholic, Anglican, and Congregational clergy conduct funeral for Aberfan children (N), 235
Catholic and Anglican schools merge in Ireland (N), 837
Catholic editor asks support from conservative Protestants (N), 677
Catholic priest hired by Baptist college (N), 326
Catholic priest preaches in Dallas Baptist church (N), 326
Ceylon merger attempt fails to pass Methodist assembly (N), 124
Chili Wesleyans and U.S. Pentecostal Holiness Church sign doctrinal agreement (N), 1218
closer ties between Australian and Wisconsin Lutherans (N), 1165
CT on political (E), 1197
doubts on merger (forum), 381
during the past decade (N), 58
Episcopalians discuss intercommunion (N), 677
Ethiopian and Coptic pilgrims clash in Jerusalem (N), 885
EUB Church dissatisfied with merger proposals (N), 574
EUB and Methodists may merge (N), 230
evangelical, discussed (L), 991
evangelicals and (E), 658
evangelist on Rhodes in conflict with state church (N), 187
Expo ‘67 and (E), 267
foreign missions agencies of UP and RC churches unite to produce record and printed matter (N), 475
four denominations in Malawi discuss merger (N), 372
French Protestant Federation encourages Lutheran-Reformed merger (N), 236
German Methodists and EUB’s to participate in U.S. merger (N), 975
Harlem counseling center run by Protestants and Catholics (N), 124
Holy Spirit and (A), 752; (L), 906
in Canada (A), 643
in Great Britain (CRT), 1120
letters in favor of evangelicals (L), 1085
Lutheran student group urges reunion with Rome (N), 1218
Lutherans urge ‘intercommunion’ (N), 183
Mariology and (E), 915
merger discussion (N), 568
Methodist campus groups join inter-denominational organizations (N), 1063
Methodists and EUB may merge (N), 230
Methodists and Roman Catholics discuss the nature of faith and the Holy Spirit (N), 371
Netherlands Catholic and Reformed churches recognize each other’s baptism (N), 1117
Old Catholics in the Netherlands build ties with Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics (N), 371
ordination and (B), 1004
Arnold T. Olson approves Roman Catholic move for common Christian Bible (N), 326
plan of merger between Presbyterian Church, U.S., and Reformed Church in America (N), 524
Pope Paul may address 1968 WCC assembly in Sweden (N), 629
possibility of getting together (A), 1131
Presbyterian churches may unite (N), 122
Presbyterian layman persecuted in Brazil (N), 780
‘Principles of Church Union’ analyzed (A), 739
pro and con (L), 1038
Protestant and Catholic monks open Chicago ‘reconciliation’ center (N), 124
Ramsey’s critique of political (A), 1171
readers respond to appeal (E), 996
Reformed Ecumenical Synod report (E), 453
Regional Church Plan for New York City area projected (N), 677
religious groups on Cyprus seek understanding through informal talks (N), 372
‘revolution’ in the Catholic Church (B), 1259
RC-Orthodox wedding approved (N), 126
Roman Catholic to preach and assist at Presbyterian church (N), 975
Roman Catholics and American Baptists find areas of agreement (N), 780
seven Lutherans to teach this year in Roman Catholic institutions (N), 1116
‘trial’ method (N), 1250
United Church of Canada
obstacles to merger with Anglicans (N), 230
urges joint seminaries for Protestants and Catholics (N), 975
united seminary planned for the Congo (N), 476
unity in Holy Communion? (N), 972
Vatican II caused resentment among Jews (N), 836
Ecumenism and Expo ’67 (E), 267
Ecumenism and the Gift of the Spirit, by Samuel J. Mikolaski (A), 752
Eddleman, Leo, et al.: What’s the Sense of Work? (panel), 1125
Edith Sitwell, by Ralph J. Mills, Jr. (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
Editor’s Comments: The WCC and Socialism (E), 855
Edman, V. Raymond
suffered heart attack in November (N), 326
autonomy for Catholic colleges urged (N), 1116
character more important than knowledge (N), 421
‘child benefit theory’ (A), 788
Christian Studies (E), 508
Christian witness on campus (CRT), 328
Church schools—a force (A), 787
doctorates in theology (A), 790
dual enrollment principle (A), 788
educators endorse plan for Institute for Advanced
federal aid to (A), 1077
increase of independent schools (forum), 380
need for a Christian university (A), 485
religion on the campus (A), 483
school funds face battle (N), 884
teachers’ strikes (E), 1257
three philosophies and (B), 1103
Education for Ministry, by Charles R. Feilding (David W. Kerr) (B), 820
Educational Communication Association
honors film, TV show, and French editor (N), 236
Educational Integrity and the C.I.A. (E), 560
Educators Endorse Institute Plan (E), 508
Edwards, Clifford: Existential Absurdity on the Campus (A), 797
Eickhoff, Andrew R.: A Christian View of Sex and Marriage (E. Mansell Pattison) (B), 358
89th Congress in Capsule (N), 185
Ekola, Giles C., and Mueller, E. W. (ed.): Mission in the American Outdoors (Glenn W. Samuelson) (B), 273
Election Afterthoughts (E), 219
Elements for a Social Ethic, by Gibson Winter (George I. Mavrodes) (B), 966
Elliott, Willis E.
scathing attack on Graham and Henry (N), 320
Ellis, E. Earle (ed.): The Century Bible: The Gospel of Luke (Stanley D. Toussaint) (B), 1104
Elson, Edward L. R., et al.: The Church and Social Concern (panel), 683
Engineer’s Got to Know Where His Hind End Is, The, by Kenneth J. Foreman (A), 800
Embarrassing ‘First’ for the NCC (E), 611
Embattled Wall, by C. Stanley Lowell (Harold John Ockenga) (B). 272
Encountering Truth: A New Understanding of How Revelation as Encounter Yields Doctrine, by Harold E. Hatt (Samuel J. Mikolaski) (B), 616
Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, ed. by R. J. Zwi Werblowsky and Geoffrey Wigoder (Jakob Jocz) (B), 406
Engel, Meir, death of (N), 1012
Engstrom, Elmer W.
Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
quoted on science and belief (E), 657
wins William Proctor Prize of the Scientific Research Society (N), 474
Enigma of Adam Clayton Powell, The (N), 466
Enlow, David R.
new associate editor of Alliance Witness (N), 1164
bishop advocates papal primacy (N), 972
Bishop Pike and (E), 1147
consider heresy trial of Pike (N), 122
Diocese of California denies approval of hom*osexuality (N), 837
evaluation of political and social issues (B), 1206
first Negro Episcopal cathedral (N), 124
Martin, Richard B., elected suffragan bishop of Long Island (N), 236
merger discussion (N), 568
Pike removed from the House of Bishops (N), 582
sanction for intercommunion proposed (N), 677
survey of women in California diocese (N), 533
Williams considering the priesthood (N), 419
Episcopalians and COCU: The Year of Decision (N), 568
Episcopalians and Pike’s Progress (E), 1147
Epp, Eldon Jay: The Theological Tendency of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis in Acts (Clark H. Pinnock) (B), 714
Eppinger, Paul: Be Occupied With Preaching! (A), 901
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
says workers entitled to ‘reasonable’ time off for worship (N), 1119
Equality by Boycott (E), 611
Erich Fromm: A Protestant Critique, by J. Stanley Glen (Gary R. Collins) (B), 769
Ernest Hemingway, by Nathan A. Scott (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
Escarre, Aurelio Maria
asked to resign as abbot for opposition to Spanish governmental oppression (N), 420
Estep, William R.: Baptists and Christian Unity (Thomas B. McDormand) (B), 967
Eternity Magazine
comments on Sunday school congress (N), 186
biblical, discussed (B), 1006
guidelines for Christian (B), 966
situation ethics discussed (B), 873
situational ethics a threat to democracy (forum), 382
Southern Baptists asked to stress positive side of morality (N), 122
survey of Christian (B), 1048
Methodist merger wins (N), 1052
Eucharist—See Communion
Bibles printed in and shipped to Eastern (N), 419
changes in church life (A), 383
Christians and Communists meet (N), 881
Europe in a Changing Mood, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (A), 383
Eutychus II: Ave Atque Vale (L), 173
farewell of (L), 173
Ibid. and Op Cit. (L), 104
The Sound of Muzak (L), 20
Eutychus III: Dear Bargain-hunters (L), 860
Dear Christmas Shoppers (L), 256
Dear Citizens of Secular City (L), 1190
Dear Coffee-sippers (L), 347
Dear Demonstrative and Non-demonstrative Peace-lovers (L), 804
Dear Foes of Tars and Nicotine (L), 991
Dear Forensic Friends (L), 600
Dear Jazz Buffs (L), 390
Dear Job-Seekers (L), 696
Dear Keepers of the Flame (L), 1134
Dear Members of the Old Breed (L), 903
Dear Saints and Sinners (L), 511
Dear Seers-through-a-glass-darkly (L), 551
Dear Slogan-Lovers (L), 1036
Dear Sons of the Rising Superchurch (L), 1085
Dear Subjects of the Kingdom (L), 662
Dear Televiewers (L), 447
Dear Verbal Militiamen (L), 303
Hi-ho Preacherinos and Church Pillars (L), 209
My Dear Turned-off Brothers (L), 756
My Fair Ladies and Gentlemen (L), 954
Evangelical Alliance
sponsors Victorian congress (N), 1247
Evangelical Defense Committee
criticizes Spain’s religious-freedom law (N), 1118
Evangelical Failures and the Jew (E), 558
Evangelical Free Church of America
rejects federal or state aid (N), 1056
Evangelical Literature Overseas
joins Evangelical Press Association in campus thrust (N), 60
Evangelical Press Association
considers joint convention with ACP in 1971 (N), 1218
joins Evangelical Literature Overseas in campus thrust (N), 60
Paul Fromer new president (N), 933
‘Periodical of the Year’ award to This Day (N), 932
requires doctrinal statement (N), 364
wins tax exemption (N), 1218
Evangelical Principles and Practices, by Gordon Harman (A), part 1, 340; part 2, 387
Evangelical Renaissance in Canada? (E), 865
Evangelical Theological Society
holds symposium on new morality (N), 419
Stephen W. Paine new president, (N), 419
Evangelical United Brethren Church, The
ecumenism and (E), 658
General Conference votes Methodist merger (N), 230
inaccuracies and Faith Church (L), 174
and The Methodist Church (N), 572
railroaded into merger? (N), 321
threat of schism in (N), 574
committee appointed by Methodist Council (N), 1246
Graham crusade in Kansas City (N), 1246
renaissance in Canada? (E), 865
Evangelicalism in America, by Bruce Shelley (Ronald H. Nash) (B), 1002
Anglican National Congress credo (N), 833
Baptist leaders favor cooperation (N), 970
crises confronting (B), 1259
follow-up to World Congress held in Lausanne, Switzerland (N), 932
history of, reviewed (B), 1002
Jews and the (E), 558
modern psychiatry and (E), 309
offensive attitude of (L), 663
plea for togetherness (E), 912
principles and practices (A), 340; 387
respond to unity appeal (N), 1059
who are they? (E), 958
World Congress on Evangelism calls for greater unity (N), 177
Evangelicals and Ecumenical Crisis (E), 658
Evangelicals and the Evangelistic Dialogue, by Kenneth S. Kantzer (N), 1010
Evangelicals and Modern Psychiatry (E), 309
Evangelicals on the Brink of Crisis: Significance of the World Congress on Evangelism, by Carl F. H. Henry (Gerald Kennedy) (B), 1259
Evangelicals Seek a Better Way (E), 996
Evangelism—See October 28 issue
Andrew D. MacRae on (N), 732
American Baptist Convention decrease in baptisms (E), 355
authority for (A), 68
Baptists and (N), 571
Blake emphasizes (E), 265
call for consultation of evangelists (N), 1247
Commonwealth and Continental Church Society working in Spain (N), 882
confusion of meaning, message, method, and motive (A), 132
discussed by NCC (N), 319
during the past decade (N), 59
experiences of an Anglican bishop (A), 142
follow-up meetings in London (N), 51
Ford in Canada (N), 51
Graham in Toronto (N), 1247
hindrance to (A), 78; 543, 544
history of (B), 668
impasse in (A), 542
in Indonesia (N), 1247
increasing role of (forum), 379
Indonesian mass movement to Christianity (N), 1014
means of Christian witness (E), 96
methods of group (A), 100
methods of personal (A), 89
mission among tourists in Spain (N), 882
NAE to spearhead special thrust from April 1967 to April 1968 (N), 285
NCC and (E), 352
NCC views of (E), 160
new tools for world (N), 51
obstacles to—in the world (A), 82
‘paratroop’ evangelism suggested (A), 1183
Potter on, at W.C.C. meeting (N), 1209
services planned in Stratford, Ontario (N), 1247
Southern Presbyterians and (E), 1257
relevancy and urgency of (A), 137
Shea holds crusade in his home town in Ontario (N), 285
Skinner in Washington (N), 53
social action in (N), 970
Southern Baptist crusade in Dayton, Ohio, area (N), 1165
theology of (A), 73
theology of, needed (A), 1020
20th century (CRT), 61
Victorian Congress on Evangelism (N), 1247
view of atonement important in (CRT), 190
West African Congress on (N), 732
what form? (N), 1010
Latin America Mission opens Worldwide Office (N), 677
Evangelism in Sand and Snow, by Peter Goodwin Hudson (N), 882
Everett, Glenn D.: Fleeing U.S. ‘Persecution’ (N), 530
contemporary thought and (A), 843
Tennessee ban on its teaching repealed (N), 932
Tennessee law stays (N), 825
vs. creationism (B), 462
Example, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 994
Existential Absurdity on the Campus, by Clifford Edwards (A), 797
absurdity on campus (A), 797
dogmas of (A), 1237
Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis: Significance of the World Congress on Evangelism (Gerald Kennedy) (B), 1259
varieties of (B), 461
Expo ’67
H. Elmer Bartsch appointed deputy interim chief of Christian Pavilion (N), 420
description of (N), 773
mirrors the Christian Church (N), 1160
Expo 67: Dual Approach, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 369
Expo’s Religious Reflection: Accidentally Accurate (N), 1160
Exposing the Tricks of the Trade, by J. D. Douglas (CRT), 1120
Exposition of the Gospel of Luke, An, by Herschel H. Hobbs (Stanley D. Toussaint) (B), 1104
Extracting the Cotton, by T. E. Koshy (N), 775
sermonizing from (B), 968
Fabric of Paul Tillich’s Theology, The, by David H. Kelsey (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
Fact and Faith in Modern Theology, by Stephen Board (A), 847
Fairbanks, Alaska
denominations ask aid in rebuilding flooded churches (N), 1218
must be recovered by Church (A), 693
Faith’s Waning Power to Enthrall, by Nathan M. Pusey (Q), 790
Family life
deteriorating in United States (N), 125
Far East Broadcasting Company
plans research center (L), 1135
Farley, Hugh D., death of (N), 326
Farris, John: King Windom (Ella Erway) (B), 875
Fate of Reformers in the Roman Fold, The, by Charles A. Bolton (A), 979
one of the world’s major Marian shrines (N), 672
Fatima’s Fiftieth: A Boost for Mariology (N), 672
Faulting the Bible Critics, by C. S. Lewis (A), 895
Feaster, William N., death of (N), 237, 1012
Fed Up with Liberals, by Craig Skinner (N), 1013
Feedback from a Churchman, by John E. Wagner (A), 296
Fiedler, Lois
first woman ministerial candidate among Texas Presbyterians (N), 1164
Feilding, Charles R.: Education for Ministry (David W. Kerr) (B), 820
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Tom Landry named NFL Coach of the Year (N), 933
Ferguson, Everett
edits New Testament commentary for Churches of Christ (N), 733
Ferment at Berkeley’s Bapist Seminary, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 323
Ferment ’67
new ecumenical publication (N), 1214
Ferré, Nels F. S.: A Theology for Christian Education (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Fickett, Harold L., Jr.: Preaching in Series (MW), 37
Fields, W. C.
new president of Associated Church Press (N), 836
and the churches (E), 763
controversy with Eastman Kodak (E), 813
Eastman Kodak and (A), 1028
Fight Church Officials May Regret, A (E), 813
1517–1967, by G. C. Berkouwer (CRT), 678
‘A Man for All Seasons’ praised (E), 762
‘Bible, The … in the beginning’ (N), 55
‘For Pete’s Sake’ (N), 57
‘Hawaii’ distorts work of missionaries (E), 762
reviews—pro and con (L), 862
‘Time for Burning, A’ (N), 56
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf called ‘least liked movie of 1966’ (N), 836
women often offended by depiction of sex (N), 836
‘Worlds Apart’ (N), 57
Finality of Christ, The, ed. by Dow Kirkpatrick (David H. Wallace) (B), 268
church investment (N), 1248
Finck, Theodore K., death of (N), 285
religion instruction restricted to Lutherans (N), 837
Salama’s Midsummer Dances confiscated for ‘deliberate blasphemy’ (N), 126
control needed (B), 110
First Baptist Church, Dallas
celebrates centennial (N), 1117
First Church of Chattanooga
Ben Haden new minister (N), 1164
First and Second Chronicles
Anchor Bible treatment of (B), 168
First Frost, by E. Margaret Clarkson (P), 197
Fitch, William: Canadian Unity—In and Out of Church (N), 1211
Fitch, William: Christian Campus Report: 1967 (N), 1162
Fitch, William: The Glory of Preaching (MW), 398
Fleeing U.S. ‘Persecution’, by Glenn D. Everett (N), 530
Flemming, Arthur
only official nominee for president of the NCC (N), 236
Fletcher, Joseph: Moral Responsibility: Situation Ethics at Work (Arthur F. Holmes) (B), 873
Flowing Ecumenical Tide, The, by W. Stanford Reid (A), 643
For the Sake of Art, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 477
Fool Hath Said … The, by Marie J. Post (P), 431
Steve Spurrier outstanding player (N), 417
Football: Faith and $400,000, by Adon Taft (N), 417
Ford Foundation
religious grants (N), 1250
Ford, Leighton
crusade in Canada (N), 51
social action through evangelism (N), 970
The Centennial Crisis (A), 644
The Christian Persuader (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
no mass evangelism (forum), 379
Foreman, Kenneth J.: The Engineer’s Got to Know Where His Hind End Is (A), 800
death of (N), 677
and sin (A), 539
Forker, Wilbert: Race-Track Evangelism (N), 674
Forsberg, Malcolm: Last Days on the Nile (Francis Rue Steele) (B), 822
Forster, Keith
denied visa for Wycliffe work in Nigeria (N), 327
Found Too Late: The Word of God, by Donald R. Neiswender (A), 199
Foundations of New Testament Christology, by Reginald H. Fuller (Richard N. Longenecker) (B), 166
Baptist churches close (N), 124
French Protestant Federation encourages Lutheran-Reformed merger (N), 236
Francis Asbury, by L. C. Rudolph (Frederick A. Norwood) (B), 406
Francoeur, Robert T.
Catholic priest, married last June (N), 1164
Frank, Eugene M.
president-elect of Methodist Council of Bishops (N), 780
Free for All, by J. D. Douglas (CRT), 238
Freedom in Modern Theology, by Robert T. Osborn (Frederic R. Howe) (B), 1148
Freedom of speech
‘Fairness Doctrine’ tested (N), 1053
Freeland, William D.
Bible in Wax (N), 578
Catholics Battle GOP on School Aid (N), 884
Catholic Dilemma: Control Versus Conscience (N), 826
Inter-Faith Debate on Easing Abortion Laws (N), 779
Puerto Rico: Cracking the Outer Shell (N), 722
The Invisible Evangelical (N), 831
The New Nuns (N), 930
Freer, Harold Wiley: God Meets Us Where We Are: An Interpretation of Brother Lawrence (Armin Gesswein) (B), 1049
French Protestant Federation
encourages Lutheran-Reformed merger (N), 236
Freud, Sigmund
on Woodrow Wilson (N), 320
Freud on Woodrow Wilson: A Delusion of Divinity (N), 320
From Oberammergau to Britain, by David Coomes (N), 883
Fromer, Paul
new president of EPA (N), 933
Fromm, Erich
Protestant critique of (B), 769
Frye, Roland Mushat (ed.): The Bible: Selections from the King James Version (Calvin D. Linton) (B), 168
Fuchida, Mitsuo
Japanese attacker visits Pearl Harbor (N), 366
Fuller, David Otis (ed.): Valiant for the Truth: A Treasury of Evangelical Writings (John H. Gerstner) (B), 965
Fuller, Reginald H.: Foundations of New Testament Christology (Richard N. Longenecker) (B), 166
professor of New Testament, Union Theological Seminary (N), 420
Fund for Theological Education
Rooks, C. Shelby, new executive director (N), 975
Fundamentals of the Faith
Christ and His Church, by Marcus L. Loane (booklet), at 957
Jesus Christ the Divine Redeemer, by Calvin D. Linton (booklet), at 561
Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification, The, by Cary N. Weisiger III (booklet), at 1144
The Glorious Destiny of the Believer, by Merrill C. Tenney (booklet), at 309
Missouri Synod and (B), 918
Fundamentalism and the Missouri Synod, by Milton L. Rudnick (Robert Preus) (B), 918
Funk, Robert W.: Language, Hermeneutic and Word of God (Lawrence E. Yates) (B), 519
Future of Belief, The: Theism in a World Come of Age, by Leslie Dewart (David A. Redding) (B), 562
Future possibilities
Christian leaders on (forum), 379
Gaebelein, Frank E.
on American Education (forum), 380
Gallaway, Ira: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Terminally III Person (A), 894
Gallup Poll
lists men Americans admire most (N), 419
rank of five major Protestant groups (N), 1115
Gallup Poll Ranks Status of 5 Protestant Groups (N), 1115
Garaudy, Roger
‘intellectual cooperation’ necessary (E), 354
Garcia, Robert
priest, to head New Mexico’s anti-poverty agency (N), 975
Garrison, Webb: The Joy of Memorizing Scripture (A), 204
Garrity, W. J., death of (N), 1012
Gartenhaus, Jacob: How to Approach the Jew with the Gospel (A), 253
Garvin, M. H.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
Gaydos, Ken.: Half of a TV Debate (N), 322
U.S. Aid for Segregation? (N), 626
Gearing for Action, by Leon Morris (N), 1247
Geering, Lloyd
denies historicity of resurrection (N), 674
denies immortality of human soul (N), 732
understanding (B), 314
Genet, Harry W., and Baker, Dwight L.: Mideast: Weighing the Effects (N), 1007
Macon church formed by supporters of integrated worship (N), 371
Geren, Paul F.
new president of Stetson University (N), 1255
Bavarians to vote on state-supported religious schools (N), 1165
confessional movement resists modern theology (N), 675
Evangelical Church in Germany on both sides of the wall (N), 774
Kirchentag boycotted by Confessional movement (N), 1056
Kirchentag 1967 (CRT), 1166
Methodists and EUB’s to follow U.S. merger (N), 975
Germany: The New Resistance, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (N), 675
Germany, East
large drop in Lutheran baptisms (N), 1255
Luther to be honored in ‘historical context’ (N), 235
Germany, West
two leading Protestants in high political posts (N), 372
Gerstner, John H.: New Light on the Confession of 1967 (A), 244
Anglicans approve intercommunion with other segments of proposed national church (N), 372
relaxes strictures on South African visitors (N), 677
Gibson, Robert F., Jr.
American church mergers ‘quite far behind’ rest of world (N), 885
Gideons International
distributed five million Bibles last year (N), 1119
to supply Testaments to African school children (N), 1119
Gilbert, Arthur
for objective teaching of religion in schools (N), 572
Gilbert, Rabbi Arthur
to teach religion and sociology at Marymount Manhattan College (N), 1255
Gilman, Alfred Alonzo, death of (N), 126
Girandola, Anthony
refused Roman Catholic burial for stillborn daughter (N), 420
Giving Away What You Don’t Own (E), 128
Glasow, Carl E.: Dangers of a Giant Church (A), 694
Glasser, Arthur
on the population explosion (forum), 380
Glaze, A. J.
new president of International Baptist Seminary, Buenos Aires (N), 732
Glen, J. Stanley: Erich Fromm: A Protestant Critique (Gary R. Collins) (B), 769
Glen, J. Stanley: The Recovery of the Teaching Ministry (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Glenmary Sisters
ask dispensation from their vows (N), 1161
Glick, G. Wayne: The Reality of Christianity: A Study of Adolf von Harnack as Historian and Theologian (Robert H. Gundry) (B), 1152
Glide, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 825
Glock, Charles Y., et al.: To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church (Edwin M. Yamauchi) (B), 1206
Glock-Stark theory
refuted by Merton Strommen (N), 1117
Glorious Destiny of the Believer, The, by Merrill C. Tenney (insert), 308
Glory of Preaching, The, by William Fitch (MW), 398
explanation for its popularity (N), 1060
Nazarene pastor excommunicated for speaking in tongues (N), 371
Roman Catholicism and (N), 880
greatness of (LF), 212
God and Man in the 20th century
Churchmen Look at Communism (panel), 948
Gospel and World Religion, The (panel), 248
series available for TV outlets (E), 33
The Church and Social Concern (panel), 683
What’s the Sense of Work? (panel), 1125
God Meets Us Where We Are: An Interpretation of Brother Lawrence, by Harold Wiley Freer (Armin Gesswein) (B), 1049
God Planted Five Seeds, by Jean Dye Johnson (Cal Guy) (B), 274
God Question and Modern Man, The, by Hans Urs von Balthasar (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 872
Godard, James M.
to head educational research project (N), 732
God’s Revolutionary Demand, by Billy Graham (A), 1019
God’s Word Written: Essays on the Nature of Biblical Revelation, Inspiration, and Authority, by John C. Wenger (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
Good, Glad News, The (E), 67
Good God! Cry or Credo?, by Hubert Black (Robert Boyd Munger) (B), 458
Good News and Good Works (E), 957
Good News for a World in Need (E), 34
Gospel in a Social Context, The, by Adon Taft (N), 969
approach to the Jews (A), 253
divine dynamic (A), 149
Gospel and World Religion, The, by Carl F. H. Henry, Clyde W. Taylor, Josef Nordenhaug, and Richard C. Halverson (panel), 248
Gospel of Revolution, The, by Alice Widener (Q), 499
translated into the Scouse dialect of Liverpool (N), 929
honesty in (E), 657
Graham, Billy
at Berkeley campus (N), 526
Berlin crusade (N), 119
crusade in Kansas City (N), 1246
crusade in Puerto Rico (N), 722
follow-up meetings in London (N), 51
God’s Revolutionary Demand (A), 1019
Great Britain crusade (N), 1059
in Toronto (N), 1247
makes Gallup’s ‘most admired’ list (N), 419
plans to visit Yugoslavia (N), 1013
speaker at dedication of ORU (N), 778
Viet Nam mission (N), 412
visits poverty programs in western North Carolina (N), 933
Why the Berlin Congress? (A), 131
Yugoslavia crusade (N), 1109
Graham Preaches Peace in Viet Nam, by Dale Herendeen (N), 412
Graham TV Saturates Britain, by J. D. Douglas (N), 1059
Graham’s Rousing Red Welcome, by J. D. Douglas (N), 1109
Granberg, Lars I.: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a hom*osexual (A), 892
Grandea, Ambrosio S., death of (N), 1012
Grandlienard, Joseph C.
to direct Church Plan Commission in NYC area (N), 1164
Grant, A. Raymond, death of (N), 1219
Grass Roots Church, The: A Manifesto for Protestant Renewal, by Stephen C. Rose (William Edmund Bouslough) (B), 457
Graves, J. R.
Landmark Movement and (A), 689
Great Britain
Baptist Union Council rejects current merger plans (N), 780
Clapham sect
influential men included in (A), 387
controversy or, sex in (E), 162
Ecumenism in (CRT), 1120
evangelicals urged to form a new (N), 180
gin consumption in (A), 387
Penry Jones heads religious broadcasting department of BBC (N), 583
Presbyterians and Congregationalists to merge (N), 975
Sex and Morality causes storms of protest (CRT), 238
Student Christian Movement seeks talks with ‘conservative evangelicals’ (N), 236
theology of the English Reformers (B), 966
Great Valley Presbyterian Church
refuses to support Confession of 1967 (N), 1063
Archbishop Chrysostomos dismissed (N), 881
new primate appointed (N), 928
parliament ends ecclesiastical crisis (N), 229
religious intolerance (E), 1198
which way for? (N), 1208
Greek New Testament, The, ed. by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allan Wikgren (Everett F. Harrison) (B), 357
Greek Orthodox Church
condemns contraception (N), 836
Dore, Arthur, named director of interchurch relations and communications for Archdiocese of North and South America (N), 236
may open a ‘Hellenic University’ (N), 776
Turks put pressure on (N), 120
Greene, Sherman L., death of (N), 1119
Gregory, Dick
‘preaches’ at San Francisco Methodist church (N), 125
Gregory of Nyssa
quoted on church conditions in the 4th century (A), 196
Grennan, Jean Marie
lay control of RC colleges (N), 467
Griffiths, Michael C.
to become general director of Overseas Missionary Fellowship in 1969 (N), 1255
Grissom, Virgil, death of (N), 525
Groff, Patricia May
missionary martyr (N), 674
Groppi, The Rev. James
advocates open-housing (N), 1250
fined in civil rights disturbance (N), 1117
joins militant civil rights leaders (E), 1257
Gross, Richard
named dean of Gordon College (N), 780
Grounds, Vernon C.: Building on the Bible (A), 201
Groves, Richard: The Message in Modern Pop Music (A), 941
foreign missionaries may be deported (N), 883
Guy, Cal
on missions and the church (forum), 380
Habakkuk, Book of
source of Paul’s ‘salvation by faith’ (A), 1125
Haden, Benjamin
moves to First Church of Chattanooga (N), 1164
succeeds D. Reginald Thomas on ‘The Bible Study Hour’ (N), 533
Hadjis, Meliton
elected Metropolitan of Chalcedon (N), 237
Hageman, Howard G.: Listen Before You Speak (MW), 214
Haile Selassie
to attend World Congress of Evangelism (N), 118
Radio Lumiere orders new transmitter (N), 1014
Half of a TV Debate, by Ken Gaydos (N), 322
Hall, Billy: West Indies: Ecumenical Seminary (N), 881
Halverson, Richard C.: Methods of Personal Evangelism (A), 89
Halverson, Richard C., et al.: Is Sunday School a Lost Cause? (panel), 1071
Halverson, Richard C., et al.: The Gospel and World Religion (panel), 248
Hamilton, Steve
evangelical turns Marxist (N), 579
Hamilton, William
radical theology and (CRT), 286
to teach at New College, Sarasota, Florida (N), 975
discussion of (A), 490
Hammarskjöld, Dag
secret faith of (B), 664
Han, Kyung Chik: By My Spirit (A), 155
Hannen, Robert
leaves Berkeley Baptist Divinity School for Central Baptist Seminary (N), 1015
Hanson, Anthony (ed.): Vindications: Essays on the Historical Basis of Christianity (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
Hanson, R. P. C., (ed.): The New Clarendon Bible: The Acts (David W. Mcllvaine) (B), 1150
Hargis, Billy James
author of McCarthy speech (N), 671
denied tax-exempt status (N), 186
loses federal tax exemption (N), 671
Harllee, Ella F., et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Harman, Gordon: Evangelical Principles and Practices (A), part 1, 340; part 2, 387
Harms, Oliver
commends President Johnson for Viet Nam ceasefire on behalf of Missouri Synod Lutherans (N), 326
Harnack, Adolf von
study of (B), 1152
Harpur, T. W.: The Theological Climate in Canada (A), 646
Harris, Marquis LaFayette, death of (N), 126
Harrison, Bob
West Indies crusade (N), 674
Harrison, Ernest
Canada’s God-is-dead theologian (B), 664
heresy of (N), 628
A Church Without God (J. Berkley Reynolds) (B), 664
Harrison, Joanne Rhudy: Prayer for a Heart’s Spring (P), 745
Harrison, Rodger
to become chaplain to English-speaking Protestants in Moscow (N), 932
Hartt, Julian H.: A Christian Critique of American Culture: An Essay in Practical Theology (Melvin G. Williams) (B), 1151
Has the Spirit of Confusion Bewitched the Secular Theologians?, by Milton D. Hunnex (A), 298
Hate Begets Hate (E), 1198
Hatfield, Mark O.
on war and peace (forum), 380
Hatt, Harold E.: Encountering Truth: A New Understanding of How Revelation as Encounter Yields Doctrine (Samuel J. Mikolaski) (B), 616
Have You?, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 30
Havner, Vance: The Church Must First Repent (A), 747
votes transportation subsidies for parochial school pupils (N), 1165
Hearing and Doing the Word, by G. C. Berkouwer (CRT), 128
Heart Longing to Be Free, A (E), 814
Hedrich, Albert L.
on scientific discoveries (forum), 380
Heinemann, Gustav
West German cabinet member and former president of EKID (N), 372
Help! I’m a Layman, by Kenneth Chafin (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
Henderson, Bruce
new religion editor at Time (N), 467
Henderson, Gordon
to monitor radio stations for propaganda (N), 1063
Henderson, Ian
on ecumenism in Great Britain (CRT), 1120
Henry, Carl F. H.
A Challenge to Ecumenical Politicians (A), 1171
The Need for a Christian University (A), 485
Henry, Carl F. H., et al.
The Bible and the New Morality (panel), 1021
Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
The Church and Social Concern (panel), 683
Churchmen Look at Communism (panel), 948
Crisis in Communication (panel), 4
The Gospel and World Religion (panel), 248
Wrat’s the Sense of Work? (panel), 1125
Henry, Carl F. H. (ed.): Jesus of Nazareth: Saviour and Lord (Wayne E. Ward) (B), 356
Hereafter Known as Keele 1967, by J. D. Douglas (CRT), 838
Herendeen, Dale: Graham Preaches Peace in Viet Nam (N), 412
out of date? (N), 1156
Heresy: An Outmoded Concept? (N), 1156
Heresy of Ernest Harrison, The, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 628
Heritage of the Cathedral, The, by Sartell Prentice (Carl H. Droppers) (B), 1150
Herkunft und Zukunft des Menschen: Ein kritischer Überblick der dem Darwinismus und Christentum zugrunde liegenden naturwissenschaftlichen und geistlichen Prinzipien, by A. E. Wilder-Smith (Edwin Y. Monsma) (B), 462
Hermeneutical Problem, The, by G. C. Berkouwer (CRT), 1264
important challenge of today (CRT), 1264
Herring, Ralph A.: The Cycle of Prayer (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 770
Herron, Orley S.
to teach at U. of Mississippi (N), 933
Hess, M. Whitcomb: Magi Beside the Crib (P), 301
Hess, Margaret Johnston: Weekday Bible Classes: A Way to Reach Women (A), 206
Hessert, Paul: New Directions in Theology Today, Volume V: Christian Life (Charles E. Hummel) (B), 1100
Hiebert, Ray Eldon: Courtier to the Crowd: The Story of Ivy Lee and the Development of Public Relations (David E. Kucharsky) (B), 112
Higgins, Msgr. George
chosen as USIA religion advisor (N), 671
Hi-ho Preacherinos and Church Pillars, by Eutychus III (L), 209
Hindrances to Evangelism in the Church, by Walter Künneth (A), 78
riot in New Delhi to force ban on slaughter of sacred cows (N), 236
urge law against proselyting in India (N), 932
Hines, Bishop John E.
quoted on the spiritual needs of men (E), 161
Hirsch, Rabbi Richard
chosen as USIA religion advisor (N), 671
Historical Shape of Faith, The, by Ralph G. Wilburn (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
Historical Survey of the Old Testament, An, by Eugene H. Merrill (Gleason L. Archer) (B), 876
influence of Reformation on (A), 1123
History of Evangelism, by Paulus Scharpff (Mark W. Lee) (B). 668
Hobbs, Herschel H.: An Exposition of the Gospel of Luke (Stanley D. Toussaint) (B), 1104
What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Bereaved Person (A), 893
Hodges, Isam B., death of (N), 677
Hoekema, Anthony A.: Assessing Jehovah’s Witnesses (A), 1030
Hoeksema, Herman: Reformed Dogmatics (M. Eugene Osterhaven) (B), 964
Hoffman, Bengt Runo
professor of ethics and ecumenics at Lutheran Thelogical Seminary, Gettysburg (N), 1255
Hoiland, Richard
interim president of Berkeley Baptist Divinity School (N), 582
three-day weekends may hurt church attendance (N), 1119
Holiness groups
working relationship between (N), 322
Holiness Unity on Tiptoe, by Elden E. Rawlings (N), 322
Holman, John T.
defamation suit against U. S. government dismissed (N), 420
Holmes, Thomas J.
public relations director of Mercer University (N), 188
Holst, Robert
claims lack of biblical evidence against polygamy (N), 1119
Holt, Ivan Lee, death of (N), 476
Holy Bible, The, Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition (Bruce M. Metzger) (B), 44
Holy Spirit
brings about conversion (A), 1020
ecumenism and (A), 752
established the Church (A), 155
in the New Testament (A), 753
modern Christianity and (A), 898
work of (E), 708
Holy Spirit—See booklet at page 1144
determining factors in preaching (MW), 1096
glory of preaching (MW), 398
importance of illustrations (MW), 870
joy of preaching (MW), 612
preacher must read and hear (MW), 214
preaching in series (MW), 37
preaching through the Bible (MW), 262
preaching without notes (MW), 263, 766
prophetic preaching today (MW), 1140
sermons by Kennedy and Read reviewed (B), 1148
defense of (N), 1113
toward an understanding of (B), 617
Honest with God, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 506
Hong Kong
‘cultural revolution’ in (N), 974
K. L. Stumpf leads drive against drug addiction (N), 284
Hong Kong: How Long?, by George N. Patterson (N), 974
Hook, Phillip
named dean of students at Wheaton (N), 780
Hoover, J. Edgar: An Analysis of the New Left: A Gospel of Nihilism (A), 1067
Hoover, Paul R.: Social Pressures and Church Policy (A), 1028
Hope, Norman V.: Is a Read Sermon a Dead Sermon? (MW), 766
Hope, Norman V.: Protestantism’s Birthday: The Importance of 1517 (A), 1227
Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 1263
(B), 1263
Hopkins, Jerry W.: Wife Charts a Sermon (A), 902
Hordern, William: New Directions in Theology Today, Volume I: Introduction (Edward John Cornell) (B), 220
How a Whole Church Vanished, by Dwight L. Baker (A), 195
How Big is God?, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 212
How I Changed My Mind, by Karl Barth (Geoffrey W. Bromiley) (B), 517
How Not to Give Thanks (E), 218
How the Churches Lobby, by James L. Adams (A), 849
How to Approach the Jew with the Gospel, by Jacob Gartenhaus (A), 253
How to Give Away Your Faith, by Paul E. Little (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
How to Light up a Sermon, by M. Jackson White (MW), 870
How to Pray, by Francis E. Reinberger (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 770
Hromodka, Josef
active in Prague’s Christian Peace Conference (N), 187
on witnessing at W.C.C. meeting (N), 1210
Hruby, Blahoslav
managing editor of RCDA (N), 674
Hudson, A. W. Goodwin: The Methods of Group Evangelism (A), 100
Hudson, Peter Goodwin: Evangelism in Sand and Snow (N), 882
Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe: Theology of the English Reformers (Clair Davis) (B), 966
Huizing, F. E.
protests Dutch military spending by withholding 15% of tax payment (N), 533
Hull, Horace H., death of (N), 237
Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
Hull, Roger: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
Hulme, William E.: Your Pastor’s Problems: A Guide for Ministers and Laymen (Lars I. Granberg) (B), 315
Huitgren, Gunnar
to retire as primate of Lutheran Church of Sweden (N), 237
‘Humanist Manifesto’ (A), 794
trouble with (A), 794
place for—in church? (A), 344
Hungarian Baptist Seminary has fourteen students (N), 187
Lutheran church announces new code for co-existence with government (N), 372
Reformed Church marks 400th anniversary (N), 780
Hunnex, Milton D.: Has the Spirit of Confusion Bewitched the Secular Theologians? (A), 298
Hunt, Leslie: The Church’s Missionary Outreach (A), 648
Hunt, Rolfe Lanier
editor of NCC’s International Journal of Religious Education (N), 533
Husain, Zakir
president-elect of India (N), 928
Huston, Earl, Jr
excommunicated from Church of the Nazarene for speaking in tongues (N), 371
Hutten, Kurt: Iron Curtain Christians: The Church in Communist Countries (Blahoslav S. Hruby) (B), 1046
Hutto, Henry: Beyond the Night and the Slough (P), 593
St. Matthew 25:42 (P), 436
Hyde, J. W.: Whither the Church? (LF), 555
‘I Believe in COCU’?, by James Montgomery Boice (A), 739
Viet Nam visit (N), 1012
I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Reminiscences of His Friends, ed. by Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann (Geoffrey W. Bromiley) (B), 517
I Stand by the Door: The Life of Sam Shoemaker, by Helen Smith Shoemaker (Peter C. Moore) (B), 1203
Ibid. and Op. Cit., by Eutychus II (L), 104
Ideas that Shape the American Mind, by D. Elton True blood (interview), 331
If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach, ed. by Ralph G. Turnbull (Haddon W. Robinson) (B), 405
Communism takes advantage of (E), 1146
Imosun, Julius
Ghanian accepted as member in North Carolina church (N), 188
Incendiary Fellowship, The, by D. Elton Trueblood (IIion T. Jones) (B), 518
Incredible Ruling, An (E), 510
Diehl, Carl Gustay, to head South India’s Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (N), 237
Dorairaj feared kidnapped from Hindustan Bible in stitute (N), 326
elects a Muslim president (N), 928
extremists gain (N), 624
Hindu priests riot in New Delhi (N), 236
Hindus urge criminal action against proselyting (N), 932
I.C.C.C. to build 200 churches for South Indian fundamentalists (N), 1218
Methodists to decide whether to join united church of North India (N), 1218
mission hospital wing donated by USAID (N), 1165
Orissa State rebuilds riot-damaged churches (N), 885
starvation causes tragedy in (E), 267
India Vote: Extremists Gain, by T. E. Koshy (N), 624
India’s Desperate Plight (E), 267
India’s Muslim President, by T. E. Koshy (N), 928
Christian revival in progress (N), 124
evangelism in (N), 1247
fastest mission frontier (N), 778
surge of revival (N), 1014
Indonesia: It Sounds Like Revival (N), 1014
Inductive Inerrancy, by John Warwick Montgomery (CRT), 584
Infallible Hatred, An (E), 559
Influence of the Reformation on World History, The, by Kenneth Scott Latourette (A), 1123
‘Inheritance, The’
honored by Educational Communication Association (N), 236
Innes, T. Christie
appointed research associate with Christianity Today for work on Calvin (N), 473
Institute for Advanced Christian Studies
dramatic development of (E), 1042
educators endorse plan (E), 508
and The Methodist Church (N), 52
Integrity in Politics (E), 99
Interchurch Stir in Edinburgh, by J. D. Douglas (N), 970
Inter-Faith Debate on Easing Abortion Laws, by William D. Freeland (N), 779
Internal Revenue Service
warns that admission fees to charity events are not deductible (N), 1218
International Christian Youth, U.S.A.
Kennedy, Jon Reid, new chairman (N), 1063
International Convention of Christian Churches, The—See also Disciples of Christ
International Convention of Christian Churches
Ronald Osborn new president-elect (N), 60
to merge with National Christian Missionary Convention (N), 1215
International Council of Christian Churches
clergymen expelled from Cameroun (N), 629
to help build 200 churches for South Indian fundamentalists (N), 1218
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
general committee meets in Wuppertal, Germany (N), 1218
International Journal of Religious Education
Rolfe Lanier Hunt named new editor (N), 533
International Moravian Synod
Spaugh, R. Gordon, new president (N), 1118
nternational Students, Inc.
raising funds for Washington, D.C., training and service center (N), 419
Interpreter’s House
Carlyle Marney new director (N), 885
Inter-Religious Foundation for Community Organization
creation of, by ten groups (N), 925
Intriguing New Titles in the Field of Religion, by Robert L. Cleath A, 1185
Investment in Christian Missions: Waste or Witness?, by Dean R. Kirkwood (A), 1034
Invisible Evangelical, The, by William D. Freeland (N), 831
Iona Community
Jan Reid new leader (N), 975
exempts Old Order Amish church schools from regulations (N), 1118
Anglican bishops charge that Catholic changes in mixed-marriage rules are superficial (N), 372
Ireland (Northern)
Ian Paisley released from prison (N), 187
Iron Curtain Christians: The Church in Communist Countries, by Kurt Hutten (Blahoslav S. Hruby) (B), 1046
Irresponsibility in High Office (E), 307
Irwin, William A., death of (N), 836
Is a Read Sermon a Dead Sermon?, by Norman V. Hope (MW), 766
Is Christian-Marxist Dialogue Possible? (E), 354
Is Sunday School a Lost Cause?, by Carl F. H. Henry, Richard C. Halverson, William E. Pannell, Charles Nagel (panel), 1071
Isais, Juan M.
directs high school and university work for Latin America Mission (N), 475
Ahmadiyyat community plans world evangelization (N), 280
greatest deterrent to Christianity (forum), 381
militant Muslims in Turkey (N), 279
new mosque planned for New York (N), 624
Islam’s Zealous Spin-off, by E. R. Reynolds, Jr. (N), 280
Communists lose political control in Nazareth (N), 327
embassy answer to news story on the war (L), 1241
Solomon’s.gate discovered (N), 927
Jews’ re-entry into the Holy City (N), 973
Security Council censures (E), 267
Israeli crisis
report by James L. Kelso (N), 1051
Issues in Science and Religion, by Ian G. Barbour (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 108
Issues Posed by a Common Bible (E), 608
Jackson, Donald
first vice-president of independent Methodist Conference in the Caribbean and Central America (N), 1063
Jackson, Mahalia
divorced (N), 836
Jacqueline, Sister Mary—See Grennan, Jean Marie
James Bond’s World of Values, by Lycurgus M. Starkey, Jr. (Clyde S. Kilby) (B), 564
James, E. S.
suffers massive coronary attack (N), 1117
new religions (B), 818
survey shows lack in theological education (N), 372
Suzuki, Masahisa, elected moderator of United Church of Christ (N), 237
United Church of Christ confesses complicity in World War II (N), 677
Jarman, W. Maxey: Achieving Great Things for God (A), 294
Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
Jeffers, Joseph D.
accused of mail fraud in promotion of ‘Kingdom of Yahweh’ (N), 419
Jehovah’s Witnesses
assessing (A), 1030
Jellema, Roderick: Peter DeVries (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
casting lots for (E), 1093
Ethiopian and Coptic Orthodox pilgrims clash (N), 885
Jews’ re-entry into the Holy City (N), 973
plans for (N), 1052
a third temple? (N), 1050
Jerusalem: A Third Temple?, by Dwight L. Baker (N), 1050
Jesus Christ
death of (A), 597
disturbs complacent men (A), 243
finality of, debated (B), 268
historicity of, debated (N), 123
a hom*osexual? (N), 1113
Passover Plot (Schonfield) reviewed (B), 269
resurrection, historicity denied (N), 674
Jesus Christ the Divine Redeemer, by Calvin D. Linton (booklet), at 561
Jesus of Nazareth: Saviour and Lord, ed. by Carl F. H. Henry (Wayne E. Ward) (B), 356
Israel wants stricter limitations on Christian work (N), 883
tension in (N), 883
at Christmas (N), 324
evangelical failures and the (E), 558
Gospel approach to the (A), 253
more resentment against Catholics (N), 836
persecution in Soviet Union (N), 1110
question of number exterminated (L), 696
Rabbi Lieberman sends Passover message to Russian Jews (N), 837
third Temple for the? (N), 1050
Jews at Christmas (N), 324
Jews in Old Jerusalem! A Historic Re-Entry (N), 973
John Calvin (‘Courtenay Studies in Reformation Theology,’ Vol. 1), ed. by G. E. Duffield (Donald J. Bruggink) (B), 314
Johnson, Edward L.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 292
Johnson, Hewlett, death of (N), 188
Johnson, James L.: Code Name Sebastian (Clifford Edwards) (B), 919
death of (N), 1012
Johnson, Jean Dye: God Planted Five Seeds (Cal Guy) (B), 274
Johnson, Louis
condemns U.S. control of Congo Baptists (N), 932
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
elected elder of First Christian Church, Johnson City, Texas (N), 326
missal used in swearing-in ceremony (N), 628
wins ‘Family of Man’ award (N), 186
Johnson, Matthew
death of, causes race riots (N), 116
Johnson, Paul E.: Person and Counselor: Responsive Counseling in the Christian Context (Gordon Stanley) (B), 819
Johnson, Robert Pierre
first Negro general presbyter in New York City (N), 1015
Johnshoy, Howard G., death of (N), 733
Jones, H. Kimball: Toward a Christian Understanding of the hom*osexual (Frank C. Peters), (B), 617
Jones, Howard
Kinshasa crusade (N), 723
Jones, Howard O.
on the Negro (forum), 381
Shall We Overcome? (Frank E. Gaebelein) (B), 43
Jones, James Archibald, death of (N), 285
Jones, Penry
heads religious broadcasting department of the BBC, (N), 583
Josefson, Ruben
Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala and primate of Church of Sweden (N), 933
Journalism—See Communications issue, October 14, 1966
Time chooses new religion writer (N), 467
Joy of Memorizing Scripture, The, by Webb Garrison (A), 204
Joy of Preaching, The, by Charles Ferguson Ball (MW), 612
30,000 conversions to, since 1954 (N), 836
new encyclopedia of (B), 406
‘Judas Tree’, The, by Joan Kerns (N), 732
Kaldy, Zoltan
announces new code adopted by Hungarian Lutheran church (N), 372
Kane, Douglas N.: College, Hospital Cut Church Ties (N), 671
Kantzer, Kenneth S.: Evangelicals and the Evangelistic Dialogue (N), 1010
Kaplan, Justin
donates Pulitzer Prize money to American Friends Service Committee (N), 885
Karl Barth and the Christian Message, by Colin Brown (Fred H. Klooster) (B), 1203
Kaufmann, U. Milo: The Pilgrim’s Progress and Traditions in Puritan Meditation (John S. Ramsey) (B), 566
Prince Hamlet and the Current Student Revolt (A), 490
Kavanaugh, Father James: A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church (Stuart P. Garver) (B), 1047
Kayumba, Ephraim
elected bishop in Congo Pentecostal church (N), 126
Keele Anglican Evangelical Congress (CRT), 838
Keep the Faith, Baby!, by Adam Clayton Powell (William C. Brownson) (B), 965
Keiper, Ralph L.
to teach at Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary (N), 582
Keller, John E.: Ministering to Alcoholics (Owen C. Onsum) (B), 318
Archaeology and our Old Testament Contemporaries (Earl S. Kalland) (B), 517
Kelly, Colin, III
enters Philadelphia Divinity School (N), 1219
Kelsey, David H.: The Fabric of Paul Tillich’s Theology (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
Kelso, James L.
report on Israeli crisis (N), 1051
Kennedy, Gerald
on intra-Protestant ecumenism (forum), 381
The Parables (Donald Macleod) (B), 1148
Kennedy, John F.
reflections on his assassination (E), 161
Kennedy, Jon Reid
new chairman of International Christian Youth, U.S.A. (N), 1063
Kerns, Joan: ‘The Judas Tree’ (N), 732
Kessler, J. B. A.
claims church splits in Protestantism have proved a strength (N), 1161
Key Theologian’s Exit Jars Roman Church (N), 415
Keysor, Charles W.
editor of new quarterly (N), 417
What Is ‘Pop’ Music Really Saying? (A), 312
Kilbourn, William (ed.): The Restless Church: A Responseto ‘The Comfortable Pew’ (Ian S. Rennie) (B), 42
King James Version
anthology of selections (B), 168
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
peace through boycott (E), 763
to take time out to write book on civil rights strategy (N), 373
King Windom, by John Farris (Ella Erway) (B), 875
Kingdom of God
and the ‘Political Gospel’ (A), 743
(LF), 350
‘Kingdom of Yahweh’
exposed as mail fraud (N), 419
Kirchentag: Left to the Left, by Jan J. Van Capelleveen (N), 1056
Kirchentag 1967, by John Warwick Montgomery (CRT), 1166
Kirkpatrick, Dow (ed.): The Finality of Christ (David H. Wallace) (B), 268
Kirkwood, Dean R.: Investment in Christian Missions: Waste or Witness? (A), 1034
Kirukhantsev, Anatol, death of (N), 326
Kitchen, K. A.: Ancient Orient and Old Testament (Marvin R. Wilson) (B), 665
Kloetzli, Walter
named social-services director with HUD (N), 1164
Klug, Eugene F.: Dogmatic When It Matters (A), 592
Knight, John L.
new president of Wesley Theological Seminary (N), 836
Koch, Harold M.
defector to USSR—returning (N), 366
Koenig, Franz Cardinal
wins libel suit in Salzberg (N), 780
birth of the Church in (A), 156
Methodist Church fails to elect—and then elects bishop (N), 186, 677
Koshy. T. E.: Extracting the Cotton (N), 775
India Vote: Extremists Gain (N), 624
India’s Muslim President (N), 928
Nagaland Closed to Missionaries (N), 830
Kotsonis, Jerome
new primate in Greece (N), 928
Kratz, C. Eugene
first president of Maryland Baptist College (N), 60
Kraus, Hans-Joachim: Worship in Israel: A Cultic History of the Old Testament (Edward J. Young) (B), 314
Kregel, Herman J.
first religious coordinator, California state division of alcoholism (N), 1164
Krol, Archbishop John
new cardinal (N), 975
to attend Synod of Bishops in Rome (N), 932
Kroner, Richard: Between Faith and Thought: Reflections and Suggestions (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
Kucharsky, David E.: Christian ‘Bonanza’ in Bucharest? (N), 178
Confronting the Impasse in Evangelism (A), 542
Memo to Missionaries (Q), 1179
Passing the Plate to Washington (A), 1077
Kucharsky, David E., et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Kuhn, Harold B.
A Look at America’s Religion (CRT), 934
Obstacles to Evangelism in the World (A), 82
on the God-is-dead movement (forum), 381
Pre-Thinking Uppsala (CRT), 1221
Still Adolescent? (CRT), 630
Twentieth-Century Evangelism (CRT), 61
Kulbeck, E. N. O.
message to the World Congress on Evangelism (A), 294
president of Canadian Church Press (N), 533
Küng, Hans
comments on celibacy rule (N), 1117
new study of the Church (CRT), 976
to teach at Union Theological Seminary (N.Y.C.) (N), 1014
Künneth, Walter: Hindrances to Evangelism in the Church (A), 78
value of (panel), 1125
Lambeth, Edmund B., et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Lamont, Robert J.: What I’ve Learned in Counseling Parents of a Retarded Child (A), 891
Landis, Benson Y., death of (N), 285
Landmark Movement
baptism and (A), 689
Landreville, Justice
confession of lying (E), 711
Landry, Tom
named NFL Coach of the Year (N), 933
Language, Hermeneutic and Word of God, by Robert W. Funk (Lawrence E. Yates) (B), 519
Lapide, Pinchas E.: Three Popes and the Jews (Jakob Jocz) (B), 1046
Larson, Bruce: Setting Men Free (Vance H. Webster) (B), 1259
Last Adam, The: A Study in Pauline Anthropology, by Robin Scroggs (James P. Marlin) (B), 1048
Last Days on the Nile, by Malcolm Forsberg (Francis Rue Steele) (B), 822
Latin America Mission
calls for consultation of evangelists (N), 1247
opens Office of Worldwide Evangelism-in-Depth (N), 677
Latourette, Kenneth Scott
on world revolution and communism (forum), 381
The Influence of the Reformation on World History (A), 1123
Laughing with God, by Frederick W. Danker (A), 344
Lawrence, Brother—See Brother Lawrence
Laws in the Pentateuch and Other Studies, The, by Martin Noth (R. Laird Harris) (B), 1260
Lawson, John: Comprehensive Handbook of Christian Doctrine (Gordon R. Lewis) (B), 770
Layman’s Guide to Presbyterian Beliefs, A, by Addison H. Leitch (David A. Redding) (B), 815
evaluating churches (A), 291
lawyer’s involvement with evangelistic agencies (A), 296
Learning in Splitting, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (N), 1161
Leash on the Tax Dollar, A, by Edward H. Pitts (N), 278
Lee, Ivy Ledbetter
public relations and (B), 112
Leger, Emile Cardinal
quoted on priestly celibacy (N), 476
Church and the outdoors (B), 273
problems of, in future (forum), 382
Leitch, Addison H.: A Layman’s Guide to Presbyterian Beliefs (David A. Redding) (B), 815
An Unstable Compromise (CRT), 781
For the Sake of Art (CRT), 477
Regarding Evangelism (CRT). 190
Sizing up the Students (CRT), 1064
Lelievre, A.
quoted on ‘remnant’ (A), 940
Lemmons, Reuel: Possibly We Can Get Together (A), 1131
Lenton, T. D.: No Hush for Harold Wilson (N), 116
Lentsch, Ray
imprisoned for distributing tracts on Rhodes (N), 187
Leo, John
joins New York Times (N), 677
Let Student Editors Speak Out (E), 34
Let’s Escape Our Fortress Mentality, by Masumi Toyotome (A), 1183
Let’s Escape ‘The Religious Ghetto’, by Dr. Kenneth Chafin (Q), 36
LeTourneau Foundation
Riedhead, Paris W., first international development director (N), 237
Lewis, C. S.: Christian Reflections (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 815
Faulting the Bible Critics (A), 895
on biblical critics (A), 895
‘Reflections’ commented on (B), 815
Lieberman, George B.
sends Passover message to Russian Jews (N), 837
Life and Death in Ulster, by David Partridge (N), 825
Lightner, Robert P.: The Saviour and the Scriptures (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
Lilje, Bishop Hanns
referred to on theology (A), 1237
Lilly Foundation
sponsors development of experiential worship services radio programs (N), 1255
Lincoln, C. Eric
first Negro professor at Union Seminary (N), 732
Lindholm, William
heads National Committee for Amish Religious Freedom (N), 476
Lindsay, Kenneth M.
public-relations director of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (N), 1219
Lindsell, Harold: Changes in the Scofield Reference Bible (B), 711
Tensions in the Seminaries (A), 789
Lindsell, Harold (ed.): The Church’s Worldwide Mission (James D. Belote) (B), 405
Linton, Calvin D.
on the arts (forum), 381
Jesus Christ the Divine Redeemer (booklet), at 561
Listen Before You Speak, by Howard G. Hageman (MW), 214
Listen, Clergymen! (forum), 291
and Christian life (B), 457
Literature and the Christian Life, by Sallie Mcfa*gue TeSelle (Calvin D. Linton) (B), 457
Little, Paul E.: How to Give Away Your Faith (Robert L. Cleath) (B), 108
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
urges evangelicals to form a new church (N), 180
Loane, Marcus: Christ and His Church (booklet), at 957
Loder, James E.: Religious Pathology and Christian Faith (Orville S. Walters) (B), 460
Logan-Vencta, John
new moderator, Presbyterian Church in Canada (N), 975
Lohse, Bernhard: A Short History of Christian Doctrine (J. A. O. Preus) (B), 717
Long, Edward LeRoy, Jr.: A Survey of Christian Ethics (Jesse DeBoer) (B), 1048
Look at America’s Religion, A, by Harold R. Kuhn (CRT), 934
Looking Back at Geneva, by O. Wilson Okite (N), 116
Lord, Bishop John Wesley
proposes Methodist homes for unwed mothers (N), 237
Lord’s Supper—See Communion
Loss of Two Leaders, The (E), 814
Love: Not a Four-letter Word, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 971
Lowell, C. Stanley: Embattled Wall (Harold John Ockenga) (B), 272
Lowry, Charles W., et al.: Churchmen Look at Communism (A), 948
letter on (L), 604
social conscience vs. personal morality (E), 1147
L.S.D. and Social Conscience (E), 1147
Luce, Henry R., death of (E), 61
Lucid Mr. Luce, The (E), 611
Lugg, Thomas B., death of (N), 1254
Luke, Gospel of
Commentary of (B), 1104
Lundeen, Malvin
first president of Lutheran Council in the U. S. A. (N), 326
Luther, Martin
indulgences and (A), 1227
on Mary (L), 805
quoted on Catholic schismatics (A), 939
quoted on civil magistrates (A), 1027
theology of (B), 874
to be honored in East Germany (N), 235
slight drop in membership (N), 1255
Lutheran Council in the U. S. A.
Malvin Lundeen first president (N), 326
Lutheran Olive Branches, by John Novotney (N), 183
Lutheran World Federation
to expand Radio Voice of the Gospel (N), 932
American, differs on church/state principles (A), 989
American Lutheran Church
approves closer fellowship with other Lutheran bodies (N), 1063
urges ‘intercommunion’ (N), 183
closer fellowship between Australian and Wisconsin synods (N), 1165
C. Umhau Wolf to direct new Lutheran Institute for Religious Studies (N), 284
drop in elementary school enrollment (N), 583
Evangelical Church in Germany on both sides of the wall (N), 774
NOG threatens to boycott the (N), 675
LCA-ALC student group urges reunion with Rome (N), 1218
Lutheran Church of America
Arne B. Sovik chosen executive secretary of Board of World Missions (N), 582
Board of American Missions
asks church-wide appeal for funds (N), 582
Lutheran Church of Hungary announces new code (N), 372
Missouri Synod
closer ecumenical contacts (N), 1111
Fundamentalism and (B), 918
Lindsay, Kenneth M., new public-relations director (N), 1219
President Oliver Harms commends President Johnson for Viet Nam ceasefire (N), 326
receipts sluggish for 1967 budget (N), 629
to discuss joining Lutheran World Federation (N), 733
North Carolina Synod requests a week’s study furlough per year for pastors (N), 885
seven Lutherans to teach at Roman Catholic schools this year (N), 1116
three groups meet to plan ministry to urban young adults (N), 975
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
conservative confession adopted (N), 775
Luthuli, Albert J., death of (N), 1119
Lyons, Vernon
accused of littering for passing out Scripture portions (N), 188
Lys, Daniel: The Meaning of the Old Testament (Charles Lee Feinberg) (B), 1047
Lytle, Harold H.: They Are Taking My Church Away From Me (A), 1082
Mac—see also Mc
Macquarrie, John: Studies in Christian Existentialism (Jerry H. Gill) (B), 461
MacRae, Andrew D.
views evangelism as church’s greatest contribution (N), 732
Mager, Raimer, death of (N), 188
Magi Beside the Crib, by M. Whitcomb Hess (P), 301
Maginnis, Patricia
abortion teacher (N), 1252
Makesi, Emile
death of, in Congo (N), 1113
Making Non-Pacifism Official, by James Daane (N), 1214
Making of a Marxist, The, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 579
four denominations discuss merger (N), 372
Methodists request autonomy (N), 474
‘Man for All Seasons, A’
honored by Catholic and Protestant film boards (N), 533
Man in Community, ed. by Egbert de Vries (C. Gregg Singer) (B), 816
Man, goodness of
Trueblood on (A), 331
Maness, William H.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Mao Tse-tung
and the youth in Red China (N), 472
Manola, Al, et al:. Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
‘Co-Redemptrix’ for Catholics (N), 672
meaning of key terms (N), 673
no barrier to ecumenism? (E), 915
Pope’s Fatima visit (N), 929
Pope Paul’s fourth encyclical (N), 49
Mariolatry: No Bar to Unity? (E), 915
Marney, Carlyle
new director of Interpreter’s House (N), 885
Marriage and sex
Eickhoff on (B), 358
Marriage, mixed
ecumenical flaw in rules (N), 730
Marsden, George M.: Did Success Spoil American Protestantism? (A), 1228
Marsiglius of Padua, referred to (A) 989
Martin, Harold George
denied tax exemption (N), 278
tax trouble in Canada (N), 418
Martin, Harold
first Southern Baptist to work for NCC (N), 835
Martin, Richard B.
elected Episcopal suffragan bishop of Long Island (N), 236
Luther on (L), 805
Maryknoll Missionary Society
to participate in NCC agency (N), 932
minister charged with taking bribes from prison inmates (N), 326
Mascall, Eric: The Christian Universe (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 270
Mason, David E.: Protestant Magazines Are Changing (A), 14
Mason, David; Henry, Carl F. H.; Cassels, Louis; and Bird, George L.: Crisis in Communication (panel), 4
Amesbury clergy ask school board to keep Wednesday night free for church activities (N), 419
Massey, James Earl: The Negro Spiritual Interprets Jesus (A), 942
Masters, D. C.: Protestant Church Colleges in Canada: A History (Leslie K. Tarr) (B), 667
Maston, T. B.: Biblical Ethics: A Survey (Reginald Stackhouse) (B), 1006
obstacles to evangelism (A), 83
Matthews, Arthur: Merger Plan, Installment One (N), 524
Matthews, Arthur H.: After Hash, a Barbecue (N), 572
Presbyterian Rules Retained (N), 575
Maury, Philippe, death of (N), 975
Maxson, Gloria: Captive (P), 342
May, Herbert G., and Metzger, Bruce M. (ed.): The Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha: Revised Standard Version (J. Harold Greenlee) (B), 317
Mc—see also Mac
McAllaster, Elva: The Deacon Has a Wife (P), 434
Statures (P), 990
Treasures of Darkness: After Catastrophe (P), 1032
McConnell, J. P.
‘Catholic chaplains are best’ (N), 885
exhorts chaplains to spend more time with the boys (N), 885
McCracken, Robert J.
to retire from Riverside Church (N), 835
McDormand, Thomas B.
general secretary, Atlantic United Baptist Convention of Canada (N), 1063
to retire as president of Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and College (N), 188
on situational ethics (forum), 381
You Don’t Have to Have It! (A), 693
McElveen, Caroline E.: To a Skeptic (P), 590
McFarland, H. Neill: The Rush Hour of the Gods: A Study of New Religious Movements in Japan (Gordon K. Chapman) (B), 818
McGaughey, Janie
first woman moderator of a presbytery (N), 885
McGeachy, D. P.
recommends that pastors own their own homes (N), 474
McHugh, James
Roman Catholic, to preach at Presbyterian church (N), 975
Mclntire, Carl
Pike’s proposed debate with, postponed (N), 322
McKnight, R. J. G., death of (N), 188
McLemore, R. A.
resigns as president of Mississippi College (N), 416
McLuhan, Marshall
named to Fordham University faculty (N), 413
McQueeny, Thomas
bars Carmichael and Pike from St. Louis University (N), 975
Meaning of the Old Testament, The, by Daniel Lys (Charles Lee Feinberg) (B), 1047
Meaningful Nonsense, by Charles J. Ping (Lawrence E. Yates) (B), 519
and the future (forum), 379
Medium is the Expo, The, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 773
Meister, John W.
executive secretary of UP Council on Theological Education (N), 1063
Meland, Bernard Eugene: The Secularization of Modern Culture (John C. Howell) (B), 315
Memo to Missionaries, by David E. Kucharsky (O), 1179
Men of Action in the Book of Acts, by Paul S. Rees (C. Russell Bowers) (B), 718
‘Chapman’ Mennonites migrate to British Honduras (N), 530
Drescher, John M., moderator-elect (N), 1255
leave Canada for Bolivia (N), 1218
Mennonite Brethren Church
forms world conference (N), 371
merges welfare and mission boards (N), 371
Mumaw, John R., new moderator (N), 1255
World Conference (N), 1158
Merger Bug Biting Baptists?, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 1112
Merger Plan, Installment One, by Arthur Matthews (N), 524
Merrill, Eugene H.: An Historical Survey of the Old Testament (Gleason L. Archer) (B), 876
Message in Modern Pop Music, The, by Richard Groves (A), 941
Meteor, by Helen S. Clarkson (P), 1035
Army requests more Methodist chaplains (N), 124
Bishop Lord proposes homes for unwed mothers (N), 237
Brimigion, Stephen, treasurer of home missions (N), 126
campus groups vote to join ecumenical organizations (N), 1063
Caribbean and Central American Conference gains independence of British churches (N), 1063
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
joins COCU (N), 568
Church in Malaysia and Singapore asks for autonomy from Methodist General Conference (N), 474
consider joining united church of North India (N), 1218
Dick Gregory offends some in San Francisco (N), 125
discuss the nature of faith with Roman Catholic delegation (N), 371
and the EUB Church (N), 572
evangelism committee appointed by Council (N), 1246
General Conference votes EUB merger (N), 230
Korean Church elects bishop (N), 677
Korean conference fails to elect bishop (N), 186
merger with Anglicans stalls (N), 1113
Methodist Church
Central Jurisdiction to be discontinued (N), 1215
Donald H. Tippett president of Methodist Council of Bishops (N), 780
Drew University theological dean fired (N), 467
EUB merger wins (N), 1052
evangelism at Glide (San Francisco) (N), 825
social concern passing resolutions (N), 829
Good News new publication (N), 417
integration and (N), 52
motive magazine to become magazine of University Christian Movement (N), 60
motive receives journalism award (N), 677
Pilgrim Holiness Church
to merge with Wesleyan Methodists (N), 533
Potts becomes executive director of assembly center, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (N), 326
Primitive Methodist Church
plans ‘spiritual Emphasis Crusade’ (N), 1063
report drop in church membership (N), 629
Smith to head religion and race department (N), 188
treat drug addicts in Australia (N), 124
Wesleyan Methodists
to merge with Pilgrim Holiness Church (N), 533
Methodists, EUBs Vote for Merger (N), 230
Methods of Group Evangelism, The, by A. W. Good win Hudson (A), 100
Methods of Personal Evangelism, by Richard C. Halver son (A), 89
Metzger, Bruce M., and May, Herbert G. (ed.): The Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha: Revised Standard Version (J. Harold Greenlee) (B), 317
Metzger, Bruce M., et al. (ed.): The Greek New Testament (Everett F. Harrison) (B), 357
RC bishop robbed and strangled (N), 733
two weeks of free medical care provided by Christian Medical Society (N), 1165
villagers jail Baptists as Communists (N), 975
Middle East
criticism of war (L), 1088
Israel in the (LF), 1044
Jewish war destruction (N), 1051
secular history controlled by divine (E), 997
war in Bible lands (E), 956
weighing effects of crisis (N), 1007
Middle East Crisis: A Biblical Backdrop (N), 926
Mideast: Weighing the Effects, by Dwight L. Baker and Harry W. Genet (N), 1007
Mikolaski, Samuel J.: Ecumenism and the Gift of the Spirit (A), 752
Mills, Hayley
conversion of (N), 527
Mills, Ralph J., Jr.: Edith Sitwell (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
Mills, Roger: What I’ve Learned in Counseling an Unhappy Marriage Partner (A), 891
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
riots in (E), 1257
Ministering to Alcoholics, by John E. Keller (Owen C. Onsum) (B), 318
drafting of clergy? (N), 470
median salary rise (N), 1165
problems of (B), 315
salaries for clergymen too low (E), 464
temptations of a minister (B), 817
Minor, William
charged with murder of Robert W. Spike (N), 326
Lutheran minister heads school board (N), 1164
Missing the Mark! (E), 307
Mission in the American Outdoors, ed. by E. W. Mueller and Giles C. Ekola (Glenn W. Samuelson) (B), 273
send home? (A), 985
Missionary Aviation Fellowship
plane missing in New Guinea (N), 1110
Missionary, Come Home?, by Pat H. Carter (A), 985
appeal to missionaries for news (Q), 1179
Christian Medical Society plans health-insurance for missionaries (N), 1014
colonialism and (B), 315
‘conversion’ not work of (E), 1198
dangerous situation in Nigeria (N), 1210
Disciples of Christ requests greater stewardship (N), 581
equipment troubles for Radio Lumiere (Haiti) (N), 1014
exodus of missionaries (N), 1161
Guinea hampers work (N), 883
in theological perspective (B), 614
Indonesia: fastest mission frontier (N), 778
Latin America Mission
expands high school and university work under Juan M. Isais (N), 475
Lutheran Church of America Board of American Missions requests church-wide appeal for funds (N), 582
missionary force grows in Australia (N), 837
Moody’s missionary aviation training center moved to Elizabethton, Tennessee (N), 1014
Nagaland closed for (N), 830
Pentecostal groups and (forum), 380
Rhodesia prohibits missionaries (N), 1250
training for literacy-missions important (E), 1147
two churches raise over $600, 000 (N), 932
U.S. a field for literacy-missions (E), 1147
‘Unfurl the Missionary Flag’ (E), 1145
UP’s discuss flexible terms for missionaries (N), 1063
upsurge in Canada (N), 777
waste or witness? (A), 1034
World Vision to build ‘missionary embassy’ in Saigon (N), 1014
Child Development Group promised more funds from OEO (N), 419
Committee of Concern rebuilds burned Negro church (N), 583
community leaders ask help in rebuilding bombed church (N), 474
cross-burning at Mount Beulah (N), 780
Missouri Synod Edges Outward (N), 1111
Mitchell, Aaron
dies in California (N), 825
Mitchell, Betty
to return to mission station in Viet Nam (N), 975
Mitchell, Bob
new field director of Young Life Campaign (N), 237
Mixed Marriage Rules: An Ecumenical Flaw (N), 730
Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church, A, by Father James Kavanaugh (Stuart P. Garver) (B), 1047
Moffatt, Gene E.: The Anatomy of the Ministry (Richard P. Buchman) (B), 817
Moir, John S. (ed.): The Cross in Canada: Vignettes of the Churches Across Four Centuries (Clarence M. Nicholson) (B), 666
Molnar, Thomas: Utopia: The Perennial Heresy (John Wesley Raley) (B), 1262
Monsma, John Clover (ed.): Behind the Dim Unknown (Albert L. Hedrich) (B), 169
Montgomery, John Warwick
‘Death of God’ Becomes More Deadly (CRT), 286
debate on God (with Altizer) (N), 623
Inductive Inerrancy (CRT), 584
Kirchentag 1967 (CRT), 1166
on the problem of leisure (forum), 382
Vidler at Strasbourg (CRT), 886
Montgomery, John Warwick, et al.: The Bible and the New Morality (panel), 1021
Montgomery, John Warwick, and Altizer, Thomas J. J.: The Waning Death-of-God Tumult (A), 856
Montgomery, Robert Nathanial, death of (N), 885
Moody Bible Institute
moves its missionary aviation center to Elizabethton, Tenn. (N), 1014
Moore, LeRoy, Jr.
to teach at Hartford Seminary Foundation (N), 1014
Moore, Richard E., and Day, Duane L.: Urban Church Breakthrough (William Edmund Bouslough) (B), 457
Moral Law in Christian Social Ethics, by Walter G. Muelder (George I. Mavrodes) (B), 966
Moral Responsibility: Situation Ethics at Work, by Joseph Fletcher (Arthur F. Holmes) (B), 873
decline of public (E), 711
revolution in (E), 560
situation ethics denounced (E), 218
More Fuel for Flaming Issues in Forthcoming Religious Books, by Robert L. Cleath (A), 438
More Sisters Secularize, by James L. Adams (N), 1161
Morelock, George L., death of (N), 1219
Morgan, Jill: Bethlehem’s Stall (P), 254
Morikawa, Jitsuo
policies attacked (N), 776
Mormon Establishment, The, by Wallace Turner (Harold Lindsell) (B), 359
educational requirements to be waived? (N), 777
and Negroes (N), 626
and the religious issue in politics (N), 626
background history of (B), 359
Morrell, George: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Pastor Who Has Lost His Church (A), 894
Morris, Don H.
recuperating from stroke in November (N), 326
Morris, Leon: Gearing for Action (N), 1247
Morris, Leon, et al.: The Bible and the New Morality (panel), 1021
Morse, Wayne
introduces bill to limit radio-TV advertising of alcoholic beverages (N), 1165
Rodger Harrison to become chaplain for English-speaking Protestants (N), 932
Moss, Marquita: Reviewing the Restoration at Abilene (N), 628
receives award from Columbia University (N), 677
Mounce, Robert
first professor of religious studies, Western Kentucky University (N), 1063
Moyers, Bill D.
becomes publisher of Newsday (N), 373
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick: The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, included in The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy, by Lee Rainwater and William L. Yancey (David O. Moberg) (B), 1260
Moynihan Report, The, and the Politics of Controversy, by Lee Rainwater and William L. Yancey, including the full text of The Negro Family: The Case for National Action by Daniel Patrick Moynihan (David O. Moberg) (B), 1260
Muelder, Walter G.: Moral Law in Christian Social Ethics (George I. Mavrodes) (B), 966
Mueller, E. W., and Ekola, Giles C. (ed.): Mission in the American Outdoors (Glenn W. Samuelson) (B), 273
Mueller, J. Theodore, death of (E), 814; (N), 836
Mueller, Reuben H.
receives Upper Room Citation (N), 373
Mulberger, Lorraine
sells interest in brewery on basis of Romans 14:13 (N), 236
Mumaw, John R.
moderator of the Mennonite Church (N), 1255
Munck, Johannes (ed.): Anchor Bible, Volume 31: The Acts of the Apostles (David W. Mcllvaine) (B), 1150
Murray, John Courtney, death of (N), 1157
Murray, John Courtney, S.J. (ed.): Religious Liberty: An End and a Beginning (James Leo Garrett) (B), 1102
Murray, J. S.: What We Can Learn from the Pentecostal Churches (A), 898
Mushendwa, Elisa
Tanzania’s secretary for political education (N), 1164
message in modern pop (A), 941
Missa Hodierna a jazz composition (N), 228
Negro spirituals interpret Jesus (A), 942
‘pop’ contents of (A), 312
Muste, A. J.
pacifist dies (N), 576
Mutchmor, James R.: The Canadian Churches (A), 637
My Dear Turned-off Brothers, by Eutychus III (L), 756
My Fair Ladies and Gentlemen, by Eutychus III (L), 954
Myers, Bishop C. Kilmer
advocates papal primacy (N), 972
Myers, Jacob M. (ed.): The Anchor Bible, Volume 12: I Chronicles and Volume 13: II Chronicles (Carl E. DeVries) (B), 168
NAE—See also National Association of Evangelicals
history of, reviewed (B), 1002
N.A.E. at 25:. Souls First, Society Second (N), 775
NAE Weighs Future (N), 532
Nagaland Closed to Missionaries, by T. E. Koshy (N), 830
Nagel, Charles, et al.: Is Sunday School a Lost Cause? (panel), 1071
Nakashima, George
on modern art (N), 1216
Nannes, Caspar, et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
California man pleads that marijuana is essential to his religious practice (N), 533
Stumpf leads drive against drug addiction in Hong Kong (N), 284
anti-poverty funds used for ‘liberation school’ (N), 1164
cause of riots (N), 825
siger III (booklet), at 1144
National Association for Pastoral Renewal
leading spokesman marries (N), 1164
National Association of the Church of God
merges with Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) (N), 1057
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
warned against clerical power (N), 1057
National Association of Evangelicals
and affiliated churches (N), 532
Arthur M. Climenhaga resigns as president (N), 473
offers Bible materials for World Day of Prayer (N), 419
spearheads special evangelism effort from April 1967 to April 1968 (N), 285
twenty-fifth anniversary (N), 775
National Catholic Reporter
praised by John Reedy (N), 933
National Committee for Amish Religious Freedom
organized to finance Supreme Court case (N), 476
National Committee of Negro Churches
plans economic aid to Negro community (N), 975
National Council of Catholic Men
suggests a tax on church’s business income (N), 932
National Council of Churches
appoints Harold Martin promotion assistant for RAVEMCCO (N), 835
Bilheimer visits Viet Nam (N), 1012
breakdown of beliefs (N), 1062
Christian education meeting (N), 572
Church, politics, and (E), 35
closes Hollywood office of Broadcasting and Film Commission (N), 124
elects first RC participating member-agency (N), 932
evangelism and (E), 352
evangelism discussed by (N), 319
film awards to ‘The Gospel According to St. Matthew’ and ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ (N), 533
Flemming only official nominee for president (N), 236
General Board asks for public funds (N), 625
General Board meeting lacks quorum (E), 611
names Rolfe Lanier Hunt editor of International Journal of Religious Education (N), 533
new member of (N), 319
opposes loan to South Africa (E), 453
Parrent, Allan M., assumes post in Department of International Affairs (N), 885
policy statement on Red China (E), 35
pronouncement on conscientious objection (N), 629
publication RCDA in danger (E), 760
publishes prayer leaflet for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (N), 419
reports on Communist repression (N), 674
Schomer to become executive director of Specialized Ministries Department (N), 284
shatters unity (LF), 556
spokesmen testify on behalf of federal fair-housing law (N), 1218
sponsors campaign to recruit church workers (N), 837
views of evangelism (E), 160
will Roman Catholics join? (N), 464
National Christian Missionary Convention
to merge with International Convention of Christian Churches (N), 1215
National Committee of Negro Churchmen
lack of capital for Negroes (N), 1217
National Faith and Order Colloquim (N), 1010
National Lutheran Campus Ministry
withdraws support of chairs of religion (N), 732
National Negro Evangelical Association
seeks to be active as a rallying point for Negro evangelicals (N), 831
National Sunday School Association
plans Sunday school congress (N), 186
obstacle to evangelism (A), 82
Natural sciences
no conflict with Christianity (B), 169
scientific exploitation of (E), 404
gets a Christian mayor (N), 577
NCC—See National Council of Churches
NCC Elite, The: A Breakdown of Beliefs (N), 1062
NCC on the Beach: An Opening on the Right (N), 319
NCC Opposes Loans to South Africa (E), 453
Need for a Christian University, The, by Carl F. H. Henry (A), 485
Negro Churchmen Lament Lack of Capital (N), 1217
Negro Spiritual Interprets Jesus, The, by James Earl Massey (A), 942
and Mormonism (N), 626
Neill, Stephen: Colonialism and Christian Missions (Harold Lindsell) (B), 315
Neiswender, Donald R.: Found Too Late: The Word of God (A), 199
Nelson, Emil
named national evangelism consultant for Salvation Army (N), 1063
joint mass helps to unite Roman Catholics and Old Catholics (N), 371
Mennonite 8th World Conference (N), 1158
pastor protests military spending by withholding 15% of tax payment (N), 533
Pope issues warning to Dutch liberals (N), 327
RC and Reformed Churches to recognize each other’s baptism (N), 1117
Netherlands Reformed Church
Christian Institute members ousted (N), 971
Dutch aid in Bible study to be published (N), 364
will become more precise (forum), 382
New Birth (LF), 30
New Catholic Encyclopedia (Carl F. H. Henry) (B), 916
New Circulation Policy (E), 610
New Clarendon Bible, The: The Acts, ed. by R. P. C. Hanson (David W. Mcllvaine) (B), 1150
New Commentaries Highlight Old Testament Publications, by J. Barton Payne (A), 429
New Directions in Theology Today, Volume I: Introduction, by William Hordern (Edward John Carnell) (B), 220
New Directions in Theology Today, Volume II: History and Hermeneutics, by Carl E. Braaten (Edward John Carnell) (B), 220
New Directions in Theology Today, Volume V: Christian Life, by Paul Hessert (Charles E. Hummel) (B), 1100
New Era for Christian Communication (E), 3
New Evangelistic Frontiers, by Wilber Sutherland (A), 651
New Guinea
missionary plane missing (N), 1110
New Immorality, The, by David A. Redding (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 1098
New Left
new movement (A), 1067
New Light on the Confession of 1967, by John H. Gerstner (A), 244
New Look at Abortion, by Russell Chandler (N), 1247
New morality
Bible and (panel), 1021
change of rules (LF), 1090
during the past decade (N), 58
rejection of—needed (E), 1040
review of book on (B), 1003
symposium held at Evangelical Theological Society meeting (N), 419
theological error of (B), 1098
New Nuns, The, by William D. Freeland (N), 930
New Religious Approaches to the Campus, by Martin L. Singewald (A), 483
New Role for Shirley Temple, A (E), 98
New Spirit of Defiance, The (E), 307
New Testament
anti-Semitism in? (A), 548
Bible Society’s Greek (B), 357
books of 1966 (A), 433
in Choi—story of (A), 1020
foundations of Christology (B), 166
Holy Spirit in the (A), 753
message of conversion (A), 1019
Today’s English Version (B), 317
New Theology and Morality, The, by Henlee H. Barnette (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 1098
New Thoughts on Campus Ministries (E), 998
New Voice in Christian Verse, by E. Margaret Clarkson (A), 653
New York
for educational state aid (N), 1161
New York Times
John Cogley to resign as religion editor (N), 326
New York
ends mandatory matching of religion in adoption and custody cases (N), 1219
New Zealand
historicity of resurrection denied (N), 674
Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
coverage of religion, faulty and incomplete (A), 11
Bill D. Moyers new publisher (N), 373
Next Year in the New Jerusalem? (E), 997
ecumenical council (A), 945
Nichiren Shoshu
American Buddhist sect growing (N), 1119
Nichol, John Thomas: Pentecostalism (John E. Dahlin) (B), 517
Niemöller, Martin
to teach at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, in 1969 (N), 1014
Baptist leader predicts permanent split (N), 975
denies visa to South African Wycliffe worker (N), 327
analysis of the New Left (A), 1067
Nissiotis, N. A.
first Orthodox associate general secretary of the WCC (N), 1255
New York City
Protestant Council restructured (N), 780
New Zealand
controversy over immortality (N), 732
missions in (N), 1210
Nikodim, Metropolitan
visits U.S. (N), 733
Ninetieth Congress, The: A Religious Census (N), 276
Nixon, Leroy: All Scripture Is Profitable (MW), 1000
No Hush for Harold Wilson, by T. D. Lenton (N), 116
‘No Other God,’ by Gabriel Vahanian (David Allan Hubbard) (B), 615
No Other Gospel
German confessional movement resists modern theology (N), 675
No Threat to Secularism (E), 867
Noth, Martin: The Laws in the Pentateuch and Other Studies (R. Laird Harris) (B), 1260
Nonsensical Touch, The (E), 867
Nordenhaug, Josef, et al.: The Gospel and World Religion (panel), 248
North American Christian Convention
draws 11,000 to Tampa (N), 1057
Northridge, William L., death of (N), 420
Northup, Robert W.
to teach at NYTS (N), 975
Not for the Indifferent (E), 657
Noteworthy Advances in the New Testament Field, by F. F. Bruce (A), 433
Novotney, John: Lutheran Olive Branches (N), 183
Nuclear energy
true role of (forum), 382
Protestant (N), 931
RC in new habits (N), 930
Oberammergau Passion Play
director quits over anti-Semitism issue (N), 187
Oberammergau Passion Play to Britain (N), 883
O’Boyle, Patrick
new cardinal (N), 975
Obstacles to Evangelism in the World, by Harold B. Kuhn (A), 82
Ockenga, Harold John: The Basic Theology of Evangelism (A), 73
Offering of Uncles, An: The Priesthood of Adam and the Shape of the World, by Robert Farrar Capon (James W. Sire) (B), 769
Ogden, Schubert M.: The Reality of God and Other Essays (William Young) (B), 459
Oglesby, Carl, and Schaull, Richard: Containment and Change (Edmund A. Opitz) (B), 917
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray
debafes historicity of Jesus Christ (N), 123
O’Hara, Geoffrey, death of (N), 583
Oke, Norman R.: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Dying Person (A), 892
Okite, O. Wilson: Arabic Baptists in America (N), 280
‘Black Power’ in Church (N), 180
Looking Back at Geneva (N), 116
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
St. Francis de Sales Seminary facilities rented as retreat center (N), 1165
Old Country Has Changed, The, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (N), 1158
Old and New in Interpretation: A Study of the Two Testaments, by James Barr (David P. Scaer) (B), 358
Old Testament
Ancient Orient and the (B), 665
books of 1966 (A), 429
and the Church (B), 272
historical survey of (B), 876
meaning of (B), 1047
uniqueness of, reviewed (B), 1003
Olford, Stephen F.: Preaching the Word (MW), 1096
Ordination and Christian Unity, by E. P. Y. Simpson (James Daane) (B), 1004
Olson, Arnold T.
approves Roman Catholic move for common Christian Bible (N), 326
on preaching mission to troops in Viet Nam (N), 583
Olson, Stanley W.
director of new Midsouth Regional Medical Center and medical professor at Vanderbilt (N), 420
O’Meara, Edward T.
replaces Fulton J. Sheen as director of Society for the Propagation of the Faith (N), 473
One Race, One Gospel, One Task (E), 216
Open Letter to Jane Ordinary, An, by Andre Bustanoby (A), 598
Opperman, Kenn W.
plans Christian center for Toronto (N), 882
Order of Canada
inscribed with Hebrews 11:16 (N), 975
Orlov, Ilia
Russian Baptist to visit U.S. (N), 733
Orsborn, Albert W. T., death of (N), 583
Osborn, Robert T.: Freedom in Modern Theology (Frederic R. Howe) (B), 1148
and today’s theology (A), 748
Meliton Hadjis elected Metropolitan of Chalcedon (N), 237
new Greek government shakes up state church (N), 881
Pope visits ecumenical Patriarch (N), 1114
religious intolerance in Greece (E), 1198
scholars plan ‘American Orthodox Bible’ (N), 836
Orthodoxy’s Shaky Citadel, by J. D. Douglas (N), 120
Orthodoxy’s Task in an Age of Theological Confusion, by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (A), 748
Ortlund, Raymond C.: What I’ve Learned in Counseling a Member Arrested by Police (A), 892
Osborn, Ronald
president-elect of International Convention of Christian Churches (N), 60
Osterhaven, M. Eugene: Are Catholic and Protestant Clergy Moving Toward Inter-Communion? (A) 1232
Other Son of Man, The: Ezekiel/Jesus, by Andrew W. Blockwood, Jr. (Larry L. Walker) (B), 968
Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Griffiths, Michael C., to succeed J. Oswald Sanders in 1969 (N), 1255
Oxford Annotated Bible, The, with the Apocrypha: Revised Standard Version, ed. by Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger (J. Harold Greenlee) (B), 317
Oxnam, Robert
students demand ouster as president of Drew University (N), 780
Paine, Stephen W.
new president. Evangelical Theological Society (N), 419
Paisley, Ian
released from Irish prison (N), 187
Pannell, William E., et al.: Is Sunday School a Lost Cause? (panel), 1071
Parables, The, by Gerald Kennedy (Donald Macleod) (B), 1148
Park Street Church of Boston
raises over $300, 000 for missions (N), 932
Parrent, Allan M.
assumes post in NCC’s Department of International Affairs (N), 885
Partridge, David: Life and Death in Ulster (N), 825
Pascoe, Peter
new pastor at Taylor University (N), 1164
Passing the Plate to Washington, by David E. Kucharsky (A), 1077
Passover Plot, The: New Light on the History of Jesus, by Hugh J. Schonfield (Henry W. Coray) (B), 269
Passover Ploy, The (N), 622
Paterson, Evangeline: A Poem for My Father (P), 313
Pattern of Christ, The, by David H. C. Read (Donald Macleod) (B), 1148
Patterson, George N.: Hong Kong: How Long? (N), 974
theology of (B), 1048
Paul Blanshard on Vatican II, by Paul Blanshard (James Leo Garrett) (B), 1102
Paul, Leslie: Alternatives to Christian Belief (Howard A. Redmond) (B), 771
Paul, Robert S.
to teach at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (N), 1255
Payne, Ernest A.
retires as general secretary of Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland (N), 1118
Payne, J. Barton: New Testament Commentaries Highlight Old Testament Publications (A), 429
Payton, Benjamin F.
new president, Benedict College (N), 885
King suggests war boycott (E), 763
Pope Paul’s ambassador to Viet Nam (N), 51
Pope Paul’s fourth encyclical (N), 49
supernatural help needed (E), 1043
Peace in Church Tax Case, War in War on Poverty, by Edward H. Pitts (N), 123
Peace, Paul, and Mary, by Edward H. Pitts (N), 49
Peace through Boycott? (E), 763
Pearl Harbor
Japanese attacker returns (N), 366
Pennington, Chester A.: With Good Reason (Frank Sargent) (B), 1105
to offer high school course in religious literature (N), 372
laws in the (B), 1260
Church lacks power (E), 708
Pentecostal Holiness Church
unites with two Wesleyan denominations in Chili (N), 1218
great gain in Brazil (N), 1113
history of (B), 517
making non-pacifism official (N), 1214
(name) in Russia (L), 304
plan Latin American university (N), 974
world conference at Rio (N), 1113
what we can learn from (A), 898
Pentecostalism, by John Thomas Nichol (John E. Dahlin) (B), 517
Bible distribution in public schools (N), 932
People’s Church of Toronto
raises $325, 000 for missions (N), 932
Perry, Albert Q.
pacifist candidate in Rhode Island (N), 780
of Christians in Turkey (L), 512
Person Reborn, The, by Paul Tournier (Frank Bateman Stanger (B), 615
Person and Counselor: Responsive Counseling in the Christian Context, by Paul E. Johnson (Gordon Stanley) (B), 819
Perspectives on 19th and 20th Century Protestant Theology, by Paul Tillich (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
and world evangelism (N), 51
Protestant split a strength (N), 1161
sermon at Pentecost analyzed (A), 152
Peter DeVries, by Roderick Jellema (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
Petersen, Robert
claims marijuana essential to religious beliefs (N), 533
Pew, J. Howard: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Pfeiffer, Charles F.: The Biblical World: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology (Francis I. Andersen) (B), 268
Presbytery questions deletion of Larger Catechism (N), 780
48% of all giving for religious purposes (N), 836
Philbrick, Richard: A Debate on God (N), 623
Philippine Catholic Zealots, by Eustaquio Ramientos, Jr. (N), 1210
bus disaster near Manila (N), 419
political parties in (N), 1210
Phillips, J. B.: Ring of Truth (Paul Rader) (B), 768
analytical-theological ethics (B), 360
Pike, Bishop James A.
and his book If This Be Heresy (N), 1156
beliefs of (N), 234
demands a trial (N), 181
does not appear for debate on Pyne’s show (N), 322
Episcopalians and (E), 1147
heresy case dropped? (N), 467
heresy trial of, considered (N), 122
putting his church on trial (E), 217
on Christian education (N), 572
on RC wealth (N), 726
on tax-free RC income (N), 829
removed from House of Bishops (N), 582
successor to, answers questions (N), 182
wife wins divorce decree (N), 1112
You and the New Morality—74 Cases (William C. Brownson) (B), 1003
Pike Demands a Trial, by Edward H. Pitts (N), 181
Pike Puts His Church on Trial (E), 217
Pike’s Replacement, by Jerome F. Politzer (N), 182
Pilgrim Holiness Church
to merge with Wesleyan Methodist Church (N), 533
Pilgrim’s Progress, The, and Traditions in Puritan Meditation, by U. Milo Kaufmann (John S. Ramsey) (B), 566
Ping, Charles J.: Meaningful Nonsense (Lawrence E. Yates) (B), 519
Pitfalls, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 1194
Pitts, Charles A.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Pitts, Edward H.: Baptists Scan U. S. Aid (N), 279
A Leash on the Tax Dollar (N), 278
Peace in Church Tax Case, War in War on Poverty (N), 123
Peace, Paul, and Mary (N), 49
Pike Demands a Trial (N), 181
Pius XII
anti-semitism and (B), 1046
North America’s preoccupation with (E), 866
Plowman, Edward E.: Billy Graham Faces Berkeley Rebels (N), 526
Ferment at Berkeley’s Baptist Seminary (N), 323
The Making of a Marxist (N), 579
Pointers from Hunters Point (N), 116
When to Pull the Plug (N), 1161
Plowman, Edward E.: Glide (N), 825
Love: Not a Four-letter Word (N), 971
Rescue Mission Stew (N), 774
Plowman, Edward E.: Tragedies for Bishop Pike (N), 1112
plans ‘Religious Liberty Center’ in Washington (N), 49
Pocket Testament League
to distribute Scriptures in Viet Nam (N), 124
Podgorny, Nikolai V.
confers with the Pope (N), 528
Poem for My Father, A, by Evangeline Paterson (P), 313
Deacon Has a Wife, The: by Elva McAllcrster (P), 434
Fool Hath Said, The, by Marie J. Post (P), 431
Margaret Avison in Canada (A), 653; (B), 665
new Canadian voice (A), 653
St. Matthew 25.42, by Henry Hutto (P), 436
Pointers from Hunters Point, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 116
Baptists print evangelistic tracts (N), 723
government plans to close six Catholic seminaries (N), 372
Poling, Daniel, et al.: Churchmen Look at Communism (A), 948
Political Spectacle of 1966, The (E), 99
and the Church (A), 743
California not to toughen anti-obscenity laws (N), 233
candidates and issues of 1966 (E), 99
church activities in elections (N), 232
church used for sectarian ends (A), 944
election afterthoughts (E), 219
NCC, the Church, and (E), 35
outcomes of issues in elections (N), 232
religious blocks and political preferences for presidential candidates (N), 60
religious issue in 1968 (N), 626
‘worst incursion of churchmen into’ (A), 1171
Politzer, Jerome F.: Pike’s Replacement (N), 182
Pollard, William G.
on the nuclear threat (forum), 382
‘scant biblical evidence to support opposition’ (N), 1119
Pop music
new way of witness? (A), 941
Pope Paul VI
calls first meeting of Synod of Bishops for September 29, 1967 (N), 418
cites discouraging obstacles to Catholic education (N), 474
confers with Soviet president (N), 528
Easter encyclical (E), 711; (N), 725
fourth encyclical (N), 49
makes Gallup’s ‘most admired’ list (N), 419
may address 1968 WCC assembly in Sweden (N), 629
no political motive in Fatima visit (N), 880
on economics (N), 725
silent on birth control (E), 219
underscores ban on jazz and experimentation in the mass (N), 419
visits Istanbul (N), 1114
Pope Who Fails to Speak, The (E), 219
growth outpaces church growth (N), 416
increase of non-Christians (forum), 380
California nudity magazines banned in Singapore (N), 285
Congress seeks ways to limit (N), 1165
conviction of San Francisco booksellers (N), 971
Shirley Temple crusades against (E), 98
Supreme Court kills obscenity convictions (N), 885
U.S. House to control (N), 1165
Pope Paul’s visit to Fatima shrine (N), 880; 929
Possibly We Can Get Together, by Reuel Lemmons (A), 1131
Post, Marie J.: The Fool Hath Said … (P), 431
Post Mortem: Confession of ‘67 (E), 915
Potter, Rockwell H., death of (N), 975
otts, J. Manning
executive director of Methodist assembly center, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (N), 326
owell, Adam Clayton
again before Congress (E), 763
controversy over (N), 627
enigma of (N), 466
in perspective (E), 1041
Keep the Faith, Baby! (William C. Brownson) (B), 965
seating in congress questioned (E), 307
sermons by, reviewed (B), 965
Powell before the House (E), 763
failure to avail ourselves of (LF), 310
function of true (B), 770
public schools and (E), 959
two-way communication (LF), 764
Prayer for a Heart’s Spring, by Joanne Rhudy Harrison (P), 745
Prayer in the Schools (E), 959
Preacher’s Temptations, A, by James H. Blackmore (Richard P. Buchman) (B), 817
Preaching—See also Homiletics
by Apostles then and now (LF), 868
expository, on Bible books (MW), 1000
involves preparation of the preacher (MW), 962
most important (A), 901
relation between p. and service (E), 957
Preaching: Hard Work, Plus, by John Schmidt (MW), 962
Preaching in Series, by Harold L. Fickett, Jr. (MW), 37
Preaching the Word, by Stephen F. Olford (MW), 1096
Preaching Through the Bible, by W. A. Criswell (MW), 262
Prentice, Sartell: The Heritage of the Cathedral (Carl H. Droppers) (B), 1150
Presbyterian Assembly Ratifies Confessional Shift, by James Montgomery Boice (N), 922
Presbyterian Journal
observes twenty-fifth anniversary (N), 885
Presbyterian Rules Retained, by Arthur H. Matthews (N), 575
distortion of the representative principle (A), 1083
Atlanta presbytery elects first woman moderator (N), 885
autonomous denomination created in Cuba (N), 533
build hospital and home for aged (N), 124
Chandler, Ralph C., secretary for international affairs, U.P. Office of Church and Society (N), 885
Church of Scotland
discussion on sex (N), 971
interchurch relations in (N), 970
church refuses to integrate South Carolina orphanage (N), 932
Confession of 1967 (L), 512
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
observers to COCU (N), 1058
financial responsibility for CDGM (N), 530
guide to beliefs (B), 815
historic Tent Church faces merger (N), 414
Johnson, Robert Pierre, first Negro general presbyter in New York City (N), 1015
jury grants property rights to two Presbyterian churches (N), 419
Kentucky presbytery urges open housing legislation (N), 932
merger in the South? (N), 122
‘new improved’ (LF), 555
Philadelphia Presbytery questions deletion of Larger Catechism (N), 780
Presbyterian Church in Canada
to discuss merger (N), 1009
women vote for the first time (N), 1009
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.
annual meeting of the General Assembly (N), 1008
ecumenism in education (N), 180
J. Hervey Ross named first medical secretary of Board of World Missions (N), 236
old rules retained (N), 575
Roberts asked to resign from Swarthmore Presbyterian Church over civil rights issue (N), 284
call to evangelize (E), 1257
schism in Cameroun (L), 757
Taiwan church votes to stay in W.C.C. (N), 1117
Texans approve first woman ministerial candidate (N), 1164
United Presbyterian Church
Confession of 1967 approved (N), 922
Confession of 1967
approved (N), 624
caution is needed (E), 402
headed toward adoption (N), 572
incorporated in ‘Book of Confessions’ (E), 915
new light on (A), 244
not true Presbyterianism (A), 1082
Pennsylvania church refuses to subscribe (N), 1063
unstable compromise (CRT), 781
discuss flexible missionary terms (N), 1063
indictment of the laymen of (L), 1241
joins Roman Catholics in producing ecumenical recording (N), 475
lawsuit on Larger Catechism? (N), 727
membership drop (N), 922
Meister, John W., executive secretary of Council
on Theological Education (N), 922
shortcomings of ‘Faith and Life’ curriculum (E), 999
Presbyterians at Ottawa, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 1009
Presbyterians United for Biblical Confession
to continue as evangelistic organization (N), 835
church attendance not to be made public (N), 577
Presidential prayer breakfast
Henry Fowler speaker at (N), 527
Christian Herald may fold (N), 1053
Church and the (A), 8
Press, evangelical
important for Christians (E), 98
Pre-Thinking Uppsala, by Harold B. Kuhn (CRT), 1221
Preus, David W.
president of Minneapolis school board (N), 1164
Price, J. Gerald
buys plane for missionary work with trading stamps (N), 533
Prince Hamlet and the Current Student Revolt, by U. Milo Kaufmann (A), 490
Progress, inevitability of
Trueblood on (A), 331
Project Equality
boycotting the business world (E), 611
Promoting an Errant Bible (E), 1043
Prophetic Preaching Today, by Henry O. Thompson (MW), 1140
Protestant Church Colleges in Canada: A History, by D. C. Masters (Leslie K. Tarr) (B), 667
Protestant Faith and Religious Liberty, by Philip Wogaman (Graham L. Hales) (B), 1152
Protestant Magazines Are Changing, by David E. Mason (A), 14
Protestant Reformation
civil magistrate and the (A), 1026
Protestant Reformers and the Civil Magistrate, The, by W. Stanford Reid (A), 1026
Gallup Poll ranks Protestant groups (N), 1115
birthday of (A), 1227
lacking in religious education (E), 867
magazines are changing (A), 14
merger discussion (N), 568
ominous future of (B), 713
pastors in Spain refuse to register churches (N), 1161
reflections on—in America (A), 1228
split in Peru may prove a strength (N), 1161
success—spoiling American? (A), 1228
Protestantism’s Birthday: The Importance of 1517, by Norman V. Hope (A), 1227
intercommunion with Roman Catholics? (A), 1232
join Roman Catholics in running Harlem counseling center (N), 124
evangelicals and (E), 309
faith after Freud (B), 170
Public relations
Ivy Lee and (B), 112
Public schools
aid to be distributed by federal government (N), 932
and the Amish (N), 530
‘Bible Literature’ course approved for Harlan, Kentucky, high school (N), 285
federal aid to, challenged (N), 322
new prayer bill proposed (N), 471
Pennsylvania to offer elective high school course in religious literature (N), 372
prayer amendment suffers setback (N), 47
prayer in (E), 959
Christian Times, new publication, Jan. 1967 (N), 364
function of the religious press (N), 775
John Knox Press
new policy adopted (N), 1009
Sunday Times in new format, Dec. 3, 1966 (N), 364
Puerto Rico
Graham’s crusade draws crowds (N), 722
Puerto Rico: Cracking the Outer Shell, by William Freeland (N), 722
Pusey, Nathan M.: Faith’s Waning Power to Enthrall (Q), 790
Putting Missionaries Out of Business (E), 1198
Action Group delivers supplies to North Viet Nam (N), 780
aid to North Vietnam blocked by U.S. Treasury Dept. (N), 533
first world conference (N), 1158
Quanbeck, Warren A. (ed.): Challenge and Response: A Protestant Perspective of the Vatican Council (Charles A. Bolton) (B), 716
Quealy, Michael J., death of (N), 1012
Race and Riots Engage United Church, by James L. Adams (N), 1054
Race relations
America in crisis (B), 221
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 835
Christian Council of Rhodesia condemns racial separation (N), 780
during the past decade (N), 58
enforced laws by government (forum), 381
new church in Macon, Georgia, formed from congregation split by race issue (N), 371
North Carolina church accepts Ghanian member (N), 188
Presbyterians refuse to integrate South Carolina orphanage (N), 932
San Francisco rioting touched off by ‘excusable homicide’ (N), 187
San Francisco riots (N), 116
Southern Baptists forbidden to mention race during South African crusade (N), 780
summer of discontent (E), 1043
Race-Track Evangelism, by Wilbert Forker (N), 674
Radio Voice of the Gospel
to reach Angola, Mozambique, and Latin America (N), 932
Rahner, Karl, S.J. (ed.): Concilium, Volume 23: The Pastoral Approach to Atheism (Frank Sargent) (B), 1105
Rainwater, Lee and Yancey, William L.,: The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy, including the full text of The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, by Daniel Patrick Moynihan (David O. Moberg) (B), 1260
Ramientos, Eustaquio, Jr.: Philippine Catholic Zealots (N), 1210
Ramm, Bernard
on trends in theology (forum), 382
Ramsey, Arthur Michael
Canadians protest his statement (N), 121
Ramsey on Political Ecumenism (Q), 1173
Ramsey, Paul
on political ecumenism (Q), 1173; (E), 1196
Ramsey, Ian T. (ed.): Christian Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy (William W. Bass) (B), 360
Ramsey vs. Canadian Press, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 121
Ranson, Charles W.
Drew University theological dean fired (N), 467
obstacle to evangelism (A), 86
Rawlings, Elden E.: Holiness Unity on Tiptoe (N), 322
Ray, Chandu: What God Has Done (A), 142
Ray, Maurice
leads meeting of French-speaking evangelicals (N), 932
NCC publication in danger (E), 760
NCC shows interest in (N), 972
Reaching the ‘Now’ Generation (E), 609
Read, David H. C.: The Pattern of Christ (Donald Macleod) (B), 1148
Read Your Way to Theological Literacy, by Robert L. Cleath (A), 1200
Reagan, Ronald
on religion (N), 527
Reality of Christianity, The: A Study of Adolf von Harnack as Historian and Theologian, by G. Wayne Glick (Robert H. Gundry) (B), 1152
Reality of God, The, and Other Essays, by Schubert M. Ogden (William Young) (B), 459
Reapsome, James W.
chaplain and religion professor at Malone College (N), 1219
Recharging the Batteries, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 396
Recovering the Apostolic Dynamic, by Fernando Vangioni (A), 149
Recovery of the Teaching Ministry, The, by J. Stanley Glen (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Red Cross
roots of, in Reformation (A), 1124
Red Guards: China’s Mini-Mao Revivalists, by Michael Browne (N), 472
Redding, David A.: The New Immorality (Milton D. Hunnex) (B), 1098
always associated with blood (LF), 660
Redemptive Fellowship, A, by D. Elton Trueblood (Q), 336
Redpath, Alan
resigns pastorate for health reasons (N), 474
Reed, Oscar F., et al.: Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume V: The Minor Prophets (Bruce K. Waltke) (B), 222
Reedy, John
cites importance of National Catholic Reporter (N), 933
Rees, Paul S.: Men of Action in the Book of Acts (C. Russell Bowers) (B), 718
Reeves, Timothy
imperial chaplain of Shriners (N), 1164
birthday of Protestantism (A), 1227
challenges of (A), 146
concept of sin (A), 539
establishment of Reformation Day (E), 1256
influence on world history (A), 1123
inner meaning of (A), 145
major source of democracy (A), 1124
one of the greatest revolutions (E), 1256
Red Cross springs from (A), 1124
reflections on (CRT), 678
theology of the English Reformers (B), 966
UN outgrowth of (A), 1124
various views of (A), 144
Reformation 1517 and 1966, by Gerhard Bergmann (A), 144
Reformed Church
Hungarian, marks 400th anniversary (N), 780
Reformed Church in America
annual meeting
in favor of merging with Southern Presbyterians (N), 1008
Reformed churches
Dutch Reformed Church of Cape Province (South Africa)
rejoins World Presbyterian Alliance (N), 186
Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification, by Cary N. Weisiger III (booklet), at 1144
Reformed Dogmatics, by Herman Hoeksema (M. Eugene Osterhaven) (B), 964
Regarding Evangelism, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 190
man’s basic need (E), 98
spiritual rebirth (LF), 455
Regeneration and Sanctification, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 455
Regional Church Plan
frames strategy for New York area Protestant churches (N), 677
Reid, Ian
new leader of Iona Community (N), 975
Reid, W. Stanford: The Flowing Ecumenical Tide (A), 643
Reid, W. Stanford: The Protestant Reformers and the Civil Magistrate (A), 1026
Reidhead, Paris W.
first international development director for LeTourneau Foundation (N), 237
Reinberger, Francis E.: How to Pray (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 770
Reinforcing the Wall Between Church and State, by Paul Woolley (A), 988
breakdown of political preferences for presidential candidates according to religious affiliation (N), 60
Gospel and world (panel), 248
in America (CRT), 934
influence declining in American life (N), 125
‘losing its influence on American life’ (N), 836
new religions in Japan (B), 818
news reporting of (A), 8
origins and ideas (B), 1005
‘outgrown need for’ (A), 1075
personal (LF), 910
relation between Christianity and other religions (B), 872
science and (B), 108
statistics on religious belief in Kazan, Soviet Union N), 1218
TV and (E), 32
under Communism (E), 760
Religion in a Modern Society, by H. J. Blackham (Howard A. Redmond) (B), 771
Religion in Contemporary Debate, by Alan Richardson (David Allan Hubbard) (B), 716
Religion in a Test-Tube (N), 474
Religion: Origins and Ideas, by Robert Brow (James I. Packer) (B), 1005
Religion’s New Entree to the City Room, by George W. Cornell (A), 8
Religious Films at Best and Worst (E), 762
Religious Heritage of America
names Blake Churchman of the Year (N), 780
Religious Issue, The—1968 (N), 626
Religious liberty
Protestant faith and (B), 1152
Spain and (E), 308
Vatican II and (B), 1102
Religious Liberty: An End and a Beginning, ed. by John Courtney Murray, S.J. (James Leo Garrett) (B), 1102
Religious Newswriters Association
Cassels, Louis, wins Supple Award (N), 1118
Religious Pathology and Christian Faith, by James E. Loder (Orville S. Walters) (B), 460
Religious Public Relations Council
Taylor, Winston H., new president (N), 836
Religious press
circulation of (A), 18
opportunities of (A), 14
Religious thinkers, death of great
during the past decade (N), 59
Remember the Reformation! (E), 1256
Rennie, Ian S.: The Changing Church (A), 640
Church and (A), 747
Rescue Mission Stew, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 774
Restless Church, The: A Response to ‘The Comfortable Pew’, ed. by William Kilbourn (lan S. Rennie) (B), 42
Restless Quest of Modern Man, The, by William Graham Cole (David A. Redding) (B), 619
Restoration Movement
Christian Churches and (L), 758
denied by liberal theology (A), 588
key to mystery of Jesus (A), 587
stressed by Paul (A), 587
theological implications of (A), 590
Resurrection in New Zealand, by E. M. Blaiklock (N), 674
Revelation and Reason, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 163
Revelation of God
part played by Althaus, Barth, and Brunner (CRT), 374
God’s, in various ways (LF), 163
Reviewing the Restoration at Abilene, by Marquita Moss (N), 628
Reviewing Revelation, by G. C. Berkouwer (CRT), 374
RSV—See Revised Standard Version
Revised Standard Version
modified version for Catholics (B), 44
Reviving a Medieval Mentality (E), 1198
University Christian Movement and ideas of (B), 917
Revolution in Morality, The (E), 560
Rideout, George M.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Reynolds, E. R., Jr.: Islam’s Zealous Spin-off (N), 280
Reynolds, J. Berkley
A ‘spiritual Bigamist’ (N), 467
Canada: Evangelical Pallor (N), 721
Canada Maps Divorce Reform (N), 728
Canada: Missions Upsurge (N), 777
Canadian Council Revamps (N), 321
Canadian Merger: Rocky Voyage (N), 880
Degree Mill to Orphan Mill (N), 278
Expo 67: Dual Approach (N), 369
Merger Bug Biting Baptists? (N), 1112
Presbyterians at Ottawa (N), 1009
Ramsey vs. Canadian Press (N), 121
Rocky Courtship in Canada (N), 230
The Heresy of Ernest Harrison (N), 628
The Medium is the Expo (N), 773
Ray Lentsch imprisoned for distributing tracts (N), 187
Charles Blakney fined for ‘anti-police’ sermon (N), 326
Christian churches refuse to participate in independence celebration (N), 186
Christian Council condemns racial separation (N), 780
expels missionary B. Neill Richards (N), 835
regime prohibits missionaries (N), 1250
Richards, B. Neill
expelled from Southern Rhodesia (N), 835
Richardson, Alan: Religion in Contemporary Debate (David Allan Hubbard) (B), 716
Richardson, John R.: Christian Economics: Studies in the Christian Message to the Market Place (Irving Howard) (B), 458 420
Rieff, Philip: The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud (Orville S. Walters) (B), 170
Right to Bear Arms, The, by Carl Bakal (David O. Moberg) (B), 110
Ring of Truth, by J. B. Phillips (Paul Rader) (B), 768
Ringer, Benjamin B., et al.: To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church (Edwin M. Yamauchi) (B), 1206
Riseling, Richard L.
director of international affairs, ABC Division of Christian Social Concern (N), 933
Rising Tide of Violence, The (E), 1092
Rival Churchmen in Viet Nam (N), 1012
Roberts, C. A.
to head evangelism dept, at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (N), 780
Roberts, D. Evor
asked to resign from Swarthmore Presbyterian Church because of civil rights issue (N), 284; 366
church sends him on sabbatical (N), 1165
Roberts, Oral
advocates a ‘heavenly vision’ (N), 627
installed as president of Oral Roberts University (N), 778
Roberts, Thomas
accused of heresy (N), 675
Roberts, W. Dayton: The ‘Why’ Generation (N), 227
Robinson, Brooks
quoted on sin (N), 237
Robinson, William Childs: Affirmations of the Atonement in Current Theology, Part One (A), 545
Affirmations of the Atonement in Current Theology, part two (A), 594
Rochester, N. Y.
Kodak disturbance (A), 1028
Rockwell, George Lincoln, death of (E), 1198
Rocky Courtship in Canada, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 230
Roger, Over, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 764
Roman Catholicism
abortion and (N), 1252
and open-housing in Milwaukee (N), 1250
anti-Semitism in (B), 1046
archbishop accused of heresy (N), 675
autonomy of Catholic colleges urged (N), 1116
Baum, William W., to head Kansas City diocese (N), 885
bishop robbed and strangled in Mexico (N), 733
burial rights refused to daughter of former priest (N),
Canadian bishops not to oppose new laws on divorce (N), 777
Cardinal Spellman’s resignation rejected (N), 125
Catholic editor asks support from conservative Protestants (N), 677
Catholic University
dispute at (N), 826
censorship in (A), 979
changes in administration (N), 1215
changes in mixed-marriage rules termed ‘superficial’ by Irish Anglican bishops (N), 372
changes in the church (N), 281
Charles Davis leaves church (E), 401; (N), 415
Church and state in (B), 272
convert rate drops (N), 930
defection from … ‘a very big sin,’ (E), 510
discuss the nature of faith with Methodist delegation (N), 371
dispute over Wilmington, Delaware, diocesan newspaper (N), 1063
during the past decade (N), 58
Emile Cardinal Leger quoted on priestly celibacy (N), 476
fate of reformers (A), 979
Fatima’s fiftieth anniversary (N), 672
finds areas of agreement with American Baptists (N), 780
four American bishops to attend Synod of Bishops in Rome (N), 932
Franz Cardinal Koenig denies Masonic ties (N), 780
freedom is beginning (A), 980
glossolalia at Notre Dame (N), 880
Gommar DePauw protests subordination to Cardinal Shehan (N), 371
Graymoor Friars co-publishers with NCC of prayer leaflet for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (N), 419
Hans Küng comments on celibacy rule (N), 1117
in majority in Vietnamese constitutional assembly (N), 60
intellectual ferment in (A), 979
intercommunion with Protestants? (A), 1232
Jansenists (A), 980, 982
Jesuit priest Anthony A. Stephenson defects (N), 467
join Protestants in running Harlem counseling center (N), 124
join United Presbyterians in producing ecumenical recording (N), 475
launch voluntary campaign for non-discrimination in Chicago (N), 419
lay control of RC colleges (N), 467
liberals disappointed in synod agenda (N), 777
loosens grip on Spanish society (N), 327
National Catholic Reporter, birth control ‘scoop’ (N), 829
National Council of Catholic Men suggests tax on church business income (N), 932
new catechism published in the Netherlands (N), 184
New Catholic Encyclopedia reviewed (B), 916
Notre Dame study reveals that 53% of American Catholic wives use contraceptives (N), 327
nuns—legal battle because of religious habits (N), 116
O’Meara replaces Fulton J. Sheen as director of Society for the Propagation of the Faith (N), 473
Paisley: ‘no change’ (N), 825
papal primacy advocated by Episcopal bishop (N), 972
Pike on tax-free income (N), 829
plan hospital in North Viet Nam (N), 975
Polish government threatens to close six seminaries (N), 372
Pope reaffirms policy of celibacy (N), 1052
Pope Paul visits ecumenical Patriarch (N), 1114
Pope Paul VI
calls first meeting of Synod of Bishops for September 29,1967 (N), 418
cites discouraging obstacles to Catholic education (N), 474
confers with Soviet president (N), 528
silent on birth control (E), 219
underscores ban on jazz and experiments in the mass (N), 419
visits ecumenical Patriarch (N), 1114
priest looks at out-dated church (B), 1047
private school funds face battle (N), 884
rebel sect in Canada charged with neglect of communally raised children (N), 533
religious intolerance in Spain (E), 1198
religious liberty in Spain (N), 671
Sapinière, La (A), 980
secret international society (A), 980
seek unity with Old Catholics in the Netherlands (N), 371
seminary in Oklahoma City rented as retreat center (N), 1165
Sodalitium Pianum (A), 979
soon to be largest group in Australia (N), 125
Soviet president plans visit to Pope Paul (N), 418
Spanish abbot asked to resign for opposing government oppression (N), 420
students expelled from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary for experimenting with mass (N), 285
subsidized by U.S. government (B), 272
Sudan allows missionaries (N), 1250
surprising facts enumerated (N), 580
and talks on mixed marriages (N), 465
teacher-priest marries (N), 1164
three new American cardinals named (N), 975
the nuns’ new habit (N), 930
Vatican studying new Dutch catechism (N), 327
Whitney Young appeals for encyclical against racism (N), 1218
Yzermans, Vincent A., new editor of Our Sunday Visitor (N), 1015
Roman Catholics in a Changing Mood (N), 281
Roman Catholics: Would You Believe … (N), 580
Romney, George
and the religious issue (N), 626
Rooks, C. Shelby
executive director. Fund for Theological Education (N), 975
Rose, Bill: Dedicating a $16 Million Campus (N), 778
Rose, Stephen C.: The Grass Roots Church: A Manifesto for Protestant Renewal (William Edmund Bouslough) (B), 457
Rosenberg, Leon, death of (N), 975
Ross, J. Hervey
first medical secretary of Presbyterian U.S. Board of World Missions (N), 236
Rudnick, Milton L.: Fundamentalism and the Missouri Synod (Robert Preus) (B), 918
Rudolph, L. C.: Francis Asbury (Frederick A. Norwood) (B), 406
Ruler, Arnold A., van: The Christian Church and the Old Testament (Ronald Youngblood) (B), 272
religious situation in (N), 178
Runia, Klaas
The Third Day He Rose Again … (A), 587
When Is Separation a Christian Duty? (part one) (A), 939; part two (A), 982
Rush Hour of the Gods, The: A Study of New Religious Movements in Japan, by H. Neill McFarland (Gordon K. Chapman) (B), 818
Russell, David S.
new general secretary of Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland (N), 1118
Russell, Letty M.: Christian Education in Mission (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Russell, Samuel D., death of (N), 476
Baptist women jailed for holding religion classes (N), 327
oral criticism of government religion policies now punishable by prison (N), 327
Russia—See Soviet Union
discussion of (A), 1232
Schillebeeckx on the (A), 1232
St. Matthew 25:42, by Henry Hutto (P), 436
Salama, Hannu
Midsummer Dances confiscated for ‘deliberate blasphemy’ (N), 126
Salaries for Clergymen (E), 454
Salvation Army
Wiseman, Clarence D., national commander for Canada and Bermuda (N), 1015
Sampson, Francis L.
new chief of Army chaplains (N), 1164
Christian life cannot be separated from (B), 1149
Nelson, Emil, national evangelism consultant (N), 1063
San Antonio, Texas
pastor crippled by gunshot from youth gang battle (N), 326
San Francisco
death rate from cirrhosis of liver (N), 125
race riots (N), 116
shooting ruled ‘excusable homicide’ (N), 187
process of growth (L), 455
Sanctification—See booklet at page 1144
Sarna, Nahum M.: Understanding Genesis (Edward J. Young) (B), 314
Sasse, Hermann: Sin and Forgiveness in the Modern World (A), 539
Savage, Thomas J., death of (N), 237
Savio, Mario
Catholic turns Marxist (N), 579
Saviour and the Scriptures, The, by Robert P. Lightner (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
ayre, Francis B., Jr.
hospitalized in Thailand with tuberculosis (N), 187
Scaer, David P., and Ward, Wayne E.: The Conflict Over Baptism (A), 688
Scales, James Ralph
new president of Wake Forest College (N), 885
Scharpff, Paulus: History of Evangelism (Mark W. Lee) (B), 668
Schaull, Richard, and Oglesby, Carl: Containment and Change (Edmund A. Opitz) (B), 917
Schillebeeckx, Edward
on the sacraments (A), 1232
definition of term (A), 940
Schmidt, John: Preaching: Hard Work, Plus (MW), 962
Schmidt, William J.: An Unreasonable Fat Simile (P), 497
Semantic (P), 486
to teach at NYTS (N), 975
Schneider, Johannes: The Authority for Evangelism (A), 68
Schneider, Johannes: The Distortion of New Testament Concepts in Modern Theology (A), 1236
Schomer, Howard
to become executive director of NCC Specialized Ministries Department (N), 284
Schonfield, Hugh J.
controversial plot theory of (N), 622
The Passover Plot: New Light on the History of Jesus (Henry W. Coray) (B), 269
Schonherr, Albrecht
heads ecclesiastical affairs in East Berlin for Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg (N), 474
Schwaighofer, Hans
resigns as director of Oberammergau Passion Play (N), 187
Schwartz, Edward
new president of National Student Association (N), 1218
advance in three areas (forum), 380
dominance during the past decade (N), 58
religion and (B), 108
Scientific Exploitation of Nature (E), 404
Scientific Research Society
awards William Proctor Prize to Elmer W. Engstrom (N), 474
Scofield Reference Bible
comparison between old and new (E), 711
Scots on Sex, by J. D. Douglas (N), 971
Neville Davidson to retire next spring as minister of Glasgow Cathedral (N), 284
Scott, Nathan A.: Ernest Hemingway (Paul M. Bechtel) (B), 614
Scripture Union
commemorates its centennial (N), 1061
faith irt the integrity of (A), 199
God’s infallible word (A), 201
joy of memorizing (A), 204
Scroggs, Robin: The Last Adam: A Study in Pauline Anthropology (James P. Martin) (B), 1048
Second Great Awakening
referred to (A), 1229
Secular Christianity, by Ronald Gregor Smith (John A. Mackay) (B), 713
Secular City Debate, The, ed. by Daniel Callahan (Don DeYoung) (B), 405
Secular Man?, by James W. Didier (A), 1075
Canada and (CRT), 1016
paganism a result of (forum), 383
Secularization of Modern Culture, The, by Bernard Eugene Meland (John C. Howell) (B), 315
Security Council Censures Israel (E), 267
Seever, Harold W., death of (N), 126
Selassie, Emperor Haile
addresses U.S. Senate and House prayer-breakfast groups (N), 629
Semantic, by William J. Schmidt (P), 486
Seminaries Down Under, by Craig Skinner (N), 624
Senate Turns Back Prayer Amendment (N), 47
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 834
Christian duty? (A), 983
definition of term (A), 940
letters in favor of (L), 1087
medical and surgical methods of (A), 983
right time for (A), 984
when should there be? (A), 939
Setting Men Free, by Bruce Larson (Vance H. Webster) (B), 1259
Seventh-day Adventists
first member in Congress (N), 277
less lung cancer in (N), 180
may merge two California schools (N), 776
Severinghaus, Elmer L.
elected president of United Church of Christ’s Board for World Ministries (N), 326
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 835
controversy in Great Britain (E), 162
relations cause for emotional breakdown (N), 829
Sex and the Single-minded Church (E), 162
Shadows of Armageddon (E), 1043
Shall We Overcome?, by Howard O. Jones (Frank E. Gaebelein) (B), 43
Shea, George Beverly
teams with Lane Adams for crusade in Ontario (N), 285
Shehan, Lawrence Cardinal
to attend Synod of Bishops in Rome (N), 932
Shelley, Bruce: Evangelicalism in America (Ronald H. Nash) (B), 1002
Shepherd, Jonas
marries aerialists at Ontario fair (N), 125
Sheridan, Dorothy
to be tried for the death of her daughter (N), 836
Sherlock, Hugh
first president of independent Methodist Conference in the Carribbean and Central America (N), 1063
Shideler, Emerson: Believing and Knowing (Charles C. Ryrie) (B), 520
Shipley, L. Earle
joins fund-raising firm in New York (N), 1015
Shippey, Frederick
appointed acting dean of Drew University’s theological school (N), 780
Shoemaker, Helen Smith: I Stand by the Door: The Life of Sam Shoemaker (Peter C. Moore) (B), 1203
Shoemaker, Sam
review of biography (B), 1203
Short History of Christian Doctrine, A, by Bernhard Lohse (J. A. O. Preus) (B), 717
Should Charity Begin at Rome? (E), 711
Reeves, Timothy, appointed imperial chaplain (N), 1164
Shriver, Sargent
accompanies Billy Graham on tour of North Carolina poverty programs (N), 933
Head Start program and (N), 670
Shuman, Harry Milton, death of (N), 677
Sidelights on the World Congress on Evangelism (N), 283
Sighting the Final Third of the Twentieth Century (forum), 379
Silence or a Shrunken Evangel? (E), 814
Simpson, E. P. Y.
leaves Berkeley Baptist Divinity School to teach in native New Zealand (N), 373
Ordination and Christian Unity (James Daane) (B), 1004
and forgiveness (A), 539
Robinson, Brooks, quoted on (N), 237
Sin and Forgiveness in the Modern World, by Hermann Sasse (A), 539
bans distribution of California nudity magazines (N), 285
Methodists request autonomy (N), 474
Singewald, Martin L.: New Religious Approaches to the Campus (A), 483
Singing Nun, The
returns to lay life as Jeanine Deckers (N), 187
Sinning by Defection (E), 510
Situation ethics
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 835
Situational ethics.—See also New morality
Sizing Up the Students, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 1064
Skinner, Craig: Fed Up with Liberals (N), 1013
Seminaries Down Under (N), 624
Skinner, Robert M., death of (N), 733
Skinner, Tom
crusade in Washington (N), 53
Slater, Robert L.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Smart, James D.: The Divided Mind of Modern Theology (Carl F. H. Henry) (B), 768
Smith, Earnest A.
to head Methodist religion and race department (N), 188
Smith, Eugene L.: Defense of WCC on Church and Society (A), 853
Smith, McGregor, Jr.: Easter Dirge (P), 589
Smith, Ronald Gregor: Secular Christianity (John A. Mackay) (B), 713
Snyder, John W.: Why Not a Christian College on a University Campus? (A), 494
Social action
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 834
Des Moines Council of Churches plans urban-renewal project (N), 476
through evangelism (N), 970
Social concern
and the Church (panel), 683
Social issues (N), 834
Social Pressures and Church Policy, by Paul R. Hoover (A), 1028
Social Security
mandatory for ministers? (N), 729
WCC and (A), 855
Society for Religion in Higher Education
to publish new quarterly. Colloquy (N), 1165
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
study of religious behavior and institutions (N), 474
Soderquist, Ronald
to teach at NYTS (N), 975
‘somehow, Let’s Get Together’ (E), 912
Soucek, Josef
dean of Comenius Theological Faculty, Prague (N), 187
Sound of Muzak, The, by Eutychus II (L), 20
Soup with a Fork?, by Jan J. van Capelleveen (N), 364
Sour Grapes in California, by Russell Chandler (N), 1108
South Africa
apartheid costly (court cases) (N), 1012
Burnett new secretary of Christian Council of (N), 284
denies plans to restrict Roman Catholic immigration (N), 837
deports Clarence E. Crowther (N), 1063
Dmitri Tsafendas ruled insane in murder of Verwoerd (N), 187
Dutch Reformed Church of the Cape Province rejoins World Presbyterian Alliance (N), 186
government to tighten visa and residence regulations (N), 419
NCC opposes loan to (E), 453
Netherlands Reformed Church
Christian Institute members ousted (N), 971
Southern Baptist revival crusade planned for September, 1967 (N), 327
Southern Baptists plan crusade in (N), 780
thirty Southern Baptist pastors to participate in crusade (N), 1218
U.S. Baptists cancel preaching tour (E), 814
Soviet Churches Survive in Historic Heartland (N), 115
Soviet Union
Baptists observe 100th anniversary (N), 1110
Baptists urge peace (N), 729
children’s book of Bible stories published (N), 780
Jewish persecutions (N), 1110
Pentecostals in (name) (L), 304
President Podgorny to visit Pope Paul (N), 418
religious situation in (N), 115
statistics on religious belief in Kazan (N), 1218
Sovik, Arne B.
chosen executive secretary of the Board of World Mission of the Lutheran Church in America (N), 582
Space program
Cape Kennedy tragedy (E), 509; (N), 525
abbot asked to resign for opposing government oppression (N), 420
Baptist churches open in Vail de Uxo and Madrid (N), 285
Evangelical Defense Committee criticizes religious-freedom law (N), 1118
Protestants not happy about new religious liberty law (N), 928
Protestants refuse to register churches (N), 1161
religious intolerance (E), 1198
religious liberty in (N), 671
widens rights of non-Catholics (N), 327
Spain and Religious Liberty (E), 308
Spain, Rufus B.: At Ease in Zion: Social History of Southern Baptists, 1865–1900 (Samuel Southard) (B), 1049
Spare a Hallowed Landmark?, by B. J. Caton (N), 414
Spaugh, R. Gordon
president of International Moravian Synod (N), 1118
Speck, Richard
ruled mentally fit to stand trial (N), 187
Spellman, Francis Cardinal
resignation not accepted by Pope (N), 125
Viet Nam mission (N), 413
Spike, Robert W.
death of (N), 57,185, 188
Minor charged with murder of (N), 326
Spirit of Pentecost, The (E), 708
‘spiritual Bigamist’, A, by J. Berkley Reynolds (N), 467
Spotlight on Alcoholism (E), 162
quoted on ‘truth or treason’ (Q), 1084
Spurgeon, C. H.: Truth or Treason? (Q), 1084
Spurrier, Steve
demands high salary (N), 417
Stackhouse, Reginald
Assault on Belief (CRT), 734
Character in the Classroom (CRT), 421
Will Canada Be Secularized? (CRT), 1016
Stagg, Paul L.: The Converted Church: From Escape to Engagement (Harold Lindsell) (B), 920
Stair, Fred R., Jr.
new president of Union Theological Seminary (Virginia) (N), 933
Dürer’s ‘praying hands’ appear on Canadian Christmas stamp (N), 60
Post Office plans to repeat 1966 Christmas design (N), 974
Starkey, Lycurgus M., Jr.: James Bond’s World of Values (Clyde S. Kilby) (B), 564
Statures, by Elva McAllaster (P), 990
Steacy, Newton C.: What I’ve Learned in Counseling an Unwed Mother (A), 894
Steadfast or Wavering, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 94
Christian grace (LF), 94
Stephenson, Anthony A.
Jesuit priest defects from Roman Catholicism (N), 467
Still a Great Land (E), 657
Still Adolescent?, by Harold B. Kuhn (CRT), 630
Stine, Donald M.
to teach at Maryville College, Tennessee (N), 975
Stony Brook Girls’ School
staff resigns over board policy (N), 975
Straight Talk About Teaching in Today’s Church, by Locke W. Bowman, Jr. (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Strempke, Vernon L.
joins faculty of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (N), 677
Stringfellow, William: Dissenter in a Great Society: A Christian View of America in Crisis (Charles E. Hummel) (B), 221
Strommen, Merton
refutes Glock-Stark prejudice theory (N), 1117
Strong, Philip N. W.
elected primate of Church of England in Australia (N), 60
requests admission of Anglicans to Australian merger talks (N), 372
Student Christian Movement
in Britain
seeks talks with ‘conservative evangelicals’ (N), 236
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
turns anti-Semitic in literature and pronouncements (N), 1165
Studies in Christian Existentialism, by John Macquarrie (Jerry H. Gill) (B), 461
Stumpf, K. L.
leads drive against drug addiction in Hong Kong (N), 284
Subtle Pressures Mounting on Cuban Churches, by J. D. Douglas (N), 362
allows R C missionaries (N), 1250
last days for missionaries (B), 822
Sudan Interior Mission
‘very much alive’ (L), 512
Summer of Racial Discontent (E), 1043
Sunday School
a lost cause? (panel) (A), 1071
Sunday schools
major congress planned (N), 186
Sunday Times
bought by Union Gospel Press (N), 974
final issue of (N), 924
Supernaturalized Citizens, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 706
criticism of (B), 1099
Supreme Court
kills three obscenity convictions (N), 885
refuses to hear case on church taxes (N), 123
Surging Wave of the Future, The (E), 96
Survey of Christian Ethics, A, by Edward LeRoy Long, Jr. (Jesse DeBoer) (B), 1048
studies of religious attitudes, family life, death rates (N), 125
Sutherland, Wilber: New Evangelistic Frontiers (A), 651
Suzuki, Masahisa
elected moderator of United Church of Christ in Japan (N), 237
moves to U.S.A. (E), 814
search for faith (N), 824
Svetlana’s Search for Faith (N), 824
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church sends minister on sabbatical (N), 1165
Aim elected president of Swedish Missions Council (N), 533
Baptist weekly raps Judson College (N), 975
New church in Vall de Uxo is 54th member (N), 285
Hultgren to retire as primate of national Lutheran Church (N), 237
Ruben Josefson chosen Lutheran Archbishop (N), 933
meeting of French-speaking evangelicals (N), 932
Sykes, Norman
on the Reformation (A), 1228
Synagogue Council
spokesmen testify on behalf of federal fair-housing law (N), 1218
Presbyterian Church stays in W.C.C. (N), 1117
Taft, Adon
Football: Faith and $400, 000 (N), 417
The Gospel in a Social Context (N), 969
Under New Management (N), 578
Taggart, Patrick
evangelical turns Marxist (N), 579
Tamil Church, India
Diel named bishop (N), 533
large increase in Lutheran baptisms (N), 1255
Mushendwa, Elisa, secretary for political education (N), 1164
Tao-ming, Wei
denies that Pope Paul urged a U. N. seat for Red China (N), 327
churches facing? (N), 1249
Taylor, Clyde W., et al.: The Gospel and World Religion (panel), 248
Taylor, Herbert J.: Listen, Clergymen! (A), 293
Taylor, Winston H.
new president of Religious Public Relations Council (N), 836
Teacher Strikes, The (E), 1257
Teen Challenge
centers now operating in twelve cities (N), 1165
‘fairness doctrine’ tested (N), 1250
new proposals for programming (E), 32
religion on (E), 32
religious programming (E), 1246
Temple, Shirley
crusader against p*rnography (E), 98
Templeton, Charles
withdraws from Canadian political race (N), 284
evolution law stays (N), 825
repeals ban on the teaching of evolution (N), 932
Tenney, Merrill C.: The Glorious Destiny of the Believer (booklet), at 309
Tensions in Jewry, by Dwight L. Baker (N), 883
Tensions in the Seminaries, by Harold Lindsell (A), 789
Tenth Anniversary Comments from Religion Editors (L), 25
Terry, Roy M.
Protestant chaplain at Air Force Academy (N), 1164
quoted on the martyrs (A), 195
TeSelle, Sallie Mcfa*gue. Literature and the Christian Life (Calvin D. Linton) (B), 457
to edit Colloquy (N), 1165
dispute over teaching nuns resolved (N), 733
Texas Tilt: Nuns in School, by Marquita Box (N), 116
World Fellowship of Buddhists meet to discuss world peace (N), 327
how not to give thanks (E), 218
That the World May Know (E), 160
Thebeau, Duane H.: Are We Burying the Gospel at the Grave? (A), 591
Then and Now, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 868
Theologian’s Verdict on His Church, A (E), 401
Theological Climate in Canada, The, by T. W. Harpur (A), 646
Theological Education in Trouble (E), 610
Theological Ethics, Volume I: Foundations, by Helmut Thielicke (Ellis W. Hollon) (B), 516
Theological Grinches Who Steal Christmas, The (E), 306
Theological seminaries
answers to ‘Tensions’ (L), 955
Asbury Theological Seminary
Traina, Robert A., new dean (N), 1015
Baptist Theological Seminary, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
Yandall C. Woodfin III joins faculty (N), 284
Berkeley Baptist Divinity School
ferment at (N), 323
Hoiland serves as interim president (N), 582
President Arnoot resigns (N), 467
California merger? (N), 1052
Central Baptist Seminary
Hannen, Robert, joins staff (N), 1015
Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Fred E. Young, new dean (N), 885
Christian Theological Seminary (Indianapolis)
Martin Niemöller to teach there in 1969 (N), 1014
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
John Pairman Brown dismissed (N), 779
Colgate-Rochester Divinity School
linked with University of Rochester (N), 1116
Comenius Theological Faculty (Prague)
Josef Soucek, dean (N), 187
Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary
Ralph L. Keiper to teach pastoral theology and evangelism (N), 582
Costello, John M., to teach practical theology (N), 836
Crane Theological School
to close in 1968 (N), 1063
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
President Thomas B. McDormand to retire (N), 188
Evangelical Covenant Church
North Park Seminary to be more representative (N), 1113
few graduate level courses in Japanese seminaries (N), 372
Graduate Theological Union
Wagoner, Walter D., new associate dean (N), 975
Hartford Seminary Foundation
LeRoy Moore, Jr., joins faculty (N), 1014
Hungarian Baptist Seminary has fourteen students (N), 187
International Baptist Seminary, Buenos Aires
A. J. Glaze new president (N), 732
large number of students in psychotherapy (N), 836
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg
Hoffman, Bengt Runo, professor of ethics and ecumenics (N), 1255
New York Theological Seminary
new staff appointments (N), 975
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
D. George Vanderlip youngest dean ever appointed (N), 284
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Vernon L. Strempke joins faculty (N), 677
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
hires Ford Lewis Battles, and Robert S. Paul (N), 1255
to offer cooperative graduate religion program with University of Pittsburgh (N), 236
seminary enrollment (A), 792
St. Charles Borromeo
students expelled for experimenting with mass (N), 285
San Francisco Theological Seminary
Arnold B. Come new president (N), 533
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
to award master of divinity as basic degree (N), 533
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
C. A. Roberts to head evangelism department (N), 780
students ask broadening of conscientious objector eligibility (N), 837
students suffer from a non-faith syndrome (E), 812
tensions in (A), 789
tomorrow’s (B), 820
Union Theological Seminary (N.Y.)
C. Eric Lincoln appointed professor (N), 732
Hans Küng to teach there in 1968 (N), 1014
Reginald H. Fuller assumes New Testament professorship (N), 420
Union Theological Seminary (Virginia)
Stair, Fred R., Jr., new president (N), 933
United Theological College in West Indies dedicated (N), 881
University of Chicago Divinity School
Williams, Colin W., to direct Doctor of Ministry program (N), 885
Wesley Theological Seminary
Knight, John L., succeeds Norman L. Trott as president (N), 836
Woodstock College
to affiliate with Yale University (N), 1116
Theological Tendency of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis in Acts, The, by Eldon Jay Epp (Clark H. Pinnock) (B), 714
affirmations of the atonement in (A), 545
atonement in current (A), 594
authority of Scripture key issue today (B), 768
Barth-Bultmann split (B), 768
books of 1966 (A), 427
Bultmannism—in confusion (B), 356
Christian ethics in (E), 560
Christian life (B), 1100
death-of-God controversy (CRT), 286
distortion of New Testament concepts in modern (A), 1236
education in (E), 610
ethics—analytical philosophy (B), 360
evangelical and RC scholars getting closer (forum), 382
fact and faith in modern (A), 847
freedom in modern (B), 1148
historical and contemporary viewpoints compared (B), 770
historicity of Jesus (B), 356
in a new man-centered era (B), 872
interpretation of Scripture (CRT), 1264
misuse of Bonhoeffer’s (N), 415
new contemporary (B), 220
‘new,’ welcomed by communists (E), 354
of evangelism needed (A), 1020
of pleasure (E), 866
Old Testament
books of 1966 (A), 429
orthodoxy and (N), 748
possible directions for the God-is-dead movement (forum), 381
reading for literacy in (A), 1200
Revelation of God, discussion of (CRT), 374
spirit of confusion among secular theologians? (A), 298
substitutes for Christian faith (B), 771
Thielicke on Christian ethics (B), 516
Uppsala study booklet quoted (E), 814
Vidler’s lectures at Strasbourg (CRT), 886
waning tumult of Death-of-God (A), 856
Theology for Christian Education, A, by Nels F. S. Ferré (Edward L. Hayes) (B), 1002
Theology of Martin Luther, The, by Paul Althaus (Ralph R. Bohlmann) (B), 874
Theology of the English Reformers, by Philip Edgcumbe Hughes (Clair Davis) (B), 966
Theology, practical
American culture and (B), 1151
Darwinism and (A), 843
These Modern Neroes, by J. D. Douglas (N), 675
They Are Taking My Church Away From Me, by Harold H. Lytle (A), 1082
Thielemann, Bruce
new president of PUBC (N), 836
Thielicke, Helmut: Theological Ethics, Volume 1: Foundations (Ellis W. Hollon) (B), 516
Third Day He Rose Again …, The, by Klaas Runia (A), 587
Thirty Years After: Haile Selassie in Berlin (N), 118
This Day
wins EPA’s ‘Periodical of the Year’ award (N), 932
Thomas, M. A.
‘conversion not work of missions’ (E), 1198
Thomas, M. M.
in America from India (N), 116
Thomas, Robert J.
martyr corporteur in Korea (A), 156
Thompson, Henry O.: Prophetic Preaching Today (MW), 1140
to teach at NYTS (N), 975
Thomson, John F.
evangelical pioneer preacher in Argentina (N), 1011
Thornton, J. C.
resigns from Anglican ministry because of doubt of God (N), 836
Threat of Pleasure, The (E), 866
Three Hours with the Bible, by Robert L. Cleath (N), 55
Three Philosophies of Education, by Henry J. Boettcher (John W. Snyder) (B), 1103
Three Popes and the Jews, by Pinchas E. Lapide (Jakob Jocz) (B), 1046
Three Years Later (E), 161
‘Tight Money’ Crimps Church Construction (N), 368
Tillich, Paul
Perspectives on 19th and 20th Century Protestant Theology (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
theology of discussed in review (B), 964
Tiller, Carl
recommends study of intercommunion for all denominations (N), 677
Tiplady, Thomas, death of (N), 476
Tippett, Donald H.
president of Methodist Council of Bishops (N), 780
To a Skeptic, by Caroline E. McElveen (P), 590
To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church, by Charles Y. dock, Benjamin B. Ringer, and Earl R. Babbie (Edwin M. Yamauchi) (B), 1206
Today’s English Version of the New Testament, ed. by Robert G. Bratcher (J. Harold Greenlee) (B), 317
Tolerance and Truth, by William S. Banowsky (A), 1132
Tomlinson, Homer A.
crowned ‘King of All the Nations of Men’ (N), 126
Tookman, Lillian
public-relations director for Armenian Church of North America (N), 1219
Top Clergy Clash on Viet Nam, by James L. Adams (N), 829
Toplessness’ in New York City (N), 467
obstacle to evangelism (A), 83
Tournier, Paul: The Person Reborn (Frank Bateman Stanger) (B), 615
Toward a Christian Understanding of the hom*osexual, by H. Kimball Jones (Frank C. Peters) (B), 617
Tower of Babel, The
Russian book of Bible stories (N), 780
Toynbee, Arnold J.
and the atomic crisis (B), 356
Change and Habit: The Challenge of Our Time (Clifford M. Drury) (B), 356
Toyotome, Masumi: Let’s Escape Our Fortress Mentality (A), 1183
Tragedies for Bishop Pike, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 1112
Traina, Robert A.
new dean, Asbury Theological Seminary (N), 1015
Treasures of Darkness: After Catastrophe, by Elva McAllaster (P), 1032
Tribute to Samuel M. Zwemer (E), 659
Tribute to a Stalwart (E), 454
Triumph of the Therapeutic, The: Uses of Faith after Freud, by Philip Rieff (Orville S. Walters) (B), 170
Trott, Norman L.
retires as president of Wesley Theological Seminary (N), 836
Trouble with Humanism, The, by Gordon H. Clark (A), 794
Trueblood, D. Elton
excerpts from ‘A Redemptive Fellowship’ (Q), 336
Ideas that Shape the American Mind (interview), 331
The Incendiary Fellowship (llion T. Jones) (B), 518
interview with, on present ideas (A), 331
on the movement to the secular (forum), 383
A Redemptive Fellowship (Q), 336
Trueblood, D. Elton, et al.: Churchmen Look at Communism (A), 948
tolerance and (A), 1132
Truth or Treason?, by C. H. Spurgeon (Q), 1084
Tsafendas, Dimitri
ruled insane in murder of Verwoerd (N), 187
Tuller, Edwin
on preaching mission to troops in Viet Nam (N), 583
American preachers jailed (N), 366
Orthodox patriarch may have to leave (N), 120
persecution of Christians (L), 512
Pope Paul visits Istanbul (N), 1114
religious emphasis in (N), 279
Turkey: Resurgence of Militant Muslims (N), 279
Turnbull, John W.
named associate director of Washington office of NCC (N), 732
Turnbull, Ralph G. (ed.): If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach (Haddon W. Robinson) (B), 405
Turner, Stuart G.
charged with taking bribes from Maryland prison inmates (N), 326
Turner, Wallace: The Mormon Establishment (Harold Lindsell) (B), 359
Twentieth-Century Evangelism, by Harold B. Kuhn (CRT), 61
Twenty Promising New Volumes (list), 439
Two Kingdoms, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 350
Tydings, Eleanor Davies
marries Lowell Ditzen (N), 373
Under New Management, by Adon Taft (N), 578
Understanding Genesis, by Nahum M. Sarna (Edward J. Young) (B), 314
Uneasy Pause in the Big Merger (N), 878
Unfolding Destiny, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 1044
Unfurl the Missionary Flag (E), 1145
Unger, Merrill F.: Unger’s Bible Handbook (Merrill C. Tenney) (B), 407
Unger’s Bible Handbook, by Merrill F. Unger (Merrill C. Tenney) (B), 407
Unitarian Universalist Association
plans ties with other religious liberals (N), 882
survey of beliefs (N), 780
United Church of Canada
advocates divorce (E), 560
to publish ecumenical magazine in 1967 (N), 124
union with Anglicans discussed (N), 1211
United Church of Christ
‘black power’ watchdog formed (N), 180
opens office for international development (N), 370
race issue dominates synod meeting (N), 1054
‘restructure’ needed (N), 122
Severinghaus elected president of Board for World Ministries (N), 326
sponsors radio monitoring campaign (N), 1063
Viet Nam statement (N), 1054
United Church Women
changes name to Church Women United and adds a Catholic (N), 1118
United Nations
condemns religious and racial intolerance in members (N), 186
outgrowth of Reformation (A), 1124
Security Council censures Israel (E), 267
United States of America
churchmen watch bills in Congress (N), 185
facing a year of critical decisions (E), 400
religious affiliation of the 90th Congress (N), 276
U.S. Agency for International Development
donates mission hospital wing in India (N), 1165
U. S. Aid for Segregation?, by Ken Gaydos (N), 626
U.S. Catholic Conference
spokesmen testify on behalf of federal fair-housing law (N), 1218
survey of beliefs (N), 780
process of ‘Christification’ (B), 270
University Christian Movement
ideas about revolution (B), 917
motive magazine to be official organ (N), 60
Unreasonable Fat Simile, An, by William J. Schmidt (P), 497
Unrest in Milwaukee (E), 1257
Unstable Compromise, An, by Addison H. Leitch (CRT), 781
Upper Room Citation
awarded to Bishop Reuben H. Mueller (N), 373
Upper Room, The
Weldon, Wilson A., new editor (N), 836
radical shift for Protestantism? (E), 864
Urban Coalition
meeting in Washington (N), 1217
Urban Church Breakthrough, by Richard E. Moore and Duane L. Day (William Edmund Bouslough) (B), 457
Urban Mutiny: Churchmen Weigh Causes and Effects (N), 1107
Urgency and Relevancy of Evangelism, The, by Ishaya Audu (A), 137
Using the State for Sectarian Ends, by Clair Davis (A), 944
Utopia: The Perennial Heresy, by Thomas Molnar (John Wesley Raley) (B), 1262
Vahanian, Gabriel: No Other God (David Allan Hubbard) (B), 615
Valiant for the Truth: A Treasury of Evangelical Writings, ed. by David Otis Fuller (John H. Gerstner) (B), 965
Van Buren, Paul
discussion of his writings (A), 298
wins fellowships at Oxford University (N), 1118
Van Dusen, Henry P.: Dag Hammarskjöld: The Statesman and His Faith (Sherwood E. Wirt) (B), 664
Vanderlip, D. George
youngest dean ever appointed at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (N), 284
Vangioni, Fernando: Recovering the Apostolic Dynamic (A), 149
Vanier, Georges Philias, death of (N), 677
Vastine, William H.
rural coordinator for OEO in Pennsylvania (N), 1164
ecumenical revolution at (B), 1259
Vatican Council II
atheism and (B), 1105
freedom, poverty, and war at (B), 109
Protestant perspective of (B), 716
religious liberty and (B), 1102
Vatican Council II: Volume I: The First Session, by Antoine Wenger (Bruce Shelley) (B), 1259
Verney, Nancy Reynolds
gives $1 million to Wake Forest College (N), 836
Very Personal, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 910
Vidler at Strasbourg, by John Warwick Montgomery (CRT), 886
Viet Nam
American Friends Service Committee opens children’s day care center in Quang Nai (N), 285
Betty Mitchell to return to mission station (N), 975
Blake calls U.S. policy ‘danger to human survival’ (N), 837
Catholic hospital planned for North Viet Nam (N), 975
chaplain casualties (N), 1012
Church of the Brethren laments war (N), 1055
clergy protest at White House (E), 509; (N), 528
converts baptized in military life raft (N), 474
demonstration against war by clergymen (N, 471
Docherty and Elson clash on issue (N), 829
failing our soldiers in? (E), 1094
‘godless constitution’ protested (N), 774
Graham in (N), 412
moral dilemma (E), 403
New Testament published in Koho dialect (N), 1014
peace feelers (N), 576
Pocket Testament League to distribute Scriptures (N), 124
Quaker Action Group delivers supplies to Haiphong (N), 780
religious breakdown of constitutional assembly (N), 60
relief agencies at work in (N), 720
rival churchmen visit (N), 1012
Southern Baptist editor advocates a pull out of (N), 1217
Spellman in (N), 413
United Church of Christ statement (N), 1054
World Vision to build ‘missionary embassy’ (N), 1014
Viet Nam: A Moral Decision (E), 403
Vietnam: Peace and Rumors of Peace (N), 576
Villaume, William J.
resigns as president of Waterloo (Ontario) Lutheran University (N), 1015
Vindications: Essays on the Historical Basis of Christianity, ed. by Anthony Hanson (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
urban unrest (N), 1107
widespread in American cities (E), 1092
Vision of Conquest, A (E), 509
Vision of Paul Tillich, The, by Carl J. Armbruster, S.J. (Gordon H. Clark) (B), 964
visits by Graham, lakavos, and Spellman (N), 367
Wagner, John E.: Feedback from a Churchman (A), 296
Wagoner, Walter D.
associate dean, Graduate Theological Union (N), 975
Wailes, George Handy, death of (N), 1219
Walberg, Clarence
sentenced for illegal fund-raising (N), 733
Waldensian Church
plagued by floods (E), 308
Aberfan children given communal funeral (N), 235
Walnut Street Church, Louisville
W. Wayne Dehoney new pastor (N), 473
Waning Death-of-God Tumult, The, by Thomas J. J. Altizer and John Warwick Montgomery (A), 856
Waning Surpluses Curb Church Relief (N), 418
Anglican evangelicals and (N), 834
definition of a just (E), 404
War and peace
hope for peace possible (forum), 380
War and Peace in Viet Nam (E), 509
War on Crime, The, (E), 709
War on Poverty
disputes over (N), 123
War Sweeps the Bible Lands (E), 956
Ward, Ronald A.
resigns British pastorate to take church in New Brunswick (N), 533
Ward, Wayne E., and Scaer, David P.: The Conflict Over Baptism (A), 688
Warren, Charles L.
first Negro to head Greater Washington Council of Churches (N), 885
Washington, D. C.
church lobbying (A), 849
Negro to head Greater Washington Council of Churches (N), 885
W.C.C.: Dull in the Sunlight, by J. D. Douglas (N), 1209
WCC—See World Council of Churches
Action for Food Production program aids India (N), 1255
annual welfare budget is $13.3 million (N), 1255
Nissiotis, N. A., first Orthodox associate general secretary (N), 1255
as a weapon? (N), 1248
We Are Sick (E), 1258
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
NCC and Graymoor Friars publish prayer leaflet (N), 419
Weekday Bible Classes: A Way to Reach Women, by Margaret Johnston Hess (A), 206
Weisiger, Cary N., III: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification (booklet), at 1144
Weldon, Wilson O.
new editor of The Upper Room (N), 836
Weltner, Charles
withdraws as candidate for Congress (E), 99
Weng, Armin G., death of (N), 1254
Wenger, Antoine: Vatican Council II: Volume I: The First Session (Bruce Shelley)
Wenger, John C.: God’s Word Written: Essays on the Nature of Biblical Revelation, Inspiration, and Authority (R. Laird Harris) (B), 713
Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi, and Wigoder, Geoffrey (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion (Jakob Jocz) (B), 406
Wesselmann, Robert G.
former Catholic chancellor, marries divorcee Frances H. Burton (N), 419
West Africa
to hold Congress on Evangelism (N), 732
West Indies
Harrison crusade in (N), 674
United Theological College dedicated (N), 881
West Indies: Ecumenical Seminary, by Billy Hall (N), 881
Western Behavioral Sciences Institute
to develop experiential worship services (N), 1255
What Bishop Pike Believes (N), 234
What God Has Done, by Chandu Ray (A), 142
What Hope for Religion on TV? (E), 32
What Is ‘Pop’ Music Really Saying?, by Charles W. Keysor (A), 312
What I’ve Learned in Counseling
Bereaved Person, by Herschel H. Hobbs (A), 893
Dying Person, by Norman R. Oke (A), 892
hom*osexual, by Lars I. Granberg (A), 892
Member Arrested by Police, by Raymond C. Ortlund (A), 892
Parents of a Retarded Child, by Robert J. Lamont (A), 891
Pastor Who Has Lost His Church, by George Morrel (A), 894
Person Facing Serious Surgery, by George Davis (A), 891
Prospective Bride and Groom, by Don De Young (A), 893
Terminally III Person, by Ira Gallaway (A), 894
Unhappy Marriage Partner, by Roger Mills (A), 891
Unwed Mother, by Newton C. Steacy (A), 894
What of Religion under Communism? (E), 760
What the Pope Says About Economics (N), 725
What We Can Learn from the Pentecostal Churches, by J. S. Murray (A), 898
What’s the Sense of Work?, by Carl F. H. Henry, Jean Austin, Leo Eddleman, Sherwood Wirt (panel), 1125
When Is Separation a Christian Duty? (part one), by Klaas Runia (A), 939; part two, 982
When to Pull the Plug, by Edward E. Plowman (N), 1161
Where Are the Seminaries Going? (E), 812
Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?, by Martin Luther King, Jr. (C. Ralston Smith) (B), 1263
Where the Action Is (E), 98
Whetting the Appetite for Papal Primacy (N), 972
Which Way for Greece?, by J. D. Douglas (N), 1208
White, Edward, death of (N), 525
White, M. Jackson
The Dangerous Christ (A), 243
How to Light up a Sermon (MW), 870
Whither the Church?, by J. W. Hyde (LF), 555
Who Are the Evangelicals? (E), 958
Who Says the New Testament Is Anti-Semitic?, by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (A), 548
Who Speaks for the Church? (E), 914
‘Why’ Generation, The, by W. Dayton Roberts (N), 227
Why Hurry a New Confession? (E), 402
Why Not a Christian College on a University Campus?, by John W. Snyder (A), 494
Why the Berlin Congress?, by Billy Graham (A), 131
Widener, Alice
discussion of her critique of WCC (A), 853
The Gospel of Revolution (Q), 499
Wife Charts a Sermon, by Jerry W. Hopkins (A), 902
Wightman, Joseph
new president of Erskine College (N), 933
Wigoder, Geoffrey, and Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion (Jakob Jocz) (B), 406
Wikgren, Allan, et al. (ed.): The Greek New Testament (Everett F. Harrison) (B), 357
Wilburn, Ralph G.: The Historical Shape of Faith (John Frederick Jansen) (B), 561
Wilder Smith, A. E.: Darwinism and Contemporary Thought (A), 843
Wilder Smith, A. E.: Herkunft and Zukunft des Menschen: Ein kritischer Überblick der dem Darwinismus und Christentum zugrunde liegenden naturwissenschaftlichen und geistlichen Prinzipien (Edwin Y. Monsma) (B), 462
Wilken, Robert L.
named to Fordham faculty (N), 413
Will American Baptists De-escalate or Advance Evangelism? (E), 710
Will Canada Be Secularized?, by Reginald Stackhouse (CRT), 1016
Will Protestant Church Schools Become a Third Force?, by Henry A. Muchanan and Bob W. Brown (A), 787
Will Roman Catholics Join the NCC? (N), 464
Will the NCC Discover Evangelism? (E), 352
Will Uppsala Trigger a Radical Shift for Protestantism? (E), 864
Willful Blackout, A, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 310
Williams, Colin
his book criticized (E), 160
to direct Doctor of Ministry program at University of Chicago Divinity School (N), 885
Williams, G. Mennon
considers entering Episcopal priesthood (N), 419
Williamson, Henry, death of (N), 420
Willoughby, William, et al.: Christians at Mass Media Frontiers (panel), 1176
Wilson, Art
re-elected president of Baptist Bible Fellowship International (N), 126
Wilson, Douglas J.: The Church Grows in Canada (Donald C. Masters) (B), 666
Wilson, Harold
interrupted in church service (N), 116
Wilson, Robert L.
predicts growth in new congregations (N), 1117
Wilson, Woodrow
Bullitt and Freud on (N), 320
Winds of Change … Puffs of Freedom? (E), 980
Winter, Gibson: Elements for a Social Ethic (George I. Mavrodes) (B), 966
Wirt, Sherwood, et al.: What’s the Sense of Work? (panel), 1125
approves public housing for parochial schools (N), 780
true w. is from God (LF), 960
Wisdom from Above, by L. Nelson Bell (LF), 960
Wiseman, Clarence D.
national commander, Salvation Army, for Canada and Bermuda (N), 1015
With Good Reason, by Chester A. Pennington (Frank Sargent) (B), 1105
Wizzards That Peep and Mutter, by Paul Bauer (Andre Bustanoby) (B), 1099
Wogaman, Philip: Protestant Faith and Religious Liberty (Graham L. Hales) (B), 1152
Wolf, C. Umhau
to direct new Lutheran Institute for Religious Studies in Austin, Texas (N), 284
in the Church (B), 715
Women in the World of Religion, by Elsie Thomas Culver (Margaret Johnston Hess) (B), 715
Woodburn, Robert
on NCC as a pressure group (E), 453
Woodfin, Yandall C., III
joins faculty of Baptist Theological Seminary, Rüschlikon, Switzerland (N), 284
Woodrum, Lon: Amos Goes to Washington (A), 607
The Dead and the Undying (A), 597
Woolley, Paul: Reinforcing the Wall Between Church and State (A), 988
Word about Advertisem*nts, A (E), 509
World Congress on Evangelism—See October 28 issue
central evangelical concerns (E), 266
confusion of ‘evangelism’ (A), 132
delegates from many nations (N), 119
drama shows shrinking influence of Christianity (N), 227
footnotes to (L), 256
Haile Selassie to attend (N), 118
layman’s message to the (A), 294
major breakthrough for evangelicals (N), 226
panel position papers (A), 68–103
papers presented—See Nov. 11, 1966 issue
preparations for (N), 50
program (A), 67
reasons for (A), 131
sidelights on (N), 283
statement adopted (E), 216
‘watershed in the history of evangelism’ (E), 34
World Congress, The: Springboard for Evangelical Renewal (N), 226
World Council of Churches
adds to membership (N), 1210
analysis of 1966 Conference on Church and Society (A), 499
avoids religious liberty issue in Crete (E), 1198
Central Committee meeting on Crete (N), 1208
defense of … on church and society (A), 853
Pope Paul may address 1967 assembly in Sweden (N), 629
pre-thinking Uppsala (CRT), 1221
socialism and (A), 855
socio-economic considerations dominate plans for 1968 assembly (E), 864
World Day of Prayer
NAE offers Bible materials for (N), 419
World Fellowship of Buddhists
meet to discuss world peace and the prohibition of political involvement (N), 327
World Student Christian Federation
plans conference in Finland in 1968 (N), 1063
World Vision
De Jong, Spencer, to direct Indonesian orphanages (N), 1219
sponsors international art talent contest among orphans (N), 885
Worldwide Evangelism-in-Depth
calls for consultation of evangelists (N), 1247
Worship in Israel: A Cultic History of the Old Testament, by Hans-Joachim Kraus (Edward J. Young) (B), 314
Wright, Bishop John
to attend Synod of Bishops in Rome (N), 932
Wycliffe Bible Translators
moving to Dallas in 1968 (N), 973
Yadin, Yigael
discovers Solomon’s gate at Gezer (N), 927
Year of Mixed Blessings in Church History and Theology, A, by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (A), 427
You and the New Morality—74 Cases, by James A. Pike (William C. Brownson) (B), 1003
You Don’t Have to Have It!, by Thomas B. McDormand (A), 693
Young, Ford E.
new dorm, Central Baptist Theological Seminary (N), 835
Young Life Campaign
Bob Mitchell new field director (N), 236
Young, Whitney M., Jr.
appeals for encyclical against racism (N), 1218
Your Bible, by Louis Cassels (John H. Kromminga) (B), 873
Your Pastor’s Problems: A Guide for Ministers and Laymen, by William E. Hulme (Lars I. Granberg) (B), 315
how to minister to (E), 609
spirit of defiance (E), 307
runs survey of personalities liked and disliked by teen-agers (N), 373
Graham in (N), 1109
Yzermans, Vincent A.
new editor of Our Sunday Visitor (N), 1015
Zen-Buddhism (E), 1144
Zhidkov, Jakov, death of (N), 237
Zimmermann, Wolf-Dieter (ed.): I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Reminiscences of His Friends (Geoffrey W. Bromiley) (B), 517
Zwemer, Samuel M.
tribute to (E), 659